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TNA iMPACT! video game


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It's not being closed - Midway are merging the LA and San Diego development studios into one studio at San Diego. Obviously not everyone from the LA studio will be able to make the commute or relocate to San Diego, so that's where the voluntary part comes in. By the looks of things this won't be done until September, by which time the game will be long finished.

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I personally think that blue cover is boring, at least compared to that other one. Also note: AJ Styles elbow dropping a standing Booker T. <_<

In other news: the match you've all been waiting for.

Steiner. Abyss. Cage. Triple Threat.

Terrible, is this kickboxing? Why is everyone just poping around with seemingly no goal? And why the back and forth on the turnbuckel?

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I personally think that blue cover is boring, at least compared to that other one. Also note: AJ Styles elbow dropping a standing Booker T. <_<

In other news: the match you've all been waiting for.

Steiner. Abyss. Cage. Triple Threat.

Terrible, is this kickboxing? Why is everyone just poping around with seemingly no goal? And why the back and forth on the turnbuckel?

I thought it was agreed on that it must be three human players just being idiots?

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New via TNA's website.

It seems that each week until the game is released we will see who the final remaining roster spots go to.

This week it is...


To be fair, he does look excellent. He hasn't been added to the roster book on the official game website (TNAgame.com), or at least not the UK version.

Also, they said that each day IGN will be profiling a new wrestler, finisher and post new footage until the release. The first one profiled on IGN is Christian Cage. Sweet.

Edited by TheModernWay
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I've preordered this on Play.com for £29.99

Will be nice to get something a bit different from SvR. I bought all the SmackDown games until 2007 (that's 8 of them). After that, I figured I had bought the same game enough times and avoided 2008. Whether TNA iMPACT! is any good or not, it'll make a refreshing change to buy a different wrestling game.

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Exactly the same as Marsh, I too stopped at the last one. There were little things that interested me about SDvR 2008, except for perhaps CM Punk and Monty Brown, and that was it, even the showman styles thingy seemed like a crap idea. I understand them taking Benoit and the Crossface out, but did they need to take out the Germans too? Though the create a finisher for 2009 sounds great, but thats about it.

I would've been interested in Fire Pro too if it came out over here (I understand it was only like £20 too), as I've got the first one for Game Boy Advance and its great.

At this late stage, some things do worry me about Impact, some of them minor things like the sound of a whailing guitar or whatever you get/hit a finisher/reversal, and how so far of what I've seen, it seems like all finishers are doing from a tie-up/standing position, including Joe's Muscle Buster. Have to wait and see for the likes of Sting's Deathlock and whatnot. Oh, and the oldness of the on-screen graphics (as in the Impact logo etc.), as you can see in one of the videos, on the screen behind where Tenay & West sit, instead of that current Impact logo where the logo is in the ring, it's got the 2005 logo styling or whatever.

EDIT: Tomko & Booker T profiles up on IGN.

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Well, if the PS3 version is £10 more with no added extras, I'll probably give the game a miss until it comes right down in price.

I don't do that enough with games anyway. I'm always quick to rush out and buy on the release date instead of waiting for proper user reviews etc.

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There will be downloadable content inc. superstars IIRC, so I presume that means PS3 and Xbox (though they haven't said specicifally).

Yeah, the PS2 version is basically exhibition only matches probably, as they've said there's no CAW on it, and the story mode on PS3/Xbox revolves around you being a CAW.

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Scott Steiner added to IGN. It seems like most finishers will be from a standing position. Steiner's finisher is the Recliner, and to do it he punched Christian to the floor then locked him in it, as part of one animation. And it seemed that some submissions have the same meter as the pins, where you have to waggle the stick... to a THREE COUNT. <_<

On the other hand, an AJ Styles vs Jay Lethal with commentary from them match is up. Much better than the Joe vs AJ one. Lethal is hilarious.

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