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The OAO Grand Theft Auto IV Thread


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Tuesday is the US release day. UK has a Friday as release day which generally means that if games are released on the same week worldwide then the US gets it a few days before the UK.

When there's a simultaneous worldwide release (like Halo 3, Metal Gear Solid 4 or GTA IV) then every country releases on the Tuesday...And if it's midnight release then the UK gets the game a whole 5/6 hours ahead of the US.

Edited by ChrisSteeleAteMyHamster
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I know, it's just to me it doesn't make much sense. Now our day, it's just in time for the weekend. People will be out shopping and see all the new releases. I can't say the same for Tuesday though. Plus kids will be in school then and for the rest of the weekdays.

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I know, it's just to me it doesn't make much sense. Now our day, it's just in time for the weekend. People will be out shopping and see all the new releases. I can't say the same for Tuesday though. Plus kids will be in school then and for the rest of the weekdays.

Most media comes out on Tuesdays - CDs, DVDs, video games. I think retailers do this to get people to come out early in the week when business is usually slow and then those things will still be there come the weekend when most people do their shopping.

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So I imagine this is going to be the first game we're going to have to really organize games for, considering how many of us are going to have it, correct?

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I know that in the UK DVDs come out on Monday while movies come out Friday at the cinema.

Sorry, to clarify, I meant America. But movies come out on Fridays here too, sometimes Wednesdays.

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Perhaps this is fake... but apparently Tesco MAY have the game in store on the shelves as early as this Friday! =O

On a leaflet sent out to customers they display the release date as the 25th April (see here: http://www.psbeyond.com/news/Exclusive-UK-...-date.505.html) and following that a few people have phoned up to ask about it (see here: http://stationofplay.com/showthread.php?t=322)

One Tesco had said that it would be in stock as of the 26th in preparation for the 29th release date however they have been known to have them on the shelves early. A couple of other Tescos have (supposedly) confirmed they'll be selling them Friday.

How true this is I'm not sure but it’s worth giving your local Tesco a ring eh?

Oh, and keep it quiet >_> don’t want every man and his dog in my way if it is true.

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I just got my e-mail from game confirming my order has been processed and will be with me in time for release...yay! This is going to be one looong week.

Ditto, now how about our points/pics. <_<

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Just called my local Tesco. It's definitely the 29th that they're selling them from. So I figure the leaflet was a mistake. It's gonna be £45.00 in store from Tesco. =\ Surprised actually as Tesco usually come in well under the RRP when it comes to games/dvds/books that have just been released.

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