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The Old Sony Megathread


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This actually sounds pretty sweet.


Those are the kind of things I have no problem paying for. Free access to PSone Classics?! Although if cross-game chat is a paid only feature that's pretty bollocks considering it's something that has been asked for since the inception of the system.

Depends on were you are. What use is a german acount if it dos not get you 18+ rated contend. What good is a european acount if the PSone classics stay as full of fail as they are at the moment? What good is a US acount if i am still playing on my european acount because i don´t want to start over/could be banned on the US one?

I bet for Japan and the US it´s very interesting. For the EU (or even Australia)... You know sony in the EU, it will be more expensive and have far less contend. And since that is blamed on the publishers i don´t see why a subscription would change that.

Unless they change the Gamecontend to something Global i am not buying.

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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The reason for downvoting my post was what?

Because I like the idea? Sony has said everything that is free now will remain free (i.e online gaming, etc.). If they want to charge to add some extra features let them. I have twice the amount of ads on Xbox Live than I have on PS3 and the Live is the service I actually pay for.

I didn't know EU and other countries get the shaft though. I don't understand how Sony doesn't their international services on a decent par yet. Understandably licensing and other issues arise across borders but to not offer the same 10 year old games to everyone makes little sense to me.

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I probably said this when the US questionaire was reported on but if you're American and have the relevant taste in games than the PS One classics would be worth it alone. Obviously depending on price and if you've downloaded any of them before.

2 Final Fantasies? 4 Tomb Raiders? 3 Crash Bandicoots? 3 Resident Evils? Symphony of the Night? Tekken 2? Metal Gear Solid? And of course many, many more.

I seem to recall talks of limits back on the aformentioned US questionaire and probably rightly so. You could pillage the thing and get a ton of great titles.

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I'd only be interested in paying if they'd give us in the UK the Playstation Classics at the same time or shortly after they're released in the US. It's ridiculous how long we have to wait for some of the games to be released over here.

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so im an idiot. I dont know what i did. i was changing settings for my ps3 to go from my hd tv to got to a standard tv yano with the 3 prongs. i some how messed with the resolution or something and now, I have no video. i have audio with my hdmi hookup but no video. I'm looking for some ideas to help me if you know an easy kind of fix for this please please pretty please help me haha. thanks if someone can if not. I'll just figure something out i guess haha.

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I didn't know EU and other countries get the shaft though. I don't understand how Sony doesn't their international services on a decent par yet. Understandably licensing and other issues arise across borders but to not offer the same 10 year old games to everyone makes little sense to me.


I am not to much into PSP Titles since i don´t have any, but everything i hear around the PSPGo sounds like the Full Version DL Games are barly comming in aswell.

Heavvy Rain gets Dated.

Hi everyone – Alex Pavey here, with some great news about Heavy Rain to start off the new year! The eagle-eyed amongst you will have noticed that the US release date has been confirmed today as the 23rd February – and although there are still some final tests and checks to be completed, I wanted to let you all know that you can expect to see Heavy Rain on-shelves across PAL regions during the same week – Wednesday 24th February for mainland Europe, and Friday 26th February in the UK and Ireland.


Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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I'm really starting to get into this VidZone thing. Spent about an hour and a half (<_<) setting up a playlist of music to clean out my unit to, then just set it to fullscreen and let it do its thing! It was pretty cool to have for that.

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Anybody else play Crystal Defenders? I bought it today since I saw it was made by Square Enix and it's pretty damn fun but really fucking hard.

Also picked up Turtles in Time for the nostaglia factor. I still suck at it but at least I made it past the 4th level this time.

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Anybody else play Crystal Defenders? I bought it today since I saw it was made by Square Enix and it's pretty damn fun but really fucking hard.

Also picked up Turtles in Time for the nostaglia factor. I still suck at it but at least I made it past the 4th level this time.

The Turtles remake is pritty shit compared to the super nintendo original. (they changed levels, made it easyer and the design all in all is pritty bad)

Crystal Defenders only is a tower defence game, issent it? You might have been better of with pixeljunk than, or do you get anything besides the defence maps? Story, gfx?

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Anybody else play Crystal Defenders? I bought it today since I saw it was made by Square Enix and it's pretty damn fun but really fucking hard.

This. Great fun the game is, but its fucking hard after level 20, those wolves are far too fast for my liking

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The Turtles remake is pritty shit compared to the super nintendo original. (they changed levels, made it easyer and the design all in all is pritty bad)

Yeah for sure. But it was on sale so it wasn't that hard of a decision to pick it up.

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Hard restart?

Hold down the power button for a number of seconds.

I forgot to mention that I'm not very savvy with this stuff. That definitely worked and saved me loads of time. Thanks a whole lot.

So I'm not very good at first person shooter games, and I don't own any, what would be a good relatively easy game to start up with to get a better grasp on first person shooters?

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