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Does Naruto get shitty as it goes along? I always hear people trashing it but I was reading my old Shonen Jump issues the other day it the manga seemed to be pretty good. I think it was my least fav series in SJ when they were new but now I kinda wanna read the manga. I plan on reading Yu Yu Hakusho and Shaman King again soon so I think I might throw Naruto in too.

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So I started to watch Dragon Ball Z from the very beginning. I don't remember so many episodes being filler and how slow paced it can be at times. I want to say I only originally watched from the end of the Vegeta saga to the end of Frieza, so I'm a bit unsure of what to expect later on.

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So I started to watch Dragon Ball Z from the very beginning. I don't remember so many episodes being filler and how slow paced it can be at times. I want to say I only originally watched from the end of the Vegeta saga to the end of Frieza, so I'm a bit unsure of what to expect later on.

Awesomeness is what you should expect. The Android Saga is the best portion of DBZ.

Edited by Kirkland
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So I started to watch Dragon Ball Z from the very beginning. I don't remember so many episodes being filler and how slow paced it can be at times. I want to say I only originally watched from the end of the Vegeta saga to the end of Frieza, so I'm a bit unsure of what to expect later on.

Just watch The Abridged Series by Team Four Star. It's pretty much the same story at a much more reasonable (and hilarious) pace.

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I'm actually watching Abridged from the beginning of the Android Saga again right now. Their playthough of Xenoverse made me wanna go back.

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Decided to come back and finish Durarara season 2 and The Rolling Girls.

Man....Durarara is really boring/meh. I really liked the first season, but this? It's not doing it for me. Only 3 more episodes though.

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It was a mess, there's too much going on in Durarara. Maybe it cleans itself up during the next season this summer?

It's getting a 3rd season? Ehhh.....not sure I want to keep up with it at this point.

But yeah, there is way too much going on. There was a lot in season 1, but it was all self contained, nothing forgot. Like...the Hollywood Killer? Izaya(sp?)'s sisters? Made to seem like big, important plot points...but nope.

Edit: Dammit....why did the last episode have to be interesting? Might watch season 3 down the line. But right now? Need something a bit more light hearted....The Rolling Girls. Then something after that.

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