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The Old Sony Megathread


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The main story isn't available to be played co-op style. Instead you do have three person co-op missions online that take place in parts of the main story, like the Nepal street battle that comes early on in the game. I haven't played online outside of the beta so I imagine there are more than that portion to choose from.

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I bought Critter Crunch the other week and have to say, save your monney. It´s very good looking and fun in the beginning, but sadly the harder stages are more luck than skill and unlike a good puzzelgame (e.g. Tetris) this one gets really frustrating wen you have to replay a level over and over again just becaus the random critters pop up in a way that disables you to finish the chalange no matter what.

I have not checked out the online/offline multiplayer yet, that might be worth a lot more.

Edit, Online Multiplayer is fun, offline should be to. But there are very few players... from what i see the ranking dos not even have 1000 players listed. (i started out on rank 720)

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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So, Dragon Age looks pretty good, am I going to miss out on anything by getting it on PS3 as opposed to PC or 360?

Nothing has been announced exclusive expansion-wise to my knowledge but it's usually only timed exclusivity for this stuff now, with even talk that the GTA IV DLC may end up on PS3.

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Yay! Totally in English!


15 minutes in.

It's clearly brilliant.

Still got the bonus treasures of course.

Great start to the story, nice sense of peril and danger.

Some great cutscenes, nice to see an English GEEZAHHH involved. Some smart little things that just make it all feel more "real" I guess, like fingers drumming on bottles or expressions etc.

In game the animations of Drake are excellent so far.

All in all, well worth getting. I dunno what the reviews have been like but if it continues like this it's very very good.

Clearly the "Tomb Raider" for the PS3.


Ahahaha he has all the best quotes

"You've put on weight............Right, no more doughnuts for you".

"Quick, there's a guy above you, a guy above you!"

*reach up, throw the guy off the platform to the ground below*

"There's a guy below you, a guy below you!"

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So, I just went and bought Uncharted 2 - nice and cheap.

1) It had better be in English too unlike Wet.

2) The front cover is bonkers awesome.


It's all hand-drawn style.

Anyway I'm gonna load it up in 20 minutes when my wife pushes off to work.

Nate looks like a perv. :o

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I'm right at the end of Uncharted 2. It froze on me yesterday and I haven't gotten a chance to finish it up. To me it's one of the best games since the 16 bit era ended. If I didn't have a PS3, I would have bought the system to play this game.

And yeah, it's got some awesome back and forth dialog between the characters. Drake's hand puppets part is good also the Marco Polo pool deal (which gives you a free 20,000 bucks for doing).

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First ever PS3 weirdness.

Since playing Uncharted yesterday, turned console on today. Told me that the harddrive needed to be restarted or something. Ran a status bar then it loaded up and nothing different.

Then turned it on again later, ran the restart hardrive thing again and now the only trophies listed are for Uncharted. All the other trophy lists are gone. Ugh, I hope this isn't the beginning of the end...


Oh no.

Just lost ALLLLLL my save game data for EVERYTHING! EVERYTHING!


Bloody 200 hours on Oblivion, all my Pro Evo stuff, Fallout......Uncharted-related problem? This is terrible.

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