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NFL 2008

Cactus Drags

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That may be but the same thing can be argued for the likes of Baltimore (who while not as dominant as once was, can still be the best defense in the league in any given year).

Edited by Livid
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We have the number 1 ranked passing defense so far this year. Don't forget that the whole league is bascially running our defense....Monty Kiffin is responsible for how much the defense has evovled in the NFL. So don't hate.

How do you have the number 1 ranked anything when no one has played a snap this year?

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Yeah its really nice that Kiffen inspired others to play the defense, but you're kidding yourself if you think they're the best at it. Favre has a better defense backing him up in Green Bay than he would in Tampa.

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Favre has no control over where he goes unless he's released.

Sorry, oh mighty overlord of all sporting knowledge. For a start, I can't really see how it could be made more obvious that it was a lighthearted comment that didn't really require a response. Also, if I was going to have to suffer one of our greatest rivals' greatest players coming to play for Chicago, I'd at least like it to be the version of said player that was at the top of his game, and not the wishy-washy interception machine he's become in the last few seasons. If he didn't have a solid, underrated supporting cast (well, except maybe that cheating douchebag Al Harris), they'd never have made the playoffs last season. And yeah, most players wouldn't get any input over where they're going to be traded, unless they have a no-trade clause in their contract. But someone of Favre's stature is going to at least get a say. At the very least, he's shown he can throw all his toys out the pram until he gets his way, and if he did go somewhere where he didn't have any interest in playing, he could pull a Plummer and just out and retire.

Finally, go fuck yourself, you self-righteous cunt.

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It's ironic that you call someone a cunt, yet try to go off on him for making a simple comment that could or could not have been, maliciously directed at you.

I understand that Evil Chase K comes off as an ass sometimes (we've had a difference in opinions on more than one occasion) but is it possible for you to not take things personally? First my comment about the ineptitude of the Bears offense and now this?

Lighten up.

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Yeah. Let's all remind Vendetta of how he's the worst poster in this thread for his endless attempts to declare Tampa Bay the greatest collective entity in history in the vain hope that Jeff Garcia will read everything he's ever said in praise and finally, FINALLY, allow him to suck on Garcia's holy dick. Everything about Vendetta is almost like it's designed to irritate, from the avatar and custom title to the fact he never seems to comprehend that the Bucs might not be God's favoured team. He's like Pepsi without tits, thus robbing him of any positive features.

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It's ironic that you call someone a cunt, yet try to go off on him for making a simple comment that could or could not have been, maliciously directed at you.

I understand that Evil Chase K comes off as an ass sometimes (we've had a difference in opinions on more than one occasion) but is it possible for you to not take things personally? First my comment about the ineptitude of the Bears offense and now this?

Lighten up.

Might've known you'd go off on one. I especially liked the part where you completley ignored that I countered his statement with a few decent points first.

Edited by Dragsy
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Finally, go fuck yourself, you self-righteous cunt.

You were doing so well until this. Warned.

And Be, we can do without the diatribes on Vendetta's retarded fanboyism, too. Chase's, as well, for that matter. We know they're retarded fanboys, but there's no need to point it out every second page. Make some good points or keep it closed.

Now, on topic, Favre is a total selfish douchebag and Aaron Rodgers would be easily forgiven in my book for having the fucker kneecapped. Even if Rodgers does win the starting job (which is about as likely as Be and Vendetta becoming gay lovers in hell), the first interception will have everyone calling for Brett, and the second one will likely have the Cheeseheads simply calling for Rodgers' head. He is now officially in a no-win situation, and honestly, he'd be well within rights to ask for that trade that Favre wouldn't take.

Can't help but feel that Brett might have fit in well with the Jets. Decent RB, two solid wideouts, rookie TE with lots of potential, a young O-line that just got the cash splashed on it for a veteran Pro Bowler...all that offense really needs is a quarterback. But some of the howler interceptions he tends to heave up there would likely not go over well in the dirty Jerz.

Edited by Joey Coco
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It's ironic that you call someone a cunt, yet try to go off on him for making a simple comment that could or could not have been, maliciously directed at you.

I understand that Evil Chase K comes off as an ass sometimes (we've had a difference in opinions on more than one occasion) but is it possible for you to not take things personally? First my comment about the ineptitude of the Bears offense and now this?

Lighten up.

