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Belief In Vocals


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I'll add John Frusciante's. From his sober work, not the drug induced shit. He has some of the most raw, emotional, and believable vocals I've ever heard in my entire life.

I find his vocals on certain albums are uncannily similar to Anthony Kiedis when he sings, is that just me?

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I echo the Townes love (surprise). There is a great clip from Heartworn Highways of him singing the first song he ever wrote and a pretty hard bitten old man breaking down into tears whilst listening.

That always gets me.

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Was just about to <_< Although only sometimes, other times he sounds overwrought and overdramatic.

Also like to second Frusciante, very passionate, very raw.

And to throw out Max Bemis. Listening to 'In Defense...' (yet again) it strikes me how passionate and hurt he sounds at times.

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I never feel like Mozzer is feeling what he's singing, except possibly in some of the Smiths stuff, he's crooning and melodramatic, and it works, but it's hardly sincere.

Daniel Johnston would be the obvious choice for me, I don't think there's anyone who's ever sounded more emotional than him when singing, even if I am growing increasingly cynical as pertains to his "childlike innocence" and such.

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Cash, Van Zandt, Willie Nelson, Neil Young, Gordon Lightfoot.

Townes is the best at it probably, Tecumsah Valley on "Together At the Bluebird Cafe" would move anyone to tears.

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Morrissey, Cash and some of the more 'desparate' Coheed songs really make me feel the passion of the songs. Cornell would probably be third because he's far superior to Claudio Sanchez, but Cornell's music never seems to be as emotive as it could be.

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