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Aaaaaand Mirai Nikki episode 3

- Main character dude goes from introspective and philosophical to hoping someone dies in the span of a sentence or two. Kinda messed up already. Have at least ten more episodes to get through there, guy. Might want to save the emo for later.

- Aaaaand here's Yuno. I like how she just completely ignores what he says and drags him (obviously unwilling) to the next ride.

- Still like the opening video. It's creepy in all the right ways.

- Eyeless chick has backstory. It's meh!

- I'm still calling the police chief with a big heel turn within the next episode. "We totally need to find those other guys and stuff. You know, to help them." :shifty:

- "Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to go to the amusement park!" :w00t:

- The fuck was that? Straw...?

- Yuno in the background! Walking while the police are looking for eyeless chick! Conspiracy!~

- "My solution to get out of this? Get naked!" :shifty: Not really sure how that works, but I'll play along.

- A guy with a phone. And stuff I can't read. Yaaay (I guess?). Obviously, his thingy has something to do with blocking escape routes or knowing where she is or something? [Mick, don't tell me.]

- Yuno wants him soooo bad. (I'm guessing she's been checking her phone to know how he's feeling so she can adjust to that.)

- Titties. And she's possible going to rape him in the pool!

- Winning ice-breaker. "Hey, did you know that people piss in here? Isn't it great that we're in this pool?"

- The whole pool staff is pretty cool with Yuno just losing her top. CONSPIRACY!~ ( :shifty: Kidding on that one.)

- Aaaand MC with a total boner now. A girl touched him! :w00t:

- Best episode ever? Mirai Nikki needs more pool episodes. :shifty:

- Apparently, MC hates planetariums. I'm with you on that one! (Stargazing backstory. Yay?)

- Holy fuck, guy. He missed THAT signal? [signal that she both wanted him and was crazy as a shithouse rat. Wow.]

- Dun dun duuuun. I want to know what she's hiding now. He's gonna be attacked?

- Ah, okay. This was a scene from earlier. >_< No conspiracy.

- I wonder if that second-in-command dude was the guy holding the cellphone (future diary) from earlier.

- Nope, it's creepy stalker dude who's totally going to betray her later on. No trustworthy person has that voice.

- Is Yuno poor? I'm guessing this is a swerve. Or she killed her parents. The bitch is craaaazy.

- I kinda like that he's wearing a bag over his head. Maybe 'cause it's funny, maybe 'cause it's kinda smart.

- Hastily duct-taped room is creepy.

- Come together. In more ways than one. :pervert: [This Happy Ending stuff does intrigue me though. Perhaps she has different win conditions or something. Gets bonuses from it somehow?]

- What the fuck? Hypnotist dude?

- He just pulled her eye out. What an utter bastard. I like.

- Killed her parents. Thought so. She is fucked.

- God dude doesn't really seem to care how MC dude is fucking up the future. He's also an utter bastard, concerned only with his own amusement. And, of course, I like it.

- And Yukki uses some common sense and gets the fuck outta Dodge. Granted, there's no way he'll get far but points for trying.

- Holy fuck. She's really crazy. I think I love her.

- Damn you, ending video, for possibly spoiling a bunch of stuff for me. FFS.

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Not really sure why I'm still watching Baka To Test....sure, it's ok...it's not completely bland (like Final Fantasy Unlimited or Grednider)....but I dunno, something just doesn't click with me. I like most of the characters, it's just, the same thing every episode in a different setting.

Guy who looks like a girl dresses up like a girl....flatchested girl gets angry and locks main character in a wrestling hold....big chested female is super cheerful and shy....the cool, clam guy is always at the mercy of the silent/smart stalker girl (who either pokes his eye out or tazes him). It's the same thing! :( But, I have hope it will get better. The last episode ended with it hinting at they were going to do another class battle so they move up from Rank F to Rank....I'm not sure which, yes.

And not sure why, but I LOVE rankings/standings in anime. THat's one of the main reasons I got into this (Class F trying to work their way to the top!), why I started watching Tiger & Bunny (sure, there wasn't much emphasis on the standings, but that's what convinced me to start). And I can't really think of any other series it has happened in...it kinda, sorta happened in Air Gears, which was ok. Happened (in a different kind of way) in the Battle Royale manga...I just want more. Was Fate/Stay Night like that? Can't really remember. Does anyone know of any anime sorta-kinda like that? Weird request, I know.

