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NFL 2008

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Be, you do realize why Kiffin was getting rid of the DC there, right? His father, Monte Kiffin, regarded as the best DC in the world, was going to come over and take over the position. There is no chance that Monte wouldn't get everything and more out of that defense that Ryan was going to get and he certainly would've brought a big respect card for future free agents (so much so that they might not have to overpay so much).
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My main problem with Al Davis was that he moved his team when he really didn't need too.

Than he moved them BACK to the SAME CITY and the fans accepted it with open arms. If Art Modell tried that with the ravens & Cleveland they would have burned the stadium down on opening day. I know he did a lot for the game, but needless moving and than moving back puts him very low on my non-existent list of owner's. I just hate when teams move when really, they don't need too.

That and I just don't like the Raiders.

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I can see where you're coming from, Hajj, but my main problem with Al Davis that he's nuts.

John Gruden pretty much said the reason he left the Raiders when he did is because of a lack of respect for the team - the players knew that if they didn't agree with something he wanted them to do, they could just go over his head to Davis. The Raiders coaching job is more or less a figurehead position. I can't respect any owner who doesn't just let his coaches coach. (I'm a Cowboys fan, but can't stand Jerry Jones) The problem is that Al Davis is also too old school, and that doesn't fly anymore.

The Raiders will be better this upcoming season, but do I see them going to the Super Bowl any time soon? No.

The only NFL team I think will definitely be worse this season than they were last is the Bears, unfortunately. (Unfortunately, because they're my second favorite NFC team, and third overall - Cowboys, Titans, then Bears; I only care about the Colts as long as Peyton Manning is their QB) I think that either their owner or GM (Or both) has gone insane or they traded GMs with the Lions and haven't told anyone yet. The Packers *may* be worse, but that's due to Favre retiring, not any moves the team has made.

*edit* To clarify I mean the Packers may be worse next season, not worse than the Bears next season.

Edited by GhostMachine
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Julius Jones has signed with the Seahawks. So they now have Shaun Alexander, T.J. Duckett, Julius Jones and Maurice Morris at running back? I can't see them drafting running back now.

What confuses me about Jones' decision is that he didn't re-sign with the Cowboys because he wanted a bigger role somewhere else. Does he really think he's going to get that in Seattle? Unless the rumours are true and Alexander's going to be released. Jones also visited with Detroit & Tennessee and had interest from Philly and Chicago. Chicago would have been the best fit if he wants to be a featured back, I think.

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Everyone keep talking about how Chicago needs an extra back, but I (and a lot of people) think that with a re-tooled O-Line, Benson, Peterson, and Wolfe can have plenty of success. Peterson has always been a very solid back and special teams guy, Benson has shown that when he can get to the next level, something he couldn't do last year due to getting hit in the backfield from missed blocks, he can lower the shoulder and get yards, and Wolfe is the scat back. They aren't Tomlinson, Johnson, or the other Adrian Peterson, but I think they are fully capable of running just fine this year if we draft someone for the line in round one.

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I was more saying that out of the teams that had shown interest in Jones, Chicago would be the best fit because the others have a clear #1 back. I know offensive line help would make Benson a better back but out of the current situations in those teams, I'd have suggested Chicago was the better fit.

And the Bears did show some interest so it shows you they're not totally convinced that their current running back trio are who they want to go with.

Edited by alldawson
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I actually probably do see us drafting a 2nd or 3rd round back, mainly as to have options. Ruskell, Holmgreen, and a lot of the fans were not to pleased with the lack of a running game we had last year, and they called for a big change. We have a new O-Line coach, a new RB coach, Wahle, and now two RBs. Ruskell wants to have a lot of options by the time training camp comes, and then see how things go from there before making any cuts, though I could see him releasing either Shaun or Mo. I would rather they keep Mo since he's a little less expensive to keep around, and we could have a semi 2-back system.

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With 4 backs already, I don't think that the Seahawks will draft another. Whether or not Alexander gets cut, you're still going to have Duckett, Jones, and Morris.

