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NFL 2008

Cactus Drags

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I'd be interested in it, especially if it's a keeper league as I've been wanting to be in one for awhile now but have yet to. But given that I'm unfamiliar with Fleaflicker I have reservations about using them but I don't care either way.

So put me down, I guess.

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It's not really any different to any other formats, it just offers a wider range of options. To whit - individual defensive players, yea or nay? In fact, what sort of lineup requirements would you all prefer? I like the one of a league I used to be in; you played one quarterback, one running back, two receivers, one tight end, one offensive flex player (who could be a back, a receiver or a tight end), one kicker and one defensive flex (who could be a linebacker, a defensive back or a defensive lineman). Any other suggestions will be taken on board, though.

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I've only ever used NFL.com for fantasy football. Not sure single defensive players would work as there's far more rotation and subbing than with offensive formations, but I'll give it a go. I like lumping defense and special teams together, as that usually helped me when I always took Chicago :P.I do like the idea of the flex player on offense, as I'm usually tied down to two backs, three receivers and a TE.

EDIT: nfl.com, not Yahoo, no idea why I put that, haven't used Yahoo FF since secondary school.

Edited by Dragsy
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NFL.com fantasy football FTW. I'm usually in a league with my brother, dad and a couple of friends. We're going to be doing a live draft this year and there should be a few places available if anybody's interested. Obviously won't be setting it up for a while though.

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I usually did Yahoo and you had the ability to use defensive players which is what we did in conjunction with the defensive teams. And it worked well as long you had players that are more well known rather than going after situational guys. Basically there should be enough players for each team that they would have a couple of options throughout the year in case of injury or underwhelming play.

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I'd say it's a good bet that Kevin Smith is the starter on opening day. He has to beat out Tatum Bell, Aveion Cason, and Brian Calhoun, not exactly an impressive crop of running backs. In fact, I still wouldn't mind us getting another one before training camp. Bell is not that good, Calhoun has done nothing in his career except spend time on injured reserve, and Cason is a decent special teamer with little else to offer.

The Lions are getting a lot of average and poor reviews on their draft, which is fine by me. It seems every year we are given a high grade, the draft picks turn out to be busts and we're scratching our heads, wondering why something that looked so good on paper turned into such a dismal failure. This year, we filled the needs that were necessary, but who knows if the right players were selected.

Here's one thing that slightly bothers me. They took Gosder Cherrilus because he is supposedly a good run blocker, and we want to emphasize running the ball. If their is emphasis on running the ball, why not trade Roy Williams since it's likely he'll be gone after this season, and he's not worth a franchise tag? We have a glut of WR's, and CJ wasn't drafted to be a second banana in the league, plus Mike Furrey is a fine choice for a number two, and McDonald at three is good as well. Why not parlay the overstock at WR to help fortify the O-Line even more, or perhaps the D-Line? Nothing against Roy, but how much better has he really made the Lions?

Edited by VerbalPuke
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be interested in any fantasy league.

Millen had said that no one gave him a good enough offer for Roy Williams. I don't know, I liked the Lions draft and agree with kiper who said out of the running backs drafted he will make the biggest impact to begin with. I am in a wait and see mode with the lions.

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Cedric Benson was arrested for being drunk on a boat and resisting arrest. Word is that after passing one sobriety test they tried to make him take another which he refused, thus he was pepper sprayed and charged with resisting arrest. Gotta love Texas.

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Looks like Matt Walsh is delivering more tapes of the Pats stealing signals, including a very in depth one from the 2001 AFC Championship game.

Granted it won't change much, considering Belicheck admitted he'd been taping signals since 2000, but I wonder if the one during the AFC Championship will garner any special attention.

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Not according to the NFL rules.

As far as the 2001 AFC Championship Game.

It's meaningless. The Steelers actually played better in the 2nd half than the first and if we weren't for 2 questionable calls and Kordell Stewart throwing 2 picks, the Steelers would've won the game. The Pats videotaping them during the game had absolutely no influence on the outcome of the game.

Now the 2004 AFCCG...they definitely cheated.

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Packers cut Koren Robinson

Colts sign Domnic Rhodes

Bears cut Adam Archuleta

Vikings place Kenechi Udeze (DE) reserve/left camp (out for 2008 season).

Seahawks resign Womack

Seahawks sign Larry Tripplett

Ravens Fight At Minicamp

Kyle Orton said if given a fair chance in the open competition with Rex Grossman for the starting quarterback position, he's confident the job will be his, the Chicago Sun-Times reports. "All I care about is if I get my chance," Orton said. "If I get my chance, I'm confident that I will win the job and play well."

After expressing concerns over how the Cowboys' defensive scheme doesn't fit his skill set, Williams was summoned to meet with defensive coordinator Brian Stewart and safeties coach Brett Maxie. The Dallas Morning News reported that the safety was happy with the meeting and has confidence that he will find a comfort zone in the team's defense.

