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The Old Nintendo Megathread


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9 minutes ago, Mr. Meacon Moneybags said:

I never played Paper Mario games. Is there an actual difference between it and regular Mario besides being paper? Or is it just Mario but flat?

They're RPG games with turn based battle systems, but usually something to shake it up - they all generally use timed button presses to attack/enhance an attack/defend. And Mario being made of paper usually makes for some fun ways to traverse the world.

Edited by apsham
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To add onto Ap, they are RPG where they shake up the game to make them (in my opinion) more accessible as RPGs .

Way more for little kids to play.   

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Thousand Year Door is one of my favourite games ever due to a combination of the gameplay and the humour. Any time a fourth wall gets broken I can't help but laugh. Also, the Glitzville Glitz Pit might be my favourite level in any game.

I'm more than happy to give this a go, I just hope it's more like the older games than the more recent ones.

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opinions on Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch? I asked on another board for non-turn based RPGs, and this was one of the suggestions. But looking at the gameplay, it looks like it has turned based combat???

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Is the second worth the full price? I love the idea of a Studio Ghibli RPG on a handheld device.

EDIT: Son of a bitch, the second one isn't on the Switch???

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I played Ni No Kuni 1. Was fine. Visually cool but a mix of real time and turn based combat. I loved everything but the combat. 

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When I first saw ads for the Paper Mario game I read it as Paper Mario & The Origami Killer and I kind of want to see that now.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I thought I didn't like turn-based RPGs, but I've been sinking a lot of time over the past few days into Cosmic Star Heroine and I love it. I wish I could find more RPGs like it, really.

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Cosmic Star Heroine rules. As far as RPGs like it...the combat system is based off of Chrono Trigger, but for more modern games nothing really comes to mind on the Switch. If you like tactics games and play on PC, the Harebrainedschemes Shadowrun games come closest, albeit with a much more of a darker tone (it IS Shadowrun, after all).

EDIT- Oh, and Anachronox while being closer to Final Fantasy in combat style is thematically close to CSH, being a futuristic sci-fi game with lots of style and willingness to not take itself seriously; it IS a pretty old game though but arguably the best non-Deus Ex game Ion Storm produced. If you got that Eidos megabundle, you already have it, might as well give it a go.

EDIT AGAIN- Oh, I don't know if it's on the Nintendo Online service, but if not you can find it on the SNES Mini: Earthbound.

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I have Earthbound on my Retropie system (it's not on anything Nintendo besides the *New* 3DS XL and the Wii U virtual console).

And yeah, if I'm doing these types of RPGs, I rather do it on the Switch. I found two that I'm interested in: Transistor and YIIK: A Post-Modern RPG.

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I'm playing Fire Emblem Three Houses. How do I prioritize what I do in my free time? The Aux battles? Seminars? Explore the monastery? If I explore the monastery, what should I be focusing on? Food to motivate my team? Learning from other instructors? 

This game is super cool but very overwhelming. Golden Deer because Claude was sexy.

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On 16/03/2020 at 17:49, Sousa said:

I usually do a mix of grind battling and going to the monastery to boost motivation on my Saturdays. On your first run through the game (FE has probably the best New Game+ of any game I've ever seen) it's worth doing those battles because leveling is slower and they give you Renown, which you'll be able to cash in later to make leveling up quicker. The major issue you'll have is money, especially before the blacksmith opens, as you'll wear out your weapons quicker. But getting everybody to level 5 so you can promote them out of the Commoner/Noble classes is a good idea--you might consider mastering the class to get HP+5, but that's not a particularly great skill..

Here's some good advice on Fire Emblem activities.

As for exploration, eating with your students is a good option because it allows you to boost the motivation levels of two people at once. Make sure you talk to everyone too.

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1 hour ago, Bobfoc said:

Here's some good advice on Fire Emblem activities.

As for exploration, eating with your students is a good option because it allows you to boost the motivation levels of two people at once. Make sure you talk to everyone too.


What should be my goal for # of students I recruit? 3-5? 

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As many as you can, I'd say. On a New Game Plus, it's reasonable to expect to recruit them all, but that's not likely the first time round. Playing the game naturally and raising the skills you prefer will naturally convince some students to join you anyway, so I'd just go with the flow in that regard.

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20 minutes ago, Bobfoc said:

As many as you can, I'd say. On a New Game Plus, it's reasonable to expect to recruit them all, but that's not likely the first time round. Playing the game naturally and raising the skills you prefer will naturally convince some students to join you anyway, so I'd just go with the flow in that regard.

I only want the hot guys though.

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