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The OAO Grand Theft Auto IV Thread


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I'm about to pre-order it, and the one day shipping says it'll arive a day after the release date. Why am I going to pay more for the game with shipping included and not even get it on the release date? Oh, wait.

EDIT: Standard shipping makes it arrive on the day it's released? I'm fucking confused.

Edited by White Power Tristy
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It will have done if you ordered it at a certain point because they send those off first to make sure they dont arrive late, but if you are only pre-ordering now then it's not definite you'll get it on release date.

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Just found out that I can get an extra 20% on games for GTA4 plus my Gamestop (which is 10 miles away, not bad) is doing a midnight release, so I can make sure I get my copy and hopefully not have to pay a dime for it.

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I just read on IGN about the benifits of keeping friends (Car bombs, health bonus, reduce wanted level, ect...), and wow, that sounds awesome. I probably wouldn't have done the hangign out thing....but now.....damn. I might just have to.

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He's not the only one to have his copy already posted :)

In that case, see my previous post. :shifty:

Btw, did your order say "processing" before "posted" ? - Mine was processing at about 9 o'clock last night, and still is, so if posted is the next stage it goes to, it should happen some time this evening.


Yea, it said processing for most of yesterday, then I woke up this morning and checked it and it said it had been posted. The money had been taken out of my bank too.

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IGN just posted their review of GTA IV. They gave it a 10, making it the highest scoring GTA in IGN history (III got a 9.6, VC got a 9.3, and SA got a 9.9) and the first game they gave a 10 in nearly a decade.

10 Presentation

The story is Oscar quality. The use of the phone as a gaming portal is genius. There's really nothing more that could be asked for from GTA IV.

10 Graphics

The level of detail is astounding. Liberty City feels alive and lived in. While there are some technical issues, the artistic merits push the score to the max. A true marvel.

10 Sound

The dialogue makes the story. Without the excellent writing and the stellar voice acting, the story would fail. And the soundtrack kills -- more than 200 songs and almost all are great choices.

10 Gameplay

The cover and targeting system work great. Blind firing with an RPG is a thing of beauty. Everything works in harmony and not a single one of the missions is bad. The most fun I've had in years.

10 Lasting Appeal

The story will take anywhere from 25-45 hours to complete, depending on your skill level and attention span. There's plenty more to do once you finish the story, such as excellent multiplayer.


(out of 10 / not an average)

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Watch the people and you'll witness some amazing things. At one point, I saw a woman stopped at a light, looking in the rearview mirror right before she was rear-ended by a man ogling a girl on the street. The man got out of his car and went to the woman, checking to see if she was okay. This had nothing to do with Niko or a single action I took. These were the citizens of Liberty City going about their day. And it was just one moment in a day full of incidents.

Wow, I know it's been said before, but that sort of AI is amazing. I seriously cannot wait, and I'll have to check in and see if my Gamestop is doing a midnight release.

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It's a big-ass PDF but it's got listings of every GameStop that's doing a midnight release.

It appears that every GameStop within an hour radius of me is doing it, including two malls with two GameStops that are both doing midnight releases. Seems sort of overkill.

Plus I just finished "pre-ordering" it. Free 2-day shipping if you use GTA2D as a coupon code, if there are any other last-minute Americans using GameStop.

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I went in today and got it paid for, The guy said they will have 2 lines, one for buying and one for picking up, Ill get there like an hour to 45mins early, Hopfully its not too big of a line.

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Well, looks like the closest midnight release, as far as GameStop goes, is about 2 hours away. I could just go get the game at Best Buy or Walmart, but meh, I'm fine waiting til the next day to play it since I have a 9AM class. After that though I have nothing until 4 so all will be good :D

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If you check supermarkets and such as well, you've got a good chance of getting a copy without too much traipsing around. I think Asda, maybe others, don't even do pre-orders, so they have copies there on the day and most won't be doing midnight sales.

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How early are most of you guys getting to your respective stores for the midnight launch. I should have Monday night off so I can get there pretty early, but this is my first midnight launch so I'm not exactly what to really expect.

I'm guessing most people will get there about midnight, but I dunno >_>

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I'll be getting there at 11, but that's because my Gamestop is across the river in Indiana, so it'll be midnight there. I'm just glad I can get a few hours of playing in before taking a 4 hour nap so I'm not completely dead at work.

I'll have mine pre-ordered and paid for though, so if you're looking to buy a copy off the shelves, I'd suggest an hour early probably.

Edited by Trey
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How much of a chance do you think that I could just walk into Blockbusters/Woolworths on release day and pick this up?

I mean I could do that with Halo, but a game this hyped has probably been pre-ordered out of stock for months

If you picked up Halo 3 without a preorder on the release date, then GTA IV should be no problem; Halo 3 had more preorders than GTA IV.

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My friends and I ususally go to midnight launches around 11:30, that way you can finish paying off the game if you haven't already and just pick it up at midnight, and you won't be too far back in line.

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