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The Old Sony Megathread


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Well I noticed when I picked up MW2 again last Thursday and played from the over the weekend, I had absolutely zero fully hacked matches. One one game had a certified hacker in it (PSN was "Hacker_Bun" :shifty:) who couldn't be killed but that was about it as far as special abilities he had. Best thing was was that he was shit despite his invinciblity and he was a sniper; everyone on our team just walked away from him and left him alone, and I was able to get more kills than him in the game anyway. I sent him a message saying "wow, aren't you shit..." because that's how I roll.

In other news, attempt #3 at the 72000 kills on Dead Rising 2. Going good so far, don't want to jinx it.

In other other news, I had a little go on Test Drive Unlimited 2 in HMV. WOW. It was awful. The graphics are bad. They're marginally better than Need For Speed Underground 2 and the Scarface game on PS2, just a little smoother. I don't know if that was just because I was in roaming mode or whatever (I was driving around the streets with no race going on), but damn it. Watching a little clip on YouTube, it does look a bit better, as it was night time when I played, but still didn't impress me at all with the GFX.

Edited by TheModernWay
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Yeah it does look quite terrible. I mean, the other day I was watching a video of the PC version of Driver 3 which came out in 2004, and TDU2 looks barely better than that. I suspect some modding was done though, but still:

In other news, Dead Rising 2 72000 zombies trophy done. Just co-op and I have my platinum. Think I'll wait a couple of months before playing again though.

Edited by TheModernWay
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Well, after £4 and a year and a half, I've finally done the storyline of TNA Impact. And still haven't unlocked all the arenas and moves. Yeah, don't care, there are no trophies to bask in.

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Unfun News in the GeoHot Trial.


Sony gets all the Data of anyone who donated for the trial (so a second bleem dos not happen, not in "paying for a hack") and knows exactly how much money they have to sit out to get around the trial comming to a propper end. Usualy i would say a propper end they would shurly come out as the looser in but opening these paypal records make me feel less confident about the brain of the American Law Personal.

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Wait, Beeker is GeoHot? Like...Canadian Beeker who released that gamebook?

I don't know if it's a joke or not, but Beeker is the muppet in that video that makes the "mimimimi" sounds. Not to be confused with the muppet that posted that video, though.

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