Might've known you'd go off on one. I especially liked the part where you completley ignored that I countered his statement with a few decent points first.

Yeah because you know what I read and what I don't read right?

I didn't ignore the points. In fact, they make sense - Favre is in a position where he has some say as to where he'll go because he is who he is, Brett fuckin' Favre.

However, just because you make good points doesn't excuse you for being a hypocrite for calling someone a cunt when you were acting like an even bigger one.

Edited by Livid
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To be a hypocrite, I'd have to have declared myself as not behaving like a cunt. Check a dictionary. And you did indeed ignore the rest of my post, because you made no relevant comment to the thread whatsoever, whilst criticising me for that one line.

Finally, go fuck yourself, you self-righteous cunt.

You were doing so well until this. Warned.

And Be, we can do without the diatribes on Vendetta's retarded fanboyism, too. Chase's, as well, for that matter. We know they're retarded fanboys, but there's no need to point it out every second page. Make some good points or keep it closed.

Now, on topic, Favre is a total selfish douchebag and Aaron Rodgers would be easily forgiven in my book for having the fucker kneecapped. Even if Rodgers does win the starting job (which is about as likely as Be and Vendetta becoming gay lovers in hell), the first interception will have everyone calling for Brett, and the second one will likely have the Cheeseheads simply calling for Rodgers' head. He is now officially in a no-win situation, and honestly, he'd be well within rights to ask for that trade that Favre wouldn't take.

Can't help but feel that Brett might have fit in well with the Jets. Decent RB, two solid wideouts, rookie TE with lots of potential, a young O-line that just got the cash splashed on it for a veteran Pro Bowler...all that offense really needs is a quarterback. But some of the howler interceptions he tends to heave up there would likely not go over well in the dirty Jerz.

I know! you'd expect them to be used to a constant barrage of INTs. And as far as playing for another team, he doesn't deserve it. I don't see that there was a right way to go about this whole situation (other than maybe not retiring in the first place, but that just kickstarts the whole will-he-won't-he-thing and that's almost as annoying), but he's put the team in a bad place, he's ruining Rodgers' career and tarnishing his own legacy. If there's one thing I hope to see come out of this, it's that Favre doesn't get his own way. In an era where we're under constant media coverage of selfish, me-first twats in professional sports, Favre was one of the few who was looked at as a shining example, and now he's ruining it (as an aside, that image isn't necessarily as true as we might believe. According to the guys on Sky Sports, Favre has his own locker room and doesn't shower or anything with the rest of the team).

Scratch that, two things. I hope Rodgers has as good a season as a quarterback can have whilst his horrible cheesehead team goes down in flames >_>

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No, hypocrisy isn't limited to what you say, it's also by what you do. What you did was act like a cunt to a guy you were saying was a cunt....

And just because I didn't make mention of your points doesn't mean I ignored them. What it means is that it had no relevance to what I was saying and the point I was trying to make.

And it was relevant to the thread because there's been more than one occasion where you've acted like a dick in a situation where it wasn't warranted. Because I don't know about you, but I'd like this thread to be a place where we can talk about football and not a place where every other post is a shot at another poster because they didn't agree with what you said, they're not "good enough" to post here or because they were simply wrong.

Let's just agree to drop this already though, okay? Just get back to the topic at hand...

...how awesome Colt Brennan looked on Sunday. :shifty:

Edited by Livid
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We have the number 1 ranked passing defense so far this year. Don't forget that the whole league is bascially running our defense....Monty Kiffin is responsible for how much the defense has evovled in the NFL. So don't hate.

Dick Lebeau says hi.

To elaborate, Kiffin's defense is all the rage right now but Dick Lebeau's zone blitz has had a much greater impact on the NFL.

Favre has no control over where he goes unless he's released.

Sorry, oh mighty overlord of all sporting knowledge. For a start, I can't really see how it could be made more obvious that it was a lighthearted comment that didn't really require a response. Also, if I was going to have to suffer one of our greatest rivals' greatest players coming to play for Chicago, I'd at least like it to be the version of said player that was at the top of his game, and not the wishy-washy interception machine he's become in the last few seasons. If he didn't have a solid, underrated supporting cast (well, except maybe that cheating douchebag Al Harris), they'd never have made the playoffs last season. And yeah, most players wouldn't get any input over where they're going to be traded, unless they have a no-trade clause in their contract. But someone of Favre's stature is going to at least get a say. At the very least, he's shown he can throw all his toys out the pram until he gets his way, and if he did go somewhere where he didn't have any interest in playing, he could pull a Plummer and just out and retire.

