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NFL 2008

Cactus Drags

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ESPN reports that Jerry Jones is making Wade Phillips take over defensive play calling duty in Dallas. Will be interesting to see if it makes any difference. I know he doesn't like to blitz so it should help prevent us giving up so many big plays at least.

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I know it doesn't have everything to do with the decision, but I have to laugh every time I see "Tony Romo says he will not play Cowboys' next two games (against Buccaneers and Giants)" roll across the ESPN bottom line. He's all about trying to gut it out against the Rams, but bring two angry QB-eating defenses onto the field, and he's like, "Uh, Brad, you got this, right? Thanks, man, yer a pal." :shifty:

Edited by Sinistarr
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Same, but not with getting rid of the facemasks and stuff like that. There are precautions that have evolved that need to be kept in place I feel. However players should be allowed to celebrate. As long as the players are well protected but have the freedom to celebrate and raise their opinions like they should.

Still, I struggle to take stuff like that seriously when the writer has to draw insults and comparisons to other sports - in this case, 'Soccer'... or football as it's known globally - in some attempt to try and validate their point more. Just seemed... pointless.

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No, Ditka's spot on, football's for fucking pussies these days. Oh someone breathed on me, quick fall to the floor I might get a penalty instead of actually having to work on this viable scoring opportunity. Hey, if I cry for a bit after I fall over, that guy might get sent off! And if it isn't begging off or punishments for phantom contact, they're booking and sending off with the slightest of tackles, it's ridiculous.

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My biggest problem with the NFL is that they preach being a role model for young adults but they sit there and fine their players for criticizing them. Wasn't this nation built upon free speech..I still think they are violating the first amendment. I still say that any company in the U.S with a policy or rule against what you can say and what you can't violates this.

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My point wasn't so much whether football is "pansy-ish" or not. I know what 'soccer' is like these days, it was the fact that the writer's motive seemed less about actually talking about pointless fines and instead was just using quotes from others, and his own, to say "oh football is too much like soccer now, it's rubbish and for pansies."

Maybe it's just me. But I would take an article like that more seriously if it didn't need to resort to belittling another sport. Soccer is about winning the ball as opposed to just lowering your shoulder into someone elses face. Of course it's going to more aggressive.

I said I wouldn't get annoyed this year through NFL season when they inevitable soccer-bashings came about, but I guess I couldn't keep my promise.

Why doesn't he just write an article next time of "and Ed Reed put a massive hit on Terrell Owens that would make Ernie Els cry like a girl" <_<

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I'll start resisting "soccer" put-downs when British sports fan pricks give american football a chance and stop calling it rugby for girls/puffs. Rugby can BIH for all I care, it's organized surrender - no passing forwards, only back! Quick, they're coming towards you, throw the ball away you fucking wuss, don't take him on and charge onwards, that would be way too entertaining, kick it, kick it, FUCKING KICK IT AWAY!

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My point wasn't so much whether football is "pansy-ish" or not. I know what 'soccer' is like these days, it was the fact that the writer's motive seemed less about actually talking about pointless fines and instead was just using quotes from others, and his own, to say "oh football is too much like soccer now, it's rubbish and for pansies."

Maybe it's just me. But I would take an article like that more seriously if it didn't need to resort to belittling another sport. Soccer is about winning the ball as opposed to just lowering your shoulder into someone elses face. Of course it's going to more aggressive.

I said I wouldn't get annoyed this year through NFL season when they inevitable soccer-bashings came about, but I guess I couldn't keep my promise.

Why doesn't he just write an article next time of "and Ed Reed put a massive hit on Terrell Owens that would make Ernie Els cry like a girl" <_<

They aren't trying to put down soccer, they are just saying football is about the same level of soccer on hits, when it shouldn't be.

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I hate that as much as the next guy as well, but after years it's easy enough to come back.

I don't really care as much what fans say, I shouldn't care what the media say really because most writers are morons anyways.

You expect that sort of crap from immature fans, but from writers? I guess I just expect more.

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I hate that as much as the next guy as well, but after years it's easy enough to come back.

I don't really care as much what fans say, I shouldn't care what the media say really because most writers are morons anyways.

You expect that sort of crap from immature fans, but from writers? I guess I just expect more.

You've obviously never watched Around the Horn. :D

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No Santonio Holmes thanks to the ganja, and perhaps no Willie Parker either. Polamalu's also one blow to the head away from missing most of the game. The Giants have been getting pretty lucky with regards to the injury report since Osi's leg buckled in the preseason.

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Poor Drew Brees. No Bush. No Duece. No Will Smith. Basically Marquis Colston from what I saw last week. No Jeremy Shockey either for that matter... if the man can take the Saints to the playoffs as even a WILDCARD the man deserves to have his name imprinted on the side of the MVP trophey.

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Regarding the article about violence and fines in the NFL, both Ditka (to a point) and Dragsy are right. The league has been overprotective the past few years. I remember one game last year there was a hit on a QB that 5 years ago would have been perfectly fine but they called roughing the passer. Hines Ward is right; if there's no penalty on a play there should be no fine.

Players are pussies nowadays. Guys get a damn bruise on their leg and they sit out a game, while back in the 80's Jack Youngblood played in a Super Bowl with a broken leg. I can understand it if its something like Romo's broken finger or turf toe since those do intefere with your ability to play, but there are some injuries that I just find laughable when people sit out with them.

Oh, and I'm not a big fan of Tom Brady, but the latest news about his ACL injury sucks. If the surgery does have to be redone, then the team should insist that their doctors do it this time.

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