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NFL 2008

Cactus Drags

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The supposed huge gap the 'experts' have been talking about that will mean Matt Ryan's likely the only quarterback selected in the first round. You really think the Ravens will select Henne, Flacco or Brohm with their first round pick? No because it's not good value taking them there. Ryan's most likely a top 10 pick, the other QBs are second rounders. Then again the Ravens could also trade up if they don't think any of the other 'big name' QBs will be available come their second round pick. The idea of trading up is certainly not 'ludicrous'.

Exactly. That's why trading up to get Ryan is indeed ludicrous when we've got a great chance of landing Henne, Flacco or Brohm with the second-rounder and have the option of using that to trade back into the first. They won't trade up to second for Matt Ryan when they could trade to twenty (to pick a number out of the air) and get any of the previous three.

Well someone called it.

Surprised to see Brohm get picked by the Pack. But at least now they have two potential franchise guys and can see where each of them goes.

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Kansas City and Dallas both had very good first days, IMO. Nothing too exciting, but I'm very happy about Denver's first day. Got an offensive tackle that'll step right in and help watch Cutler's back. And a wide receiver, though not as tall as I had hoped, but should be a decent slot receiver. Now to work on that defensive side of the ball with the SEVEN picks they have tomorrow.

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I thought Baltimore had a good day after not coming out with the guy they really set their minds to in Matt Ryan. Instead, they trade down and trade back up to get my favorite QB in the draft, Joe Flacco. He can throw the ball basically 80 yards and all he has to really work on is his telegraphing and he could fit in well for the Ravens. He has the height and the smarts to be a solid QB in the NFL. Add Ray Rice in there, it gives you an impressive offense in day 1. If McGahee is to go down which is easily possible, I can expect a lot from Rice. As I live near Rutgers and know a lot from the kid, and even though he is only 5'9" and weights 205, he is a quick and powerful back for his size. Honestly, I would enjoy seeing Flacco and Rice as a combination in the near future.

As for my Jets, yes I am bummed when Darren McFadden could have been a Jet if we could have just traded up to the second slot, but people have to realize we have two solid running backs. Just cause Thomas Jones didn't perform to his greatest last year doesn't make him a bad back. Add in my favorite Leon Washington, and it is a great running core with Jesse Chatman added to the mix as well. As for the draft, Gholston is the guy I think I can trust the most. I have seen him a lot with Ohio State and he does look impressive. Let's just hope he doesn't turn into a bust like a lot of the Jets early draft picks. Then to finish off round 1, Jets make a surprise trade up to what I am thinking to be Brohm or Henne, but go out on a limb and get a truly amazing athlete in Keller. I am really happy with this as he can be a huge threat in the receiving game as he really isn't a Tight End, more like an over sized Receiver as he does run a 4.55. Either way, I am very proud with the Jets this year and maybe they can turn it around with all the other great additions in the off season.

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Kansas City will be very busy today as they have 3 3rd Round picks, along with 2 6ths and 2 7ths.

They are supposedly rebuilding but they have drafted three players so far that all will most likely start and make a huge impact on the team. Though with all of those picks, maybe they'll make a deal for Roy Williams of Detroit.

The NFC south as a whole didn't do a bad job this year.

New Orleans look to have a very good defense going into this year with the addition of Vilma, now Ellis, and few other key pick ups.

Carolina drafted Jon Stewart to add to their running game and a tackle to bolster their line. I look for them to take a QB in the third round.

Atlanta got Ryan, OT Sam Baker, and LB Curtis Lofton, so I think the NFC could very well be a very competive this year minus Atlanta.

Looks like the Jags are going to have one hell of a defensive line with Grooves and Harvey to go with Henderson.

Very disappointed in the Titans for not picking up a receiver for Young. Could you imagine had they gotten Sweed?

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We got Ray Rice as well? Whoa, did not expect that. Management must really have faith in Jared Gaither and it leaves us reliant on McAllister and Rolle for another years, but I like Rice so I'm not going to complain. But:

He can throw the ball basically 80 yards and all he has to really work on is his telegraphing and he could fit in well for the Ravens. He has the height and the smarts to be a solid QB in the NFL.

Yeah, that Kyle Boller is a real lo-oh, wait, you didn't mean him. Ain't that interesting?

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Reading this topic has continually convinced me that most of you don't know your football.

Yes, Oakland had four RBs, but Jordan is probably gone, Fargas is injury prone, we don't know how good Michael Bush actually is in the NFL, and Dominic Rhodes has done fuck all. Top that with the fact that none of them are as good as Run DMC, and that the Raiders d-line isn't actually all that bad (hell, even Gerard Warren was looking alright for us), and I'm not mad.

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I have an excuse, I don't get to watch games. But seriously, given you had the sixth-best rushing attack in the league last year and Fargas just got rewarded with a sizable new contract, picking a running back when any of Dorsey, Gholston and Ellis are both available and would provide a distinct upgrade isn't the greatest move in the book.