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Ruskell has stated that he wants to have a pile of backs going into training camp. Duckett, Jones, and Alexander aren't great at avoiding injuries, and after last season, we would rather have options instead of hoping for the best from the backs we have. Besides, the only issues we have to address in the draft are Kicker and Tight End, so I don't see why we wouldn't pick one up in the 2nd or 3rd.

Edited by Calling Doctor Jones
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Julius Jones has signed with the Seahawks. So they now have Shaun Alexander, T.J. Duckett, Julius Jones and Maurice Morris at running back? I can't see them drafting running back now.

What confuses me about Jones' decision is that he didn't re-sign with the Cowboys because he wanted a bigger role somewhere else. Does he really think he's going to get that in Seattle? Unless the rumours are true and Alexander's going to be released. Jones also visited with Detroit & Tennessee and had interest from Philly and Chicago. Chicago would have been the best fit if he wants to be a featured back, I think.

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Well John Clayton reported that they'll only keep Alexander until they find a replacement. They now have 2.

Plus that is waaaaay too much money to have tied up in one position.

Not to mention that Jones wanted to go somewhere where'd he get to be the feature back.

So unless someone wants to trade for him, he'll be cut. You don't have to have inside sources or work in the Seahawks front office to see it coming.

I'd be shocked if Alexander is on the team come September.

Edited by Evil Chase K
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I think Jones screwed up by signing with Seattle. As a Cowboys fan, I'm not too thrilled he's gone, but I guess it lends credence to the rumor they're going to try and trade up for McFadden. Like Dawson said, he'd be a better fit in Chicago. Even if the Seahawks do cut or trade Alexander, they have Duckett and Morris, and I can see Duckett getting the starting job over Jones or Duckett and Jones plattooning.

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Plus that is waaaaay too much money to have tied up in one position.

Reportedly they have the salary cap room to keep all four backs and as the Seahawks fan said earlier, their only other real needs are TE and K which shouldn't take up too much money. I do agree with you though, I think they will cut Alexander, whether it's in a few days or during the pre-season.

I think Jones screwed up by signing with Seattle. As a Cowboys fan, I'm not too thrilled he's gone, but I guess it lends credence to the rumor they're going to try and trade up for McFadden. Like Dawson said, he'd be a better fit in Chicago. Even if the Seahawks do cut or trade Alexander, they have Duckett and Morris, and I can see Duckett getting the starting job over Jones or Duckett and Jones plattooning.

Jones wasn't going to be re-signed regardless of our draft plans. Marion Barber is the clear starter and Jones wanted out to get more carries elsewhere. With Thompson gone as well it looks more likely that we will sign someone like Warrick Dunn and use one of our first round picks on someone like Felix Jones. We can't afford to give up our two first round picks for a top 10 pick to get McFadden simply because we haven't got a lot of cap room as it is (and Jones doesn't want to pay top 10 money) and because with two first rounders we can get two solid players to help us out at WR, CB or RB which are our most pressing needs.

And no way does Duckett get the starting job over Julius. If Alexander is cut, then I think the all-rounder Jones will be the starter with the power guy Duckett and the speed guy Morris pitching in now and then with some carries.

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Reportedly they have the salary cap room to keep all four backs and as the Seahawks fan said earlier, their only other real needs are TE and K which shouldn't take up too much money. I do agree with you though, I think they will cut Alexander, whether it's in a few days or during the pre-season.
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I can already tell you what will happen with the Hawks, they'll go 10-6, 11-5 because of the shitty division their in, people will think they have a shot at the SuperBowl, and once they play a decent team in the playoffs, unless its the Cowboys who seem to enjoy shooting themselves in the foot, they'll lose. Same shit, different day.

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I can already tell you what will happen with the Hawks, they'll go 10-6, 11-5 because of the shitty division their in, people will think they have a shot at the SuperBowl, and once they play a decent team in the playoffs, unless its the Cowboys who seem to enjoy shooting themselves in the foot, they'll lose. Same shit, different day.
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