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NFL 2008

Cactus Drags

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I don't care about his record, I still want the Cowboys to hire Gruden...or Shanahan...or anyone besides Wade Phillips.

The Cowboys fired their defensive coordinator today. One of the rumors floating around is that Jones is hoping Garret takes a head coaching job somewhere so he can ask Phillips to move to defensive coordinator rather then firing him and then bring in Shanahan. I guess the same could apply for Gruden now that he is available.

shannahan will never coach the Cowboys .... reference: bill parcells

Except for the fact that by all accounts has a great relationship with Jerry Jones and loves Tony Romo.

Edited by sahyder1
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I've got to believe if Garrett is going to the Rams, Phillips days are numbered. Jerry says the coaches are in place, but if Garrett leaves that means the Offensive, Defensive and Special Teams coordinators are all gone, doesn't exactly sound like a staff thats in place.

And how is Bill Parcells a reference as to why Mike Shanahan won't coach the Cowboys?

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but why couldn't Dungy do it with "his guys" ?

He suffered from shrinking testicles in the postseason. Dungy was a bad playoff coach bar the one year he actually won it all. Gruden hasn't managed to do anything with his own guys either.

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By that argument though Gruden's guys went to the Super Bowl with Callahan.

And what has Callahan done since then?

Exactly :shifty:

Crazy enough but he got an interview for the Jets job this off season. I think he's been their offensive line coach after a failed stint in college.

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Shannahan is a "control" guy much like Parcells. He wants the "GM" role as well as the HC position. Shannahan has to be able to put things/people in place the way he wants them, just like Parcells.

We all know how JJ feels about that. (and I don't know of a coach that has been employed by Jones that has had a good relationship with him on the job)

I really didn't think the reference was that hard to figure out.

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Well Bill Parcells had a spectacular record when he was in control. Shanahan was only really successful when Elway was around. I have a feeling Shanahan loves winning a bit more than he likes being in control, and the Cowboys are alot further along than most other teams he could inherit this or next season.

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he's been after those results for what 15 years now ? he hasn't changed one bit sine dealing with Jimmy Johnson and he's not going to. Jones HAS to be the one in control, FACT.


Shanny going to Little D means colossal ego clashes halfway through the first season. Dude has won ONE playoff game in the last decade, but I guess that IS an improvement in Dallas right? :shifty:

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Shanahan has no business demanding a GM role, as his record as one isn't very good. He's not going to find a better situation if he wants to win another Super Bowl. He's not going to sign with a team he needs to build, or even one thats a work in progress, he's going to do what he did when he signed with the Broncos, and go to a team thats just a few steps away from a title.

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You know what, when you can have a discussion without coming off like a prick, then I'll be happy to talk to you. Because you are quite capable of making good points and having good arguements, but it takes 20 posts of you acting like a condescending douche to get to it.

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He gave Parcells control and he built the team up. He had Phillips to push around and the team has just choked. Too get a respected coach he will have to give them more then what he had to concede to Phillips. This team hasn't won a playoff game in over a decade. The damn Cardinals have 3 playoff wins....including one in Dallas in the meantime. New stadium...plus ridiculous PSLs means the team does need to deliver. The fan base will completely turn on Romo if something doesn't happen in the next year or two. I doubt the players have any respect for Phillips going into next year given the weak vote of confidence Jones gave him and how they've pretty much tried pushed the "coach of the future" in Garret out the door.

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Gruden will never coach Dallas unless its the only job he can get and he's desperate for money or doesn't want to coach in college. He said the reason he left the Raiders for the Bucs is because the players knew that if they didn't want to do something he told them to do, they could right over his head to Al Davis. The Cowboys' head coaching job is just a step above coaching the Raiders as far as power is concerned.

Shanahan, maybe. Gruden, no.

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and you're claiming that's Dallas ? I laugh at that implication

Look at the talent that Dallas has and it's pretty obvious why they were pre-season Super Bowl favourites. It's really just a case of getting it all working together, perhaps with a fresh coaching staff to do it. Oh, and a decent back-up quarterback if our starter goes down injured in the middle of the season would help, maybe a third string TE who can pick up his block on a punt and some more tackling practice for Ken Hamlin.

As for Jerry Jones saying the coaching staff was already in place, it's clearly not seeing as he's gone on to get rid of the special teams and defensive co-ordinators and there's rumours he won't try and make a counter-offer for Garrett if the Rams do pick him as their head coach. If possible I think the best thing to do would bump Phillips down to defensive co-ordinator, or get rid of him entirely and bring in someone like Shanahan, who as Sahyder said has a good relationship with Jones and is a big fan of Tony Romo. It's not the most far fetched idea in the world and even if it's not a long term solution it could bring us closer to post-season success (or hell, getting into the post-season) with a team that should be able to achieve it in the shape it's in right now.

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AD's right, Dallas is still a heavily talented team, but the whole thing reeks of "house of cards." They are one Terrell Owens bitch-fit away from 6-10 next season, no matter who comes in to coach. Their secondary still isn't inspiring, with the possible exception of Terence Newman. DeMarcus Ware needs more pass-rush support, and if I was Barber, Felix Jones, or Choice, I'd be ready to run for the door if Shanahan comes to town...Mr. "Oh, you only had 43 yards this week? Eat bench" himself. Last year had to be karma biting him in the ass for all the goofy RB decisions he's made over the years. You wanna bench every guy who doesn't break 100? Fine, here, they'll all get injured. And Shanny would bring me back to the original point: he likes to run, which in most cases does not equal T.O. getting the ball. Which means he'll blow up the whole place.

Talent or not, I still say good luck with that whole Super Bowl thing. At this rate, the Bucs will get a playoff win faster than the Cowboys will.

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You know what, when you can have a discussion without coming off like a prick, then I'll be happy to talk to you. Because you are quite capable of making good points and having good arguements, but it takes 20 posts of you acting like a condescending douche to get to it.

Odd how you fit that statement just as well as I do.

AD, J have touched on the points already.

Yes, I do laugh at the implication that Dallas is a team that is a step away from the Super Bowl. Their coaching staff is a train wreck at best at the moment. Phillips is a joke, Garret was exposed, and depending on the decisions Jones makes with that from now until the summer the number of patches to be sewen into the quilt to hold it together. The Cowboys aren't even built one way or another. They're just a bunch of guys thrown out there. Outside of RB there is absolutely zero depth at practically every position. Witten/Bennett are a great 1/2 TE combination but when that's the best part of your line you've got major issues. The thin line hops on over to defense as well. Your most consistant linebacker was an on the verge of retirement concussion case. The secondary can't stay on the field long enough for even the superstar to be more than decent. Back on offense, do we really need to get into the issues with the WR corp ? Outside of all of that you have the soap opera that never ends which has seen a player dismissed, one seeing old troubles resurface, and one reverting back to the form that has soured two teams already.

Couple all of that with an owner that refuses to allow his HC to actually do the job, perenially tanks the draft for you, and has a fetish for bringing in people that are drama queens that cause even more trouble than they're worth. I cannot in any way shape or form be convinced that Dallas is a team that is a step away from the Super Bowl. I'd be more inclined to believe that they're a team that is more apt to completely fall of the map. Oh, and they play in the best division in football too.

I think that pretty much covers it.

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