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The Old Sony Megathread


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Finished the story on normal and absolutely loved it managed 40 of the treasures on one play though including the the extra secret one or whatever they call it. Gonna go through the chapters i need treasures in within the next week or so perhaps.

Had a quick deathmatch never did end up getting the beta so my first taste of multiplayer and loved that too despite getting my ass handed too me.

I'm already excited for a second play through but will have to take it slower as my dad was round earlier and saw part of it and said i absolutely have to play through again just so he can watch the whole thing he wouldn't play it himself so can only play when he is available to come watch.

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Earlier today I was playing a game when the green power light flashed yellow then red and it turned off.

WHen I tried to restart the green light would come on briefly as it powered up, then flashed yellow then went red again.

I CAN get 60gigs here AND they're reasonably cheap but they're all preowned by Japanese which may screw me a little although language is easily changeable.

The main question is, can I reuse my username on a new console? Are my 50 Singstar songs I downloaded lost? If I can reuse my username I can download them again for free I think.

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Nice. Losing the console sucks big time but at least with a Japanese PS3 I won't need the big power change unit I'm having to use. I already lost all my saved games last week so that's not a problem so it's just the stuff I've spent money on - Singstar and Rock Band. If that's not a problem then it's no big loss I guess. £150 gets me a new 120gig or a slim and I can afford that.

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Boo! You've given me hope now :shifty: which means I'm gonna have to hunt down an electrical repairs shop (in Japanese of course) that properly repairs PS3s.....

I was just gonna have a go at taking it apart myself and poking around until it worked again...Much like I did with my PS2 (gave it an extra 4 years of life!) though I'm guessing the PS3 is more complicated!

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