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The Old Sony Megathread


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Pah PSP Go. Even over here everyone still plays the other standard PSP models. The Go was a terrible idea.

Could have been excellent, but the lack of support of high profile titles made it suffer. Im sure if it played everything the PSP did, then it would have been a better gaming choice. As is, it lacks support and only Sony can be blamed for that.

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Pah PSP Go. Even over here everyone still plays the other standard PSP models. The Go was a terrible idea.

Could have been excellent, but the lack of support of high profile titles made it suffer. Im sure if it played everything the PSP did, then it would have been a better gaming choice. As is, it lacks support and only Sony can be blamed for that.

If you look at the PSBlog they always seem to give the excuse that the publishers need to publish their games and set the prices. Strange how Steam is able to do so much more competetive pricing on its games... almost everything you can get on PSN or on Disc is Cheaper on Disc. Often even by a big margin, let alone the fact that you can trade it in after you finished.

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Yeah so I failed the 72,000 zombies thing on Dead Rising 2. Times runs out at 10am on day