With Fate, Ruki, it's kind of complicated; Not sure how familiar you are with it, so I'll give you just a small, spoiler-free rundown.

Seven heroic spirits are summoned into one of seven predetermined classes: Saber, Lancer, Archer, Rider, Caster, Assassin, and Berserker. Each one has it's own merits and weaknesses; Saber, Lancer, and Archer are referred to as the "Knight Classes" and would make short work of someone like Caster; Rider on the other hand would have difficulty with Caster. It also depends on which spirit gets summoned into which role. For example (I consider this spoiler free since in the show, they flat out say it as soon as he debuts), the spirit representing Berserker is Hercules, who's considered to be the strongest spirit there is. However, spirits that are summoned as Berserkers give up most of their sanity for a massive power boost, as well as some of their abilities. The game actually gives an RPG like breakdown of their abilities. The power they have is largely dependent on who summoned them as well. It doesn't quite follow rankings though, but it is a case of "There can be only one".

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So, thoughts on episode 3 of Mirai Nikki:

--Pretty laid back episode, seemed more in vein at times of a rom-com or slice of life type deal.

--Ninth on the other hand, makes it so that's not quite slice of life :shifty:

--Speaking of Ninth, I scream, you scream, Ninth screams for Eye scream :shifty:

--Turns out, Yuno has skeleton's in her closet.

--And the ending, talk about fucking creepy.

--Looks like they're only going to do those stingers ever so often, like they did with the manga.

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Agreeing with Mick.

Yeah, this week's episode felt filler-y. Granted, it set a whole bunch of stuff up, but I definately didn't enjoy it as much as episode 2. I just kept waiting for something to happen and it really didn't, up until the last few minutes. Episode 4 should be craaaaazy though.


Also, seriously, the main character didn't get "this chick is creepy" vibes when she invited him to go star-gazing two seconds after meeting him? Or when she said she's be his bride (AFTER TWO SECONDS)? There's stupid and there's stupid and there's him.

Also also, that scene where MC finds out and Yuno just says "and things were going so well" is unsettling. As is seeing her through the mail slot, where she just says "good night". Yeah, she's nuts but I love her.

I am glad to see the hypnotist guy with the weird eye-like head covering show up. I was wondering about him. Though I don't really see much point in him keeping Ninth alive, since she was basically at his mercy. I guess he wanted the names of the others, but he could have easily got them from her then iced her or just found out himself after he iced her. Basically, I just wanted him to ice her. What was all that blabbering on about his own morality or justice or whatever?

Still curious about his diary too. I'm guessing it has something to do with hypnotism or creating images/scenarios for others.

Edited by StevenRichardsRules
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So....that episode was interesting.

It started to make Yuno seem like a normal girl, not completely batshit insane. Then the stargazing/I'm gonna be your bride thing, that was kinda weird. BUt then it was ok.....AND THEN THEY WENT BACK TO HER PLACE AND OH MY GOD.

The dead parents? Wow. THe fact that changed everything was cool...especially when she came up from behind and said "And things were going so well...."

And then saying goodnight through the mailslot? Man, that was creepy as fuck. She has stalker eyes, and she is great!

Ninth, eh...she was ok in the last episode, indifferent towards her this one. And I agree with you SRR, cop-dude is TOTALLY gonna heel turn. Look at his hair, that is heel hair.

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So....that episode was interesting.

It started to make Yuno seem like a normal girl, not completely batshit insane. Then the stargazing/I'm gonna be your bride thing, that was kinda weird. BUt then it was ok.....AND THEN THEY WENT BACK TO HER PLACE AND OH MY GOD.

The dead parents? Wow. THe fact that changed everything was cool...especially when she came up from behind and said "And things were going so well...."

And then saying goodnight through the mailslot? Man, that was creepy as fuck. She has stalker eyes, and she is great!

Ninth, eh...she was ok in the last episode, indifferent towards her this one. And I agree with you SRR, cop-dude is TOTALLY gonna heel turn. Look at his hair, that is heel hair.

The bride thing didn't bother me, I just chalked that up to kids being kids.

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Finished Baka To Test....it was ok for what it was. But, not going to bother with the second season, because apparently every episode is more or less a filler episode and the EBS battle (the thing that drew me to the first season, which really didn't have a big part) is almost non-existant. Boo.

I think I will start Steins;Gate next.

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You good man, I don't htink you'll be disappointed but you may spend most of the first half thinking "huh?" a lot. But stick with it.

