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The Old Sony Megathread


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My list of PS3 games owned or currently own:

UC2: Among Thieves (best game played so far)

Infamous (not great)



Legends of WM

SvR 10

Dead Nation (I think that's what it is called)

MGS 4 (nothing like the prequels)

OF: Dragon Rising

Heavy Rain (good but boring)

BF: Bad Company

Resistance 2

Most games I buy are for 360, especially multiplayer games despite having had a PS3 for over a year those are the only games I've owned for it.

Edited by steesh07
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First Resistance is pretty swish. 3D Game Heroes is great if like old school Zelda style games. Red Faction Armaggedon is pretty cool, as is Guerrilla, which is probably the better of the two. Dragon Age Origins and Mass Effect 2 are both pretty fantastic too, if you like RPGs. Second LBP and first Uncharted are both good still if you wanted more of the ones you've played. LBP1 is a lot better than the second, I found.

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Red Dead Redemption surely.

Isn't a PS3 exclusive.

The only PS3 exclusives I've played and loved are Heavy Rain and the Uncharted series. Pretty sure you'll have played tham already though.

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Demon's Souls is a pretty awesome PS3 exclusive that's probably pretty cheap by now

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Heavy rain is boring? Sure in the first 7 minutes. Past that, its a fucking ride.

Demon souls, as mentioned above is awesome. If you dont have a Wii, than No More Heroes will be a good pick in the future, I dont think Xbox gets that one.

Every Day Shooter in the PSN is amazing good, Id suggest that one to everyone thats never played it, should be fairly cheap by now.

Heavenly Sword is great too, loved that one.

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Heavy rain is boring? Sure in the first 7 minutes. Past that, its a fucking ride.

Demon souls, as mentioned above is awesome. If you dont have a Wii, than No More Heroes will be a good pick in the future, I dont think Xbox gets that one.

Every Day Shooter in the PSN is amazing good, Id suggest that one to everyone thats never played it, should be fairly cheap by now.

Heavenly Sword is great too, loved that one.

It was just too restrictive, more like an interactive movie. Sorta like what LA Noire is, shame.

Marco reply was in status updates lol.

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Mercenaries 2 is the only boob there. The first was pretty good but the second, from what I played, wasn't. Not bad for the price though, not at all.

Encharted by itself was $29.99 before all the discounting, and they had a 3-pack of Encharted, Mercenaries 2, and Tomb Raider together for $29.99. I'm not at all interested in Mercenaries or Tomb Raider. I may give them a try eventually, or I might just sell them or something.

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It's Tomb Raider Underworld. I really don't know anything about it, but I figured 3 games for $30 that includes the one I really want is better than 1 game for $30. I remember playing a couple of Tomb Raider games for PSX and spent the entire time running around Lara Croft's mansion and training area. Wasn't too impressed.

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