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The Old Sony Megathread


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Did you look at any of the shops linked on staticice? You can get that drive from MSY for $100 depending on where you live in Queensland. Or you can order it online from lots of others and get it delivered much cheaper than that.

Edited by QuomQuat
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Did you look at any of the shops linked on staticice? You can get that drive from MSY for $100 depending on where you live in Queensland. Or you can order it online from lots of others and get it delivered much cheaper than that.

I did, which is why I'll get the drive from GoComp.com.au which I found on staticice. Thank you. I just linked to deals direct for clarity, and then I searched for the drive elsewhere.

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Cool. Any 2.5 drive will work, except for the ones over 500 gb because they are too big to fit in. Also 7400 offers so little in the way of a speed boost it's seen as pointless.

7400 also increases heat produced by the machine which should be avoided.

Nah it raises internal temp by less than 10% and is considered by nearly everyone (including Sony's warranty team) to be safe. The reason why it's generally not recommended is because the cost increase far outweighs the fractional load times it saves.

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I think it's worth it, especially after 09 and heading into the new year, the exclusives are just too good to resist. I got one for Xmas just because I couldn't keep avoiding games like Uncharted, LBP, MGS4, InFamous, the upcoming Heavy Rain, Last Guardian, God of War, the rumored Twisted Metal game, and countless others. 2010 will be the PS3's year, and while the 360 will be my choice for most multiplatform games (except games that require a D-pad like Super Street Fighter IV), Sony will have the most must-have exclusives.

As for Blu-ray, I think a lot of it depends on your television. If you have a 50+ inch 1080p HDTV, then yeah, you'll notice a big difference on Blu-ray, especially depending on the title. I'm on a 40-inch 720p LCD, and there's really only a DRASTIC difference on some titles. I will never buy a TV show on Blu-ray, colossal waste of money, a good upconverting DVD player (and the PS3 is a great upconverting DVD player) will do the job just fine. The first Blu-ray I got was "Up," as I thought a bright, vibrant cartoon would be a good test subject to look at the difference between DVD and BR. I got the Blu-ray/DVD combo pack, put in the DVD version first, then the Blu-ray, and in all honesty, I wasn't that impressed. Certainly a difference, but not the "OMG HOME THEATER REVOLUTION!!" that I was expecting. Definitely not as shocking as the jump from DVD to upconverting DVD. Same thing happened with Inglourious Basterds, the DVD version looked GORGEOUS on my TV, so I don't even think it was necessary to buy it on Blu-ray. Now, on the flipside of that, my copy of Dark Knight on DVD looks like shit compared to the Blu-ray version, so I think a lot of it just depends on what you're watching. I'd only go for Blu-ray on big, summer blockbuster type movies, the next BR I'm planning on getting is Star Trek, but for a movie like The Hangover, I'll just stick to DVD.

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I'm struggling with the current changeover. Over here the Blu-Ray section is pretty big now but it's expensive as DVDs always have been. Though the big stores are starting to offer cheaper Blu-Ray deals - down from 4,480 to maybe 2,500 for some titles which is about £12.50 as far as living cost comparison seems to go.

So when Watchmen came out I HAD to get it on Blu-Ray. Very glad I did too, looks phenominal. However I don't want every movie on Blu-Ray (cos of the cost and some don't "need" high def, like comedies) but at the same time I don't want to clog up my collection with more old DVDs.

So I'm not buying many films.

Though I did get Twelve Monkeys, 3:10 To Yuma, The Quick and The Dead and Sexy Beast on Blu-Ray over the Christmas period and I reckon 3:10 especially will look very nice.

Also picked up Logan's Run on Blu-Ray more through shock at seeing it in the store than anything else. Dunno if it NEEDS Blu-Ray though, will have to see.

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It's worth it. I've been a happy 360 owner since '07, but Microsoft's ridiculous Live policing finally pushed me over to Sony. The Blu-Ray alone is enough to have a PS3, but also the exclusives are miles ahead of anything the 360 has to offer. My only complaint is that on some multi-platform titles I do notice that the PS3 normally gets the shaft graphically.

Some games have a ridiculous amount of jaggies, I've heard from some people that it's because the 360 has built in Anti-aliasing and the PS3 doesn't. I'm not sure how true this is, I personally don't believe it but just wanted to throw that out there. I think it comes down more to the developers port job. As these jaggies are virtually non-existent in the exclusives.

And despite what people will tell you the Playstation Network is not inferior to Xbox Live. It's not as polished, but it has benefits including a much more mature community. Playstation Home is also finally coming into it's own. Sodium One is a fine example of what the service could accomplish.

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