Lewis sidestepped questions about his future with the Ravens on Friday, saying he is focused on team issues and not individual ones. The nine-time Pro Bowl middle linebacker is entering the final year of his contract and could become a free agent for the first time in his career. Lewis and the Ravens are negotiating an extension, but the sides are not believed to be close, according to The Baltimore Sun.

Strahan was at Giants Stadium working out on Thursday and talked with coach Tom Coughlin, but did not give his coach any hints about whether he plans to return for a 16th season, according to the New York Daily News. Coughlin said Strahan told him, "Whatever the decision I make, I know that I'm not going to change my mind, so therefore I want to be right."

At season’s end, Williams, who weighed more than 270 pounds when signed in November, was told matter-of-factly by coach Jeff Fisher to get in shape or get released, according to the Nashville City Paper. Williams said he has lost more than 30 pounds in the offseason and hopes to show that the Titans didn't need to spend an early pick on a receiver.

Following visits to Cincinnati and New Orleans, Alexander's agent said he expected to be in contact with the Bengals on Friday, reports The Enquirer. The Bengals have a glut of running backs but are believed to be interested in Alexander as a possible backup to starter Rudi Johnson

Terrell Suggs failed to show for Baltimore's mandatory minicamp on Friday because of a contract dispute, reports The Baltimore Sun. The 25-year-old Suggs, who showed up for earlier team practices to show his support for new coach John Harbaugh but couldn't practice because he hasn't signed his one-year contract, wasn't with the team when it took to the field.

Offensive tackle Jonathan Ogden was not at the Ravens' mandatory minicamp on Friday, reports The Baltimore Sun. Ogden, who has been hampered by injuries the last two seasons, is deciding whether or not to retire. He's been named to 11 Pro Bowls during his 12-year career

With trade rumors swirling during the offseason, Williams believed he would be traded from the Lions, and says he thinks the team will use the franchise tag on him next season after his current contract expires, according to The Detroit Free Press. A phone call from head coach Rod Marinelli in March reassured Williams. "I don’t think I'm gone next year, either," said Williams. "I think they're going to slap me."

Lynch is convinced there's a segment in the organization that doesn't believe he is still a full-time player, according to the Rocky Mountain News. Lynch took a pay cut in March, and believes he got the cold shoulder from some within the organization after deciding to return. "I think there's a split among the staff," Lynch said. "Some were happy for me to come back and some didn't say anything -- which tells you something."

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Guest Uptown
Cedric Benson was arrested for being drunk on a boat and resisting arrest. Word is that after passing one sobriety test they tried to make him take another which he refused, thus he was pepper sprayed and charged with resisting arrest. Gotta love Texas.

damn hes been in a mess since he was d rafted by the chicago bears...

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I really hope Strahan plays on this season. Our defence was immense in the postseason, especially the Superbowl, and with Wilson leaving we should try and hold the core of that unit together.

If it was me, I'd retire because winning a Super Bowl is surely the best way to end your career. And let's face it, the Giants aren't going to be favourites to win another in the next few years. The Giants have back-ups who are capable of starting (see: Justin Tuck) so while the loss of Strahan could be damaging, now's as good a time as any.

It really irks me when players take so long to decide on whether to retire or not. Sure, it's a huge decision but they're hampering their team by prolonging a decision. If I was a coach I'd want to know at the latest a week before the draft so I could make sufficient plans.

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Oakland signs DE Greg Spires

Chicago gives Robbie Gould a 5 year contract extension

Raiders cut CB Duane Starks

Bills cut Keven Everett so he may apply for disability

Redskins cut Pro Bowl Returner, Jerome Mathis

No one will say it publicly, but the Jets are clearly pulling for Clemens to emerge as the starter over Chad Pennington, reports the New York Post. The reasoning begins with the fact that this regime drafted him in the second round two years ago and would like to be right in its assessment. Since the end of last season, coach Eric Mangini has said the starting QB position is an "open competitio

The Browns are apparently interpreting Winslow's absence from voluntary OTA's -- and silence -- as a statement about his contract, reports The Plain Dealer. Winslow has been rehabbing his surgically repaired knee in San Diego, but his absence most of the offseason is believed to be related to wanting a new deal. "When he gets here we'll find out for sure exactly what that is," said Romeo Crennel, who didn't seem surprised by the no-show. He's not here and I haven't spoken with him."

Although owner Jerry Jones is disappointed Barber isn't working out with the Cowboys thus far this offseason, he told the Star-Telegram he doesn't feel it will have a negative impact. Barber has not signed his one-year, $2.562 million tender from the Cowboys, and is hoping for a long-term contract, which the two sides have discussed. The Cowboys still hope to have a long-term deal done before the start of training camp.

Graham continues his absence from the Bucs' offseason workouts. That absence is almost certainly because he has yet to reach an agreement with the Bucs on a new contract, according to The Tampa Tribune. Graham is seeking to extend a contract that still has a year remaining and is slated to pay him $605,000. Bucs GM Bruce Allen suggested in January that Graham would be rewarded for last season, but talks have been slow.

