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The Old Sony Megathread


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But the hackers have used it to steal paid-for content from the PSN store. They haven't brought the system to it's knees by finding a way to re-add the Other OS feature. Thats what the others guys are saying, it's not just about people wanting to use the system the way they originally intended, this is hackers ruining everything for everybody, by doing something illegal.

I know you're saying that removing the OS feature is what instigated the whole thing in the first place, but when the reaction from the hackers goes into criminal territory that results in every single PS3 owner being negatively affected just because of their own fucking greed, then we're past the point where you could reasonably defend them, whether it's Geohotz, Anonymous or whoever.

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Matzat - always looking at the bigger picture. Millions of people might have had their bank details stolen, we might be looking at one of the crimes of the century, but what's really important is that he can't use Linux on his video game console.

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Matzat - always looking at the bigger picture. Millions of people might have had their bank details stolen, we might be looking at one of the crimes of the century, but what's really important is that he can't use Linux on his video game console.

crimestats whore

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Matzat - always looking at the bigger picture. Millions of people might have had their bank details stolen, we might be looking at one of the crimes of the century, but what's really important is that he can't use Linux on his video game console.

It´s chaos theory, butterfly flapping it´s wings causing the tornado on the other side of the planet. Some group breaks this, some hacker pooks in the other direction, someone releases something and in the end something bad comes of good intentions. But i also might be compleedly wrong. If it´s don profesional dealers this has prolly absolutly nothing to do with our Consoles and it´s Master Code at all. These guys just stalk the right people long enough to know whos computer to hack to get to the sensetiv Data. This would mean two 100% breaches of Sonys deepest securety levels by differnt groups of intrest within few month. I think we can agree that this would not make Sonys securety department look any better.

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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I think the problem people are having with you Matzat is you seem to be suggesting that decent human beigns would lose their obility to ptu a different operating system on a console and then decide to steal people's data. That's not, you know, a decent human response. That's the response of a criminal. I know personally what's annoying me about everything I read is people seem more obsessed with blaming Sony then whoever actually hacked into the system. To me its the latter bastards who should be strung up by their testicles and have controls flung at them. That and people are basically saying, "hey, if you piss these people off then you should expect them to steal all our data, its all your fault for pissing them off." It isn't.

I'm a bliever that this would have more than likely happened to anybody sooner or later. We've seen lately that hackers were getting better. It happened to Sony, which sucks for them, but us makes little difference. It was going to happen somewhere, to something. The only real bad thing I think Sony have done out of all this is delayed telling people about it for so long. But then I don't know how easy a case like this is. For all I know maybe they didn't have any idea just how bad it was. Its not like this happens all the time. I get being worried and being angry, but I'd be more willing to criticise A) our stupid society that likes to have everything on electronic databases now and B) the people who commited a criminal act.

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I think the problem people are having with you Matzat is you seem to be suggesting that decent human beigns would lose their obility to ptu a different operating system on a console and then decide to steal people's data. That's not, you know, a decent human response.

If (!) this problem is based on the work of everything/everyone that took part in the jailbreaking/master key getting it has been caused by Sony killing other os. Dossent matter if you do not care about other os or not, it is what motivated the jailbreaking nerds to open the doors. If killing PSN is don with financial interst (selling our data, spending our monny) the people that do it don´t give a flying fuck about other os - yet still, if it is based on the "jailbreak hackers" this still snowballs of of other os. Why is this so hard to understand?

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I think the problem people are having with you Matzat is you seem to be suggesting that decent human beigns would lose their obility to ptu a different operating system on a console and then decide to steal people's data. That's not, you know, a decent human response.

If (!) this problem is based on the work of everything/everyone that took part in the jailbreaking/master key getting it has been caused by Sony killing other os. Dossent matter if you do not care about other os or not, it is what motivated the jailbreaking nerds to open the doors. If killing PSN is don with financial interst (selling our data, spending our monny) the people that do it don´t give a flying fuck about other os - yet still, if it is based on the "jailbreak hackers" this still snowballs of of other os. Why is this so hard to understand?

Because you do not spell very well.

Because no matter what the motivation is, hacking in to something is illegal.

Because they do not want the systems to work in certain ways to retain the integrity and control of what they (Sony) have designed and sold.

I don't get how you can get high and mighty and claim that Sony have done ANYTHING wrong in protecting their own property, which has then been attacked and damaged by a group of cowardly, faceless individuals. Sony have done nothing wrong in protecting their systems and control. Why is this so hard to understand?

