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NFL 2008

Cactus Drags

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Yeah, if the Browns haven't proved that they're at least committed to trying to win, you're a retard.

But they play the 3-4 and I actually heard that they want him to lose weight so he can play NT.

It has only been one year, but regardless, they're making moves that aren't like drafting a WR 3 years in a row.

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Too bad he'll have to wait until he's cut or traded again to find that out.

And Cleveland finished where last year? Second, was it? After years of mediocrity and shittiness? But no, you're right, the Cleveland front office is bad and they should feel bad.

Wow one season. The fact is, that's an aberration. If they can do it consistently, I will change my tune. But when Ben Roethlisberger has more playoff wins than the entire Browns franchise has had since the AFL/NFL merger in 1969, I'd say my comment has some merit.

As I said earlier in this thread I remember a year earlier in this decade when the Browns finished second in the AFC North, and made it to the playoffs on the strength of a young QB who came out of nowhere. They were beat in the 1st round by the Steelers and the next season were picked to go places by some. They finished the following season 5-11.

Last season was the exception, not the rule.

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Yeah, if the Browns haven't proved that they're at least committed to trying to win, you're a retard.

But they play the 3-4 and I actually heard that they want him to lose weight so he can play NT.

It has only been one year, but regardless, they're making moves that aren't like drafting a WR 3 years in a row.

Being committed to trying to win and actually making good moves are totally different things.

If Shaun Rogers needs to lose weight to play nose tackle then he can't possibly be healthy enough to play in the NFL. He'd have to weight upwards of 400 pounds for that to be the case.

They may want him to lose weight so he can be faster, but he could still play NT either way. The question is, will he become motivated or remain a turd?

And why trade for both him and Corey Williams? I understand needing to give one of the guys a break, but why give up significant picks/players for two guys who play the same position?

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Congratulations, they won't be compared to the Detroit Lions.

Cleveland has a lot to prove. Derek Anderson is NOT a proven QB. You have to do it more than one season. Braylon Edwards and Kellen Winslow Jr. are good, but the defense isn't anything to write home about. It helps they play in a division that dosen't really have anything BUT the Steelers.

HEY! Leave the Raiders out of it! They were good, made good decisions, but relied on older players. When those players retired, there wasn't the good young talent to take over, because of low draft picks, and, admittedly, bad draft picks. The Raiders problem isn't so much talent, as its been coaching. The coaches in Oakland since Gruden have been HORRIBLE. Kiffen changed the attitude, but we'll see if he wants to stay around.

Edited by DMN
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Yeah, if the Browns haven't proved that they're at least committed to trying to win, you're a retard.

But they play the 3-4 and I actually heard that they want him to lose weight so he can play NT.

It has only been one year, but regardless, they're making moves that aren't like drafting a WR 3 years in a row.

Being committed to trying to win and actually making good moves are totally different things.

If Shaun Rogers needs to lose weight to play nose tackle then he can't possibly be healthy enough to play in the NFL. He'd have to weight upwards of 400 pounds for that to be the case.

They may want him to lose weight so he can be faster, but he could still play NT either way. The question is, will he become motivated or remain a turd?

And why trade for both him and Corey Williams? I understand needing to give one of the guys a break, but why give up significant picks/players for two guys who play the same position?

Edited by Evil Chase K
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Yeah, if the Browns haven't proved that they're at least committed to trying to win, you're a retard.

But they play the 3-4 and I actually heard that they want him to lose weight so he can play NT.

It has only been one year, but regardless, they're making moves that aren't like drafting a WR 3 years in a row.

Being committed to trying to win and actually making good moves are totally different things.

If Shaun Rogers needs to lose weight to play nose tackle then he can't possibly be healthy enough to play in the NFL. He'd have to weight upwards of 400 pounds for that to be the case.

They may want him to lose weight so he can be faster, but he could still play NT either way. The question is, will he become motivated or remain a turd?

And why trade for both him and Corey Williams? I understand needing to give one of the guys a break, but why give up significant picks/players for two guys who play the same position?

They don't play the same position though...especially if they want Rogers to play NT.

And they want him to lose weight so he can be quicker so he can play NT at his size since most NT's are smaller than the 6'5" frame that Rogers has.

And really, when you look at the Browns, what other glaring need do they have? Oh, wait, don't answer that. All that will come out is the same pro-Steelers, anti-everything else in the AFC North BS that everybody should be used to by now.

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You can't simply take a 4-3 DT and say 'oh, he has the perfect body type to play 3-4 DE'. There's a lot more too it than that.

I like what Cleveland is doing, but their running game is suspect. Jamal Lewis bounced back last year, but he's not anywhere close to what he used to be. The Browns defense is REALLY suspect, even with the additions they've made. Shaun Rogers isn't an elite tackle. Elite talent, yeah, but he dosen't give a damn. Derek Anderson could just as easily go back to being a nobody as he could break out, and I've NEVER been impressed with Brady Quinn, kids never won a big game ever.

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Yeah, if the Browns haven't proved that they're at least committed to trying to win, you're a retard.

But they play the 3-4 and I actually heard that they want him to lose weight so he can play NT.

It has only been one year, but regardless, they're making moves that aren't like drafting a WR 3 years in a row.

Being committed to trying to win and actually making good moves are totally different things.

If Shaun Rogers needs to lose weight to play nose tackle then he can't possibly be healthy enough to play in the NFL. He'd have to weight upwards of 400 pounds for that to be the case.

They may want him to lose weight so he can be faster, but he could still play NT either way. The question is, will he become motivated or remain a turd?

And why trade for both him and Corey Williams? I understand needing to give one of the guys a break, but why give up significant picks/players for two guys who play the same position?

They don't play the same position though...especially if they want Rogers to play NT.

And they want him to lose weight so he can be quicker so he can play NT at his size since most NT's are smaller than the 6'5" frame that Rogers has.

And really, when you look at the Browns, what other glaring need do they have? Oh, wait, don't answer that. All that will come out is the same pro-Steelers, anti-everything else in the AFC North BS that everybody should be used to by now.

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Just from personal experience on the DT thing. I played DT in a 4-4 when I played in HS, and I was expected to hold up blockers for the LBs. I had the perfect size to do so, especially for a HS kid, but I was horrible at it, because I had always been a pass rusher. Some guys have the size, but don't really have the skill set.

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