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NFL 2008

Cactus Drags

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Warner fumble at the end wasn't tuck rule, Steelers player stripped it. the snow job was tuck rule because no Raider came into contact with it, as I understand it.

Great game, exciting finish like last year, that kind of quality is going to do wonders for the sport over here - we had so many requests for Madden at work today it was ridiculous. I dislike the notion of 2-4 England games and even the mere suggestion that there could be an English franchise in future, however.

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The logistics of a team playing home games in England just isn't an idea that is feasible enough to believe.

EDIT: Or something. What a horribly written sentence.

They way they tried to explain it before would be something like... each American team would visit England before their bye week, and the English team would tour America playing all their away games in one run, or split the away games into 2 runs, laying half at the start of the season, and half at the end.

It would be a nightmare to sort out, because the schedule of every team would be dependant on sorting out the English team - but in theory it could work.

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The only way an English team would work if they're expanding to other markets outside of the country, otherwise Chase is right with the divisions and all.

Though, that didn't stop them when they introduced the likes of the Panthers and placed them in the NFC West.

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The NFL can't go with strictly regional rivalries, because there are too many rivalries that are traditional. Philly would be pretty far down a list of traditional Steeler rivals, as would, say, San Francisco for Oakland, Houston for Dallas, Miami for Tampa Bay.

The idea of a NFL franchise is a pipe dream. The logistics would be a nightmare, and, though I'm sure the English fans would love it, and it'd get better support than the NFL-Europe teams, until they get a team in Los Angeles (which is coming, from all indications. Chargers, Rams, someone. I'd prefer the Rams.), it ain't happening.

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It's one of the names I keep hearing. The names I keep hearing are Rams, Chargers, Raiders, Saints, Vikings, 49ers, and Jaguars. I'd prefer either the Rams, because I wouldn't feel out of place accepting them as my second team, or the Chargers, since I'd get to see the Raiders once a year without having to go to Oakland. I don't really want the Raiders here because I always felt they should be in Oakland, its just a weird quirk I have.

I know they're real close to building a stadium out here, and once they do, the guy who's building the stadium (who's name escapes me, but he was involved in the building of Staples Center, owns a ton of real estate, and is going to build the stadium with his own money), is going to buy a team. I know the Rams are for sale, and that Chip Rosenbloom, the son of the original owner, wants to get them back to Los Angeles, but can't afford to keep them because of the tax ramifications of Georgia Frontiere (sp?) dying.

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Rams are the best choice as they've been there before. The Raiders shouldn't leave Oakland as thats an incredibly passionate and fun fanbase. The 49ers definately shouldn't leave San Fransico as there is way too much history out there and the only reason they're even being considered for a move is because the city doesn't want to pony up for a new stadium. I think the idea of Oakland and San Fran sharing a stadium isn't that bad.

Chargers are doing well, I really don't see them moving. It'd be a shame if the Saints left. Vikings would be incredibily weird and I really don't see that happening as I know they're trying to build outdoor stadiums for both the Twins and the Vikings. Jags would be fine as Florida has two other teams, and the coast switch really wouldn't be that big as they're in the AFC South anyways.

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The idea of a NFL franchise is a pipe dream. The logistics would be a nightmare, and, though I'm sure the English fans would love it, and it'd get better support than the NFL-Europe teams, until they get a team in Los Angeles (which is coming, from all indications. Chargers, Rams, someone. I'd prefer the Rams.), it ain't happening.

No, actually, it's not a popular idea at all. Why should Harrison have been ejected, did I miss something?

Also, to whoever posted the Brady vid, the ball there came out as a result of a hit. I'd still call it a fumble because the tuck rule thing is utter bullshit, but I'm going by what I've heard officials say. Warner definitely had the ball knocked out of his hand, the Steelers player stripped it, he didn't jar it loose by bumping his arm or anything.

Also, anyone referring to the city as sixburgh is a complete and utter twat and can burn in hell. I thought KSK posting those t-shirt designs were kidding, fuck me.

Edited by Major Dragsy
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He threw a punch. Thats supposed to be an automatic ejection. I don't care either way, its not ballet.

The reason for the Chargers to move would be the same reason for any of the California teams to move, the need for a new stadium. Throw in the fact that they were originally the Los Angeles Chargers, they're making new advertising deals here, and the fact that they actually want TWO teams to move here, and it makes sense.

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So the NFL is trying to create better regional rivalry games, yet Philly and Pittsburgh are in different conferences. :shifty:

People here in Philly despise the Giants, Cowboys, and Skins more than the Steelers. Well, before, last night anyway, because they did what the Eagles sure as Hell can't do.

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No to an English team and no to 3 or 4+ games a season over here. There's massive demand for the Wembley game each season because there's enough of a following to go to see the one game that we get. I just have a feeling if we get more games or even a team the interest would just fizzle out. The one game per season thing is special, it's exciting to see who will be playing in it each year and it's just a great occasion as a one-off game. Leave it be.

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