Owner Jerry Jones hasn't ruled out that the franchised Hamlin would sign his one-year, $4.396 million tender offer rather than reach a long-term agreement, according to The Dallas Morning News. Hamlin is working out away from the team as contract negotiations continue. It's unlikely he will be present for the start of OTA's next week, but Jones remains confident deals will get done before training camp.

Garcia wants a contract extension to his current two-year, $15 million deal and believes his numbers warrant one, reports the Orlando Sentinel. He has not ruled out the possibility of making a statement when the time comes to report for training camp July 25. "There might come a time when I might have to stand up," Garcia said. "At some point, you just want to see the respect from up top."

Owner Jerry Jones told the Star-Telegram that Jones has been in Dallas since the team traded for him but that the suspended cornerback isn't allowed to participate in any function at the team facility. "I do want him to come in and be a part of the team activities and off-season conditioning," Jerry Jones said. "I understand why he can't. ... He does know what he needs to be doing to prepare himself strength-wise."

The Dayton Daily News reports that the groin injury that ruined Brooks' 2007 season still is causing him pain and limiting his practice reps. "They backed me off," Brooks said. "They know my situation. They know I'm not 100 percent right now, so my reps were limited." Snaps are precious for Brooks this offseason as he moves from middle linebacker to strong-side linebacker.

Strahan has reiterated his stance that he has a pretty good idea of whether he will retire, but that he isn't ready to let anyone know, according to the New York Post. "I know what I want to do," said Strahan. "I just want to make sure it's 100 percent what I want to do, because either way it's a heck of a commitment."

(Strahan is simply stalling so that he doesn't have to go to training camp. He did the same shit last year.)

Urlacher will not attend OTA's and is leaning toward skipping mandatory minicamp, but he insists talk of protesting his contract situation through training camp is premature, according to the Chicago Tribune. "Training camp is a long way away (July 23), and I expect there will be some dialogue between my agents and the Bears before then," Urlacher said. He wants more than the one-year extension the Bears have offered through 2012

Johnson has put on 12 to 13 pounds of muscle mass and said he weighs in the neighborhood of his desired playing weight at 225 pounds, according to The Enquirer. Johnson, who missed five games with a hamstring injury, had changed his diet last season and played at 212 pounds. "Last year when I got hurt, it was definitely frustrating for me," said Johnson. "I wanted to come back stronger, more powerful than I've ever been."

Coach Romeo Crennel thinks McGinest's final season before retirement could become his best year in Cleveland, according to The Canton Repository. McGinest will finally be in the role intended for him when was signed away from the Patriots. "When I got Willie here, I didn't picture him playing as much as he'd had to play," Crennel said. "I wanted him to be in a three-man rotation. We didn't have that, so he had to play a lot more."

The Chiefs have told Wesley they will release him as soon as they believe all trade possibilities have been exhausted, reports The Kansas City Star. Wesley, 30, lost his starting spot last season. "This would be great," said Wesley. "I feel like I’ll be in good shape as far as getting a job even if they don’t do it until June 1. Some teams have shown a lot of interest in me."

Entering the final year of a three-year, $25 million deal, Owens wants to finish his career in Dallas, reports The Dallas Morning News. "For sure, I definitely want to end my career with the Dallas Cowboys, and go into the Hall of Fame as a Dallas Cowboy," said Owens. His agent declined comment on talks Monday, and the club has more immediate issues with unsigned veterans Marion Barber and Ken Hamlin.

When Fowler returns from a severe shoulder injury that ended his 2007 season, he'll return as the Titans starting middle linebacker, according to The Tennessean. He arrived to participate in the current round of OTA's, but admits his shoulder might never be 100 percent. "We expected him to be ready," coach Jeff Fisher said. "I don't think he could participate in a padded practice right now. He is probably several weeks away from that. But everything else is going well for him."

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports that Horn wants to be traded from the Falcons. Horn said he had not approached the team yet about his desire to be dealt but that him and/or his agent would in the near future. "I want to win a Super Bowl and I want to win a Super Bowl here in Atlanta, but I don't think I can help this team win a Super Bowl sitting on the bench, waiting for third down," Horn said.

If the Eagles' interest in Randy Moss and Larry Fitzgerald was sincere, it's no secret Philly feels it needs a more viable threat at receiver, and that target should be Williams, says The Trenton Times. Williams has admitted he thought he was going to be traded before, or during, the draft. One Eagles veteran said last week his agent told him he could be part of a trade package with Lito Sheppard. So something could still be in the works.

Bush, who hasn't played since the 2006 college season opener, has showed his surgically repaired right leg is healthy and that he should be ready for the season, according to The San Francisco Chronicle. From the outside, Bush sits behind Justin Fargas, who signed a multiyear deal, and first-round pick Darren McFadden. Still, the coaching staff promises open competition. "Who knows? Michael Bush may be the best of the three," said Lane Kiffin.

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