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I think the problem people are having with you Matzat is you seem to be suggesting that decent human beigns would lose their obility to ptu a different operating system on a console and then decide to steal people's data. That's not, you know, a decent human response.

If (!) this problem is based on the work of everything/everyone that took part in the jailbreaking/master key getting it has been caused by Sony killing other os. Dossent matter if you do not care about other os or not, it is what motivated the jailbreaking nerds to open the doors. If killing PSN is don with financial interst (selling our data, spending our monny) the people that do it don´t give a flying fuck about other os - yet still, if it is based on the "jailbreak hackers" this still snowballs of of other os. Why is this so hard to understand?

Because you're saying it's a legitimate response to a lack of another OS. 'I can't have Linux on my PS3? THEN NOBODY CAN USE PSN EVER!' is not a legit responce. Just because a few people can't put another OS on their PS3 doesn't mean nobody has the right to use PSN. Why is this so hard to understand?

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I respectfully point you back to my beer and blowjob robot analogy. In complaining of the lack of Other OS, or indeed of the temporary lack of PSN, you're essentially saying "I live in a technologically advanced age that would be beyond the comprehension of even my recent ancestors, I have this insanely powerful entertainment tool available to me, that provides me with all sorts of wonders of the modern age. ...wait, you mean it can't do EVERYTHING I want it to?! Seriously, fuck this, the future sucks."

Sony are not in the wrong for removing a feature from their product. They could remove the fucking disc drive if they wanted to - they designed the fucking thing. Maybe removing Other OS was the motivation of the hackers, maybe they did it for money, maybe for the press attention or to prove that they could, or maybe for shits and giggles. Maybe they wanted to find the fucking nude Lara Croft cheat. I couldn't give a shit what their reason was, and it doesn't fucking matter. When some kid goes out on a killing spree because his Call Of Duty save got corrupted, do we sit around bemoaning the faulty technology or do we say "shit, this guy's a criminal, let's hope justice is served"?

Also, I don't think it's wrong to criticise Sony at all. Obviously we should be criticising the hackers too - I have a lot of respect for the abilities of whoever did it, but it's still a very, very dirty thing to do - but everyone who signed up to PSN did so with the faith that it was as secure as possible. Not to mention that Sony's initial response didn't exactly fill the world with confidence.

To use a horribly emotive analogy, and one sorely lacking in robots - if the Bush regime had prior knowledge of 9/11, we're just as right in criticising them for not doing enough to prevent the attacks than we are in criticising the terrorists. Just because one group is more wrong than another doesn't make the other group right by default.

And, seriously, fuck you for making me have to explain the Blowjob & Beer Robot.

PS: It's not fucking "Chaos Theory". Just because Jeff Goldblum said it in Jurassic Park doesn't mean that's what Chaos Theory actually is.

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Guest Baark H. Obama

Im pretty much agreeing with what you say except I would add that although we signed up for PSN with faith sony had security that couldnt be beat, I think the fact its taking sony this long to find and fix the problem is that sony had that exact same faith.

Isn't that a good thing though? If Sony could find the hole in their security in five minutes, wouldn't that be more worrying?

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Im pretty much agreeing with what you say except I would add that although we signed up for PSN with faith sony had security that couldnt be beat, I think the fact its taking sony this long to find and fix the problem is that sony had that exact same faith.

Isn't that a good thing though? If Sony could find the hole in their security in five minutes, wouldn't that be more worrying?

That's a fair point, but they're also the fifth largest media conglomerate in the world - the fact that anyone could break their security is worrying enough. The "faith" that it was secure enough isn't what I expect from a company of anything like this size - they should be doing all that it is physically possible to do to prevent this kind of thing. And while obviously we don't know exactly what Sony did or didn't do, I think it's not too much of a stretch to say that their security wasn't quite as good as it should have been.

Combined with their complete lack of customer relations after the fact - I refuse to believe that they only just discovered gamers might have lost personal data, when they've been looking at the problem for over a week - I think it's fair to say there are still questions that they need to answer.

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I just want to say fuck whoever started this and fuck Sony because you have made my life fucking miserable the past few days with an inordinate amount of fucking mutants declaring their consoles to be a faulty and wanting refunds and games exchanged despite how many times you explain what the problem is or point them to any media coverage. I reckon I've had as many as five people trade in their PS3's for 360s this weekend because they can't play Call of Duty anymore. IT'S NOT EVEN THAT FUCKING GOOD YOU FUCKING MOUTHBREATHERS.


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