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The Old Sony Megathread


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Well, I have Shift 2 - I'm not sure I'll play it anywhere near as much as NFS: Hot Pursuit, just because I'm not big on track racing, but did like the first game. It does feel a lot like Forza 3, with the added helmet cam, especially on the Suzuka circuit.

I was supposed to be getting WSC Real 11 delivered too, but its release got put back two weeks. It's probably a good thing, as I can play Shift 2 more than I would have done, plus I need to start Wet properly, which I still have on rental.

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Can you believe it, dood!? The Disgaea 4 website has officially launched! Make sure you stop by to check out all the awesome info within it! It's got story information, character descriptions, and later on we'll be adding movies, system information, and more! Check it out now, dood! Get ready for Disgaea 4's North American release in September 2011 for its European release this fall, dood!!

On top of that, we have the awesome "Dis-name-a" Contest where 3 lucky winners will have a chance to name an in-game weapon, character, and skill! The contest winners names will also appear in the game! We're super excited for all you Disgaea fans to participate!! Just make sure you get your entry in before April 21st!!! Check out all the contest entry rules within the contest webpage! Enter now, dood!


There are rumors about a Playstation Tablet comming sometime...


I love my iPad, it´s smother PS2 grafiks and absolutly great for point and klick or racing games. Seeing stuff like disgaea on these devices would be awsome.

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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Unsurprisingly, both Hotz' legal team and Sony's were excited to resolve the legal dispute so quickly. "It was never my intention to cause any users trouble or to make piracy easier. I'm happy to have the litigation behind me," Hotz said in the announcement.


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Shhhht, don´t talk about that, benji might come in and start writing in big red caps again!

It´s realy interesting to see what will happen with Hotz now. The people that donated monny to his cause, beliving he would - like he anounced - go as far as possible, were prittymuch the only bridge he had not burned. He is lost somewere betwen jumping up and down about how much he hates sony and justifiing himself, without being able to tell why and how they settled, in his blog.

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I haven't posted anything in here in a long while....

I'm almost done the first Disgaea game! Final chapter, about to fight Vulcanous.

I have Laharl in the high 50's, 4-5 in mid/low 50's, and I have two monsters (one level 92, one level 112)....gonna have to do a bit of grinding to beat the bastard (he's level 80!). Pass 'Stronger Enemies' 3-4 times, then 'Triple XP', and then go to town!

I raised a level 1 mage to 46 in two battles this way.

Edit: Vulcanous was an easy enough fight. Lamington on the otherhand? Murdering me dead.

Edit 2: Before going to bed last night, I took another crack at it....I got him down to about 25%. This morning, I decided to capture another high level monster....that was enough for me to beat him! Also, I got lucky with his lackeys coming out and attacking me :shifty:

Unfortunately, I got the normal ending. I must have killed an ally at some point :(

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