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NFL 2008

Cactus Drags

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Campbell is not a good QB. The best thing that happened to them last year was he got hurt, and the back up got them to the playoffs. And on the Jim Zorn being inept at calling the game front, Cam Cameron & Jim Zorn have never been seen together...something to think about.

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As an Eagles fan, I hope the 'Skins rebound and have an ok to decent season. I have a few friensd who are 'Skins fans...and if the Skins keep playing like that all season, it'll be way too easy to rip into them, thus making it no fun

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Campbell is not a good QB. The best thing that happened to them last year was he got hurt, and the back up got them to the playoffs. And on the Jim Zorn being inept at calling the game front, Cam Cameron & Jim Zorn have never been seen together...something to think about.

First of all, we've already gone over the Campbell thing. He's had to learn a new offense pretty much every year in the last 8 years. Of course that's not going to create any confidence for a QB because he has to learn a new system every year. It hurts a QB's development and will often lead to unfavorable results from the position. Just ask Alex Smith, who's gone through 4 in the 4 years he's been in the league.

Second of all, Cam Cameron is the Offensive Coordinator for the Ravens, not the Redskins.

Lastly, it doesn't matter if they've never called a game before, if you're hired as a head coach in the NFL, you should know damn well better than to run it being down by 2 scores with only 4 minutes left in the game, regardless of the QB's play or not. It's basically throwing the white flag in and saying that you don't really feel all that rushed to try and score and make the game close/win the game.

Not to mention that Campbell played a lot better in the second half than in the first half.

And again, given how bad that the offensive line played going up against a defense that prides itself on pressuring the QB, of course you're not going to have great results.

Campbell at least deserves a bit of a break for having to go through all those coaching changes and going up against the Giants defense. If he continues to suck all year, then I'd imagine that they will cut the cord on him but we'll have to wait 16 weeks to find out.

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I was actually kind of impressed with the Redskins defence. After the first drive, they kept the Giants out of the end zone. They did put their team in a position to compete. The offence just didn't help out at all.

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The Skins had a good red zone defense, holding the Giants to only 7 once and 3 FGs. However the Skins offense were ineffective all game. I mean to me Campbell has had glimpses of success here and there, but either he hasn't had the offensive system or injuries themselves have put a wall in front of his development. I don't care who you are when you've changed systems every year since college and heck he had 3 different OC's in college, so to change systems that many times since high school, is going to make you take a few steps back in your progression.

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I said when the defence collapses in heaps I'll play the ST card. I never actually said the defence was poor against the Giants, I didn't get to see the match I was just told by a friend we were pretty rubbish in the first half. I wasn't staying up until 3am to watch the Skins play. But all I said was when the defence was poor, that would be my excuse. But people seem to think like I'm insulting our defence from this match.

I know our offence won't be great. We've never had a particularly good offence when I've been following the Redskins but that probably has something to do with Brunell. Who as far as I'm concerned has 2 accomplishments to his name in recent years - 14-13 win over Dallas and 35-7 win over.. Dallas.

And the Art Monk card is whinging to get him rightfully in the HoF. Which has happened now so no one cares anymore <_<

Still, I doubt I'll make too many appearances in here through the year anyways. Too many Cowboys fans for me to deal with <_<

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Jacobs is a man-beast running the ball, I don't think that the defense will have nearly as much problem if they make an effort to control the clock with Jacobs and use Burress when they need 7-12 yards as he's shown he's nearly unstoppable in that range.

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Tom Brady just went down with an apparent knee injury, had to be helped off the filed.

Looked like the kind of hit that took out Carson Palmer in the playoffs a few years ago. Probably just a strained ligament or a sprain though, as he was walking off with a little assistance.

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Brady's hit looked less severe than Palmer's, or even Osi's knee buckling incident. Since he's Tom Brady it's probably just a sprain like you said. If it had been anyone else it'd be a full blown ACL tear or something else that would require reconstructive or season ending surgery. If Brady's out for any period of time though the AFC is wide open.

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The Lions season is already over. If the defense can't do anything against Atlanta they may as well pack it up for the rest of the year. This is absolutely putrid.

I know man.....3-13 is the best we can hope for this year

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It's unfortunately the same exact problems we have had every year. The defense can't get a pass rush (and against a young o-line?), the offensive line offers little to no protection, our defense can't tackle, and the offensive play calling is abysmal (why do we still run 6 yard routes when we need 7?).

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I just turned on the game, saw hell freeze over. Matt Cassel throwing a 50 yard pass from the Pats endzone.

I'm also guessing the "GU" on the field/jerseys is for the union prez that just died?

No, it's actually for G-Unit. Roger Goodell has become a real rap fan over the offseason.


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21-7 now, but still, the defense is beyond frightening to watch. You just can't put yourself in a 21-7 hole before the 1st quarter is over, it's inexcusable.

Still, this Kevin Smith we drafted looks like he's going to be a pretty good running back. Get him some help on the offensive line and he could be really good. I am impressed that the coaching staff has stayed committed to running the ball despite the large deficit.

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