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NFL 2008

Cactus Drags

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We won the fucking division yet we only get MNF game and that's in Carolina.

The NFC South sucks, that's why.

I'm glad Dallas' game in Green Bay comes in September rather than November or December. I'm not looking forward to the opener in Cleveland though.

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Don't worry about those Packers monday night games. If Rogers doesn't pan out they'll be flexed out immediately. Only one game for the Cowboys is a little odd, we're usually Monday Night darlings.

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Yeah he has stated he now wants to be traded before the Draft.

Looks like the Bengals will be getting some more draft picks.

They can't/shouldn't/won't trade him.

They have all the leverage, if he sits out and doesn't come back by week 6 I believe it is, this year doesn't come off his contract. Plus, they have absolutely no WRs outside of CJ and Douchemanzadeh so really they have no choice but to keep him and force him to come back and play.

Steve McNair's announced his retirement to his team-mates. So who's the starter, Boller, Smith or a draft pick? Do they draft a QB at all?

As a Steelers fan I hope it's Boller. He sucks and Troy Smith-type QBs always give Lebeau's zone defense fits.

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The Steelers schedule is the hardest in the NFL this season. It's absolutely brutal. I'm thinking somewhere between 6 and 11 wins this year.

I was just looking the schedule and it is indeed nuts. At least they get Dallas and NYG at home.

Stupid CFL, trying to make me buy season tickets just to guarantee tickets for a fucking Steelers exhibition game against Buffalo in Toronto. I don't think so. I wouldn't mind going to the Bills/Dolphins game, which I'm sure fans in Buffalo are thrilled that they chose a big rivalry game that they'll probably win to go down in Toronto.

Edited by Enter Blue Guy
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The Steelers schedule is the hardest in the NFL this season. It's absolutely brutal. I'm thinking somewhere between 6 and 11 wins this year.

I was just looking the schedule and it is indeed nuts. At least they get Dallas and NYG at home.

Stupid CFL, trying to make me buy season tickets just to guarantee tickets for a fucking Steelers exhibition game against Buffalo in Toronto. I don't think so. I wouldn't mind going to the Bills/Dolphins game, which I'm sure fans in Buffalo are thrilled that they chose a big rivalry game that they'll probably win to go down in Toronto.

Looking at the schedule again, I'm confident the Steelers can/will go 5-1 or 6-0 in the AFC North. The most challenging games then, in my opinion, become New England and Jacksonville.

I think Dallas is overrated, I think the Giants have a great defense but their offense does not scare me, Indy is beatable especially in Pittsburgh, the Steelers have historically dominated San Diego and should've beat them 2 years ago but their coaches screwed the pooch.

Sure they have a tough stretch of 5 games where they could theoretically go 2-3 or 1-4, but they should go 4-1 at worst into the bye week so the more I look at the schedule, at this point in time, the less it scares me.

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I think Dallas is overrated

I see where you're coming from, because there's at least 3-4 teams from the AFC that are better than the Cowboys right now yet the 'experts' are labelling Dallas among the top two or three teams in the league. It just comes down to the AFC being better than the NFC, though, because if you look at the NFC you'd have to say Dallas are among the top two or three teams, if not the top team whereas if you compare the whole league, then the Cowboys probably wouldn't even make the top five.

We have a crappy December again this season, games against the Giants, Ravens, Eagles and Steelers. We better have 9 or 10 wins by then.

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The Steelers schedule is the hardest in the NFL this season. It's absolutely brutal. I'm thinking somewhere between 6 and 11 wins this year.

I was just looking the schedule and it is indeed nuts. At least they get Dallas and NYG at home.

Stupid CFL, trying to make me buy season tickets just to guarantee tickets for a fucking Steelers exhibition game against Buffalo in Toronto. I don't think so. I wouldn't mind going to the Bills/Dolphins game, which I'm sure fans in Buffalo are thrilled that they chose a big rivalry game that they'll probably win to go down in Toronto.

Looking at the schedule again, I'm confident the Steelers can/will go 5-1 or 6-0 in the AFC North. The most challenging games then, in my opinion, become New England and Jacksonville.

I think Dallas is overrated, I think the Giants have a great defense but their offense does not scare me, Indy is beatable especially in Pittsburgh, the Steelers have historically dominated San Diego and should've beat them 2 years ago but their coaches screwed the pooch.

Sure they have a tough stretch of 5 games where they could theoretically go 2-3 or 1-4, but they should go 4-1 at worst into the bye week so the more I look at the schedule, at this point in time, the less it scares me.

I can't see Pittsburgh having much trouble in their division. Besides that, maybe a consistently challenging regular season wouldn't be the worst thing. After all, all but two of their losses last year were against teams they should have beat.