Carolina drafted Jon Stewart to add to their running game and a tackle to bolster their line. I look for them to take a QB in the third round.

Which means one first-round pick is going to fail. Either Stewart flubs out or DeAngelo Williams does, making the Stewart pick pointless - they could and should have picked Otah with that pick then either traded back into the first or used a second to take a quarterback

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After having heard Lane Kiffin explain it, not picking Dorsey or Ellis makes some sense. They're both 3 technique tackles, same as Tommy Kelly, who we just gave a huge contract to. One would have to move to NT, out of position, and thats a lot of money to have in that position.

I'd expect Jordan and Rhodes to be gone at some point, leaving Oakland with a three back rotation of McFadden, Fargas, and Bush.

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Wow, color me shocked that Dustin Keller went first round. No TE was projected that high, and I'd have guessed he'd last until late second at the earliest, since his blocking is so suspect. That said, a desperate QB's best friend is a TE with good hands, so Keller might be worth a last-round flier in the fantasy leagues, just in case something happens to Chris Baker. Sweet.

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I'll be totally honest, I consider myself a pretty fucking big football fan, and I follow college football, and I hadn't heard of him, so it was a pretty big suprise to me. Chalk it up to being in Pac 10 territory or whatever, but he didn't seem like a 'first round name' to me. I dunno. Especially with some of the names still on the board.

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Reading this topic has continually convinced me that most of you don't know your football.

Yes, Oakland had four RBs, but Jordan is probably gone, Fargas is injury prone, we don't know how good Michael Bush actually is in the NFL, and Dominic Rhodes has done fuck all. Top that with the fact that none of them are as good as Run DMC, and that the Raiders d-line isn't actually all that bad (hell, even Gerard Warren was looking alright for us), and I'm not mad.

I knew they wouldn't go with Dorsey or Ellis because of the huge money already tied up at DT, but taking McFadden just seemed unnecessary to me.

But then again, this is Al Davis we're talking about, if he's happy being the reason the Raiders have been shit since Gruden left then good for him.

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Reading this topic has continually convinced me that most of you don't know your football.

Yes, Oakland had four RBs, but Jordan is probably gone, Fargas is injury prone, we don't know how good Michael Bush actually is in the NFL, and Dominic Rhodes has done fuck all. Top that with the fact that none of them are as good as Run DMC, and that the Raiders d-line isn't actually all that bad (hell, even Gerard Warren was looking alright for us), and I'm not mad.

I knew they wouldn't go with Dorsey or Ellis because of the huge money already tied up at DT, but taking McFadden just seemed unnecessary to me.

But then again, this is Al Davis we're talking about, if he's happy being the reason the Raiders have been shit since Gruden left then good for him.

I'm not going to get into that arguement, because its not going to go anywhere. I've defended Al Davis, and I will continue to defend Al Davis, and we'll leave it at that.

With Ryan gone, no one was going to trade up, save maybe the Jets, so there really wasn't another choice if they didn't go with Ellis or Dorsey. All things considered, BPA was the way to go.

Nice luxury pick-up of Mendenhall for the Stillers, though.

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I'm with DMN, while the McFadden pick doesn't make sense in terms of the depth there, it really was the best option they had. They already have a big contract at DT like it's been said, so Dorsey and Ellis really are out of teh question. Add in the fact that the two back system is what's happening right now and that Fargas is really the only consistent RB they have, McFadden will at least have a chance to help Russell and could potentially be a very, very good QB-RB combo in 3 or 4 years.

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Reading this topic has continually convinced me that most of you don't know your football.

Yes, Oakland had four RBs, but Jordan is probably gone, Fargas is injury prone, we don't know how good Michael Bush actually is in the NFL, and Dominic Rhodes has done fuck all. Top that with the fact that none of them are as good as Run DMC, and that the Raiders d-line isn't actually all that bad (hell, even Gerard Warren was looking alright for us), and I'm not mad.

I knew they wouldn't go with Dorsey or Ellis because of the huge money already tied up at DT, but taking McFadden just seemed unnecessary to me.

But then again, this is Al Davis we're talking about, if he's happy being the reason the Raiders have been shit since Gruden left then good for him.

I'm not going to get into that arguement, because its not going to go anywhere. I've defended Al Davis, and I will continue to defend Al Davis, and we'll leave it at that.

With Ryan gone, no one was going to trade up, save maybe the Jets, so there really wasn't another choice if they didn't go with Ellis or Dorsey. All things considered, BPA was the way to go.

Nice luxury pick-up of Mendenhall for the Stillers, though.

Before the draft I thought taking McFadden was seriously dumb. But after thinking about it, you're right...BPA was the right way to go.

As for Mendenhall, I was shocked that they took him. And I was shocked that they got Sweed in Round 2. Great draft so far, I'm pumped.

The Raiders have had a pretty good draft too though.

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