Finally, go fuck yourself, you self-righteous cunt.

Um...sorry? :rolleyes:

I understand that Evil Chase K comes off as an ass sometimes (we've had a difference in opinions on more than one occasion)

Haha. I'd say it's more than sometimes, but I swear it's almost always accidental.

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No, hypocrisy isn't limited to what you say, it's also by what you do. What you did was act like a cunt to a guy you were saying was a cunt....


...how awesome Colt Brennan looked on Sunday. :shifty:

Sigh. That isn't hypocrisy. Forget it.

Brennan's mechanics look horrible, but it gets the job done, and his accuracy impressed me.

Apparently Favre's left Packers camp as surprisingly enough, he's causing a distraction, and still can't get what he wants despite several hours-long meetings with coaching staff. All I ask is that they not trade him to Minnesota, that would be detrimental to everyone. Give to someone who isn't going to do any harm, like the Jets, or Arizona. He can fade away quietly, and no one's going to expect them to do anything this season anyway.

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No, hypocrisy isn't limited to what you say, it's also by what you do. What you did was act like a cunt to a guy you were saying was a cunt....


...how awesome Colt Brennan looked on Sunday. :shifty:

Sigh. That isn't hypocrisy. Forget it.

Brennan's mechanics look horrible, but it gets the job done, and his accuracy impressed me.

Apparently Favre's left Packers camp as surprisingly enough, he's causing a distraction, and still can't get what he wants despite several hours-long meetings with coaching staff. All I ask is that they not trade him to Minnesota, that would be detrimental to everyone. Give to someone who isn't going to do any harm, like the Jets, or Arizona. He can fade away quietly, and no one's going to expect them to do anything this season anyway.

Heh by detrimental to everyone you mean to the rest of the division. I can see serious problems emerging with Brett in Minnesota. That division is wide open and with Brett and AP teamed up I could see them making a push for the playoffs.

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Heh by detrimental to everyone you mean to the rest of the division. I can see serious problems emerging with Brett in Minnesota. That division is wide open and with Brett and AP teamed up I could see them making a push for the playoffs.

Woah, woah, woah. Wide open? The Vikings have it wrapped up already unless the Packers and Favre make nice, he becomes their starter again and they play as well as last year which is unlikely. The Pack have enough to go .500 or so but not much more, while the Lions haven't done anything to convince me they can be better than last year and the Bears still have questionable QB & WR situations, a question mark over the running back spot and a defense that relies on one injury-prone player being healthy. The Vikings have a great running game, an improving passing game and one of the better defenses in the NFL. They're two or three games ahead of every other team in the North.

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The same could be said about any time he goes too. I personally think Minnesota or Chicago would bring out the best of him. As far as I can tell the Packers haven't ran the same offense for the past 16 years but I could actually be wrong on that one. It just makes sense that it would've changed after the coaching change, and that brought out the best of Brett. In Minnesota he'd be motivated, and he'd be a mentor. And heck even if he had a mediocre year I'm sure Tavaris wouldn't have done much better since a mediocre year for Brett is still quality. His only truly bad season was 2004 and in hindsight it looks more like a fluke then last year being a fluke.

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Favre with the Vikings is a potential Super Bowl threat because they can't just load the box with 8 to stop AP. If you assume Dallas is one of the top 2 teams, I'd think a Favre led Minnesota is in the mix as the other.

The Vikings without Favre are a 10-6 to 12-4 team who cruises to their division title and then loses in the divisional round because Tavaris Jackson can't handle the pressure.

Favre on the Packers is about a game worse than Minnesota w/o him, and that's if the team welcomes him back. If there's unrest it's a disastrous season for Green Bay.

The Packers with Rodgers and Brohm as their 1-2 punch are lucky to go 8-8.

The team that would benefit the most from Favre outside of Minnesota or Chicago is Tampa Bay.

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I think Green Bay should trade Favre. They're saying he won't start for them, but how is their starting QB going to feel knowning Favre is just waiting to take that spot back, and he would have the support of the vast majority of Packers fans when/if he did.

Favre may be past his best, but he still has enough talent, and enough of a reputation to get a good deal on a trade.

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