Hmm, I've been watching a lot of Gundam 00 lately so I'm a bit behind. Up to episode 3 of Ben-To, have ep 3 of Mirai Nikki but need ot watch, only seen episode 1 of Guilty Crown, and not even started Gundam AGE and don't even have an episode of Fate/Zero and some others I intended on watching. May need a catch up day but I really want to get Gundam 00 Series 1 watched so it's out the way and then I can get a weekly schedule in place for the current stuff.

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What's what the fuck?

Started watching Steins;Gate yesterday. It's interesting, but it did take me until the third or four episode to get a grasp of exactly what was going on. And even now, having watched the fourth, I'm sure there's more than meets the eye. I'll probably end up watching at least another episode tonight.

Edit: I wouldn't mind picking up a few other anime. Can anyone tell me whether the following are any good?


Aoi Bungaku Series


Shinreigari: Ghost Hound

Umineko No Naku Koro Ni

Also got a recommendation for Kuuchuu Buranko/Welcome to Irabu's Office/whatever, which I'd already seen. It was fun and interesting. Not great but interesting, none-the-less.

Edited by StevenRichardsRules
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Un-Go is meant to be okay, but I don't think it's as good as people were hoping. I'll be checking it out, not heard of any of the others so couldn't comment.

Is there going to be a lot of 'eye-related poking' in Mirai Nikki, by the way? I'm a little squeamish at that sort of things.

Also spherical head scares me. But, I think we all knew that he would, given he's a GIANT EYE.

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Is there going to be a lot of 'eye-related poking' in Mirai Nikki, by the way? I'm a little squeamish at that sort of things.

I don't think so. I'm squeamish about that, too, so, yeah.


Ninth did NOT get her eye ripped out in the manga.

So....I don't know. :shifty:

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I wasn't all that disgusted by the "eye-poking" scene.

On another note, I really want to like Boku Wa Tomodachi Ga Sukunai. It has a cool concept behind it (social outcasts who are fucked up form a club to make friends ect). Some of the character designs are nice too. But then, it's a harem show. Which I can tolerate. It also has a decent amount of fan-service. Another annoyance, but I can deal with that too. My major obstancle is how fucked up some of it is. Episode four features another chick with a weird sexual fetish (rape). And also, robots fucking. Also also, this character asked the main character to be her fuck-buddy after meeting him once (granted, social retard but what?). Episode two had a chick who was really into porno games and often played characters who begged for sex. Actually, a whole lot of begging for everything.

tl:dr version: the fuck, Japan, the fuck?

A positive note: I like the hints that the MC and the crazy pretty-much-Haruhi-Suzymia girl were friends in elementary school but he didn't realize she was a girl. Unlikely, but it's still interesting.

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Hell's freezing over, guys. Guess who finished Samurai Champloo.

So, of the stuff I have....

Cromartie High School



That's it? :shifty:

Hmm. I think I'll look into some other things. You guys have said Steins;gate ? I'll check that out and some other possibilities.

Guilty Crown doesn't look too bad, but it's airing right now...

The story takes place in Tokyo in 2039. After the outbreak of the unidentified virus "Lost Christmas" in 2029, Japan has been under the control of a multinational organization called GHQ. Ouma Shu is a 17-year-old boy who has a psychic power in his right hand. He can use the power "Ability of King" to extract tools or weapons from his friends. He has been avoiding making trouble for others but his life changes when he meets a girl named Yuzuriha Inori, a member of a resistance guerrilla group called "Undertaker", whose members pilot mecha weapons to fight against the government.

Actually, seems like Code Geass :shifty:

Anyway, going with Steins;Gate

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So yeah, 8 episodes done in Steins;Gate.

This is pretty good :shifty:

Edit: currently at Episode 14;

Boy does it suck to be Mayuri. So far, she's been shot, hit by a car, and run over.

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Finishing up Episode 13 of Steins;Gate.

:crying: Mayuri!

I'm about to wrap of 22, so two more left.

So, if all the D-Mails are fucking things up, leading to Mayuri getting killed, and evidently needing Kurisu to die to avoid Mayuri dying, why not do like, one of the following:

1) Send a D-Mail before the first D-Mail, saying DO NOT SEND D-MAILS, YOU WILL FUCK THINGS UP.

2) If there's an alpha line and a beta line, why not aim for like the gamma or delta lines? I mean, they're just screwing with one alternate reality, so why not aim for others?

3) Pretty sure they could find a way to emulate an IBN 5100...

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