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NFL 2008

Cactus Drags

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The Giants are going to lose this game. They've dominated the run of play and yet trail by 2 at the half. It's like the Ravens/Titans only with less turnovers. Eli's played like crap, Carney missed a FG and the "prevent us from stopping the offense" defense netted the Eagles a lead when it should be at least 11-3 if not somewhat closer to 14 or 15-0.

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This is why I hate when my teams are supposed to be good. Last year was an unexpected run of greatness. This year is about what I expect when my teams are favored to win. The saddest part is that they should have blown Philly out today and instead will lose by at least two scores.

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For the first time ever we will have an Aussie playing in the Superbowl. (Either Rocca or Graham)


Edited by Superbowl Slogger
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I officially don't really give a damn about the Super Bowl now because all the teams I cared about have been eliminated (I didn't really care about who won Arizona-Carolina); I just hope it doesn't end up Eagles-Steelers, because I can't stand either team (though my problem with the Eagles has more to do with their asshole fans than the team itself).

And is it just me, or has the officiating been fairly bad? There were a few bad calls (mostly in favor of the Eagles) in the Eagles-Giants game, and the officials called a few questionable penalties against both teams in the Ravens-Titans game. And a couple of times they should have called offsides on the Ravens (but penalized the Titans instead), who also got away with pass interference a few times. (The announcers even called them on one of the pass intereferences)

If the Eagles or Steelers make it to the Super Bowl, I guess I'm for the other team - unless its Eagles-Steelers, in which case I guess I'd have to be for the Steelers even though I think Big Ben is an overrated idiot.

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And a couple of times they should have called offsides on the Ravens (but penalized the Titans instead), who also got away with pass interference a few times. (The announcers even called them on one of the pass intereferences)

It's karmic retribution for THAT roughing the passer call. And possibly THAT touchdown.

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I just hope the Steelers don't win. The one team I extremely dislike in this entire round.

If the Steelers do make it, the only reason I'd watch would be to see if Big Ben gets another concussion.

(And no, that doesn't mean I want it to happen; its just that if anyone in football needs a steel reinforced cranium right now, its him)

And I retract my statement about not caring about the game now; If the Cardinals make it, I'm for them (since the last time they won a championship was in the 1940's, when they were still in Chicago, if I remember right). If not, THEN I don't care.

Incidentally, my hatred of the Eagles, if anyone cares, stems from the game where Michael Irvin got the injury that ended his career; the Philly fans kept cheering even after it was clear he was hurt bad. So until some Eagles star player gets fucked up playing against the Cowboys in Dallas, meaning karma finally bites them in the ass, the Eagles and their fans can go to hell. I actually used to like the Eagles until I found out their fans were a bunch of asshats, and I don't like McNabb so I wouldn't pull for them now even if the Irvin injury hadn't happened.

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