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Silent Alarm Remixed is, overall, worse than Silent Alarm Normal, but there's a few tracks which are better than anything on the original. I wouldn't pay much for it though.


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Awesome, I got Witching Hour after seeing the video for Destroy Everything You touch on MTV2. I could've sworn it was a remix or a cover or something, it sounded really familiar, but it's apparently an original track. Which means it must've been on a game or something, because I'm positive I knew it from somewhere before hearing it on MTV2.

Has new album leaked or just been announced?

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It's leaked.

Anyways, I've brought up his acoustic stuff here for the past 3 months, and now he has some new band stuff out (I've honestly never heard any of his old bands stuff)...which I'm currently trying to track down;

In The Red (ft. Mike Hale on vocals)

They've got an 8-track album/EP thing out. Which I'm trying to track down. Reminds me of Avail, Jawbreaker, Hot Water Music etc. The myspace also has a nice cover of "Patrick Kills Me" by Leatherface up too. Great 90's style punk-rock. I love it. GRRRR...I need to find this 'album'. His voice is fucking incredible.

Well, I've found a full stream...but no download. :(


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"Tip Of The Iceberg (EP)" by New Found Glory.

FUCK ME!!! NFG have won me back over. This is a 6-track EP, featuring 3-covers...including a bitching cover of "Cut The Tension" by Lifetime. Which works ridiculously well with the singers vocals. Anyways, the 3-original songs...AWESOME! They're definately embracing their 'melodic hardcore' routes more than they have for the past few albums...this is so good I think I can actually pretend "Coming Home" doesn't exist. Insanely catchy songs. Gang shouts, screams, catchy choruses, rocking parts...just...fucking brilliant stuff. If you were EVER a fan of the band I suggest you check this out. Definately a step in the right direction after the awful "Coming Home" and the very hit and miss "Catalyst"....but then again, it's only 3 new songs...I'll try and not get too excited.

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I just listened to "Atlantis to Interzone" by Klaxons in an effort to wake myself up for the prom tonight (and for the allergy medicine coma I nearly put myself in)...and fuck me did it work! Awesome track. I don't think I can trod through the rest of Myths right now, but great song and very noisy, fun stuff. (Too bad I won't ever hear that in a club or a prom over here.)

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Atlantis to Interzone is far and away my favourite Klaxons track. I like Golden Skans and a few others too, but... that's THE Klaxons track if you ask me. One of the clubs here plays it, but I'm now convinced they have a pretend DJ and just use the same CD every week as it'll be a case of "Mr. Brightside" comes on and you'll know its 12:45 or whatever.

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I've not listened to the whole album through, but the couple of tracks I've heard have been ace.

Also, I have read on the official forums that people own audio of various Reuben gigs. I must have, and I must have now. You find me me. Now. And no, asking isn't an option as it's strictly prohibited on their forums :/

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Maybe this should be in a pop thread, but why does Leona Lewis sound like Mariah Carey? I was okay was "Bleeding Love" until I realized that it sounded exactly like a mid-90s Mariah Carey song...and with Carey releasing another shitty song herself in the States now, I really don't need two of Mariah around.

Also, who let the Kooks name their album Konk? Bad title, baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad title.

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"MARYN" by RickoLus

What a fucking tune. Awesome stuff. What's even better is you can download all his stuff for free. http://www.iamrickolus.com/ I actually haven't got around to listening to all of his new album, I end up just flicking back to this tune.

And...some Death Cab stuff;

Not sure I want to listen to it. :(

The setlist they're busting out looks insane, it's like 20 songs...5 song encore...finishing with "Transatlanticism"....with both "Bixby Canyon Bridge" (which is supposadely 9-minutes) and "I Will Possess Your Heart" in.

Okay..."Long Division" is going to be a fucking hit!

Can't remember what the rules are on live bootlegs anymore, but I've found a pretty good quality recording of the show on the 19th. Which has "Bixby Canyon Bridge" (which is like 5-minutes...but there's speculation they just cut out an 'intro' which will be on the album), "Long Division", "Talking Bird -> Grapevine Fires", "No Sunlight", "I Will Possess Your Heart" and "Your New Twin Size Bed". "Long Division" is my favourite. "No Sunlight" has this really swank synth riff. "Bixby..." sounds like Dredg at the start, but soon turns into total DCFC. All the tunes are epic. I'm really psyched for this album now. I don't want to listen to them too much. :(

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Back to Death Cab...I saw the end of "I Will Possess Your Heart" on MTV2 before (So not sure if they did the whole 8-minutes)...which was fucking cool. Whilst pretty popular in America, they NEVER got that over here...in fact, the only time I've seen them on TV before was "A Movie Script Ending" at like 2 o'clock in the morning on MTV2.

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Back to Death Cab...I saw the end of "I Will Possess Your Heart" on MTV2 before (So not sure if they did the whole 8-minutes)...which was fucking cool. Whilst pretty popular in America, they NEVER got that over here...in fact, the only time I've seen them on TV before was "A Movie Script Ending" at like 2 o'clock in the morning on MTV2.

Nah, Crooked Teeth's been on a few channels, and was also one of the most popular videos on the video jukebox at our local student pub at Uni - I had nothing to do with it >_> No, seriously, I was too busy putting on Billy Talent.

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I heard a bit of Blood Red Shoes' new album whilst in HMV today (shut up, there's literally no other music shop in Gloucester, other than the worst second hand music store you ever saw), and it sounded pretty cool. I'd have bought the CD, but I was at the till with Reuben's latest, and I wasn't about to put that back.

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Yeah, they're awesome. I missed a chance to see them on Wednesday partly because nobody I knew had heard of them (one of my mates is getting into them now though...boo) and partly because I had to work. :(

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So...Crystal Castles.

I can't figure out if I like them or not. I've been kind of taken back by how different I thought they'd sound :/

I fucking love them. They are very out there, and unlike anything else, but that what makes them so great.

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