I'm looking at the schedule again now, and you are right, it's not as bad as it first seemed. When I looked the schedule at first all the big names catch your eye. There are a lot of quality teams in there. Pats, Colts, SD, Dallas, Giants, Jags to name the best.

I'm looking at it again and I see it like this;

I can't see them dropping more than 2 in the East, at most. They have the Chargers and Colts at home, two games I think they match up very well in. Dallas and New York at home, both at mid and late seasons, so by then they have a good read on both.

Only two games scare me. On that road against Jacksonville and New England. Which are scary every year anyways.

Edited by Enter Blue Guy
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I think Dallas is overrated

I see where you're coming from, because there's at least 3-4 teams from the AFC that are better than the Cowboys right now yet the 'experts' are labelling Dallas among the top two or three teams in the league. It just comes down to the AFC being better than the NFC, though, because if you look at the NFC you'd have to say Dallas are among the top two or three teams, if not the top team whereas if you compare the whole league, then the Cowboys probably wouldn't even make the top five.

Yeah you're right, I'm just not a big Tony Romo fan. Frankly I think he sucks, Dallas has a good team around him though. But looking at it from an AFC fan perspective, they're overrated.

The Steelers schedule is the hardest in the NFL this season. It's absolutely brutal. I'm thinking somewhere between 6 and 11 wins this year.

I was just looking the schedule and it is indeed nuts. At least they get Dallas and NYG at home.

Stupid CFL, trying to make me buy season tickets just to guarantee tickets for a fucking Steelers exhibition game against Buffalo in Toronto. I don't think so. I wouldn't mind going to the Bills/Dolphins game, which I'm sure fans in Buffalo are thrilled that they chose a big rivalry game that they'll probably win to go down in Toronto.

Looking at the schedule again, I'm confident the Steelers can/will go 5-1 or 6-0 in the AFC North. The most challenging games then, in my opinion, become New England and Jacksonville.

I think Dallas is overrated, I think the Giants have a great defense but their offense does not scare me, Indy is beatable especially in Pittsburgh, the Steelers have historically dominated San Diego and should've beat them 2 years ago but their coaches screwed the pooch.

Sure they have a tough stretch of 5 games where they could theoretically go 2-3 or 1-4, but they should go 4-1 at worst into the bye week so the more I look at the schedule, at this point in time, the less it scares me.

I can't see Pittsburgh having much trouble in their division. Besides that, maybe a consistently challenging regular season wouldn't be the worst thing. After all, all but two of their losses last year were against teams they should have beat.

Yeah, they'll probably drop one to Baltimore like always but the rest of the division games should be solid. And last season even the games they lost to shit teams (Arizona and Jets) were somewhat understandable. That was Arizona's Super Bowl, you'd like to think the more talented team would win, but Russ Grimm knew the OLine's weaknesses (which is funny because he never seemed to know them when he was here) and they tore us apart. And the Jets game was just an abomination of a game where the team came out flat, got taken by surprise and the Jets got the momentum and the confidence and took it to us.

I'm looking at the schedule again now, and you are right, it's not as bad as it first seemed. When I looked the schedule at first all the big names catch your eye. There are a lot of quality teams in there. Pats, Colts, SD, Dallas, Giants, Jags to name the best.

Yeah but like I said before, out of those teams the only 2 who scare me are Jacksonville (who play us tough every single year) and New England (who we can't beat for whatever reason).

I'm looking at it again and I see it like this;

I can't see them dropping more than 2 in the East, at most. They have the Chargers and Colts at home, two games I think they match up very well in. Dallas and New York at home, both at mid and late seasons, so by then they have a good read on both.

Only two games scare me. On that road against Jacksonville and New England. Which are scary every year anyways.

I can't see them dropping more than 1 to the NFC East to be honest. The Giants are tough because of their pass rush, but Eli doesn't strike fear into me at all. Dallas, like I said before, I think is overrated. And both of those games are at home. Philthydelphia isn't what they once were and the Steelers play well in hostile territories usually, and Washington is another team that doesn't really do much for me. Maybe we'll drop one of those games but I'm not sure.

And like you said, there's maybe 2 games you can look at and pencil in and probable losses (as much as I hate to do that 16-0 baby!) and even those are going to be close. I'm pretty sure we'll lose once to Baltimore though.

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So like it does to many NFL fans the start of a new season means Fantasy Football to me. The other night my buddy and I got to talking about who the number one pick for this years fantasy draft was going to be and a name that we kept coming up with was Adrian Peterson. I don't think Brady and Moss are going to have the year that they did last year, and while the injury fueled season of last year might make it tough to look at this season I still tend to lean towards AP.

Who do you guys have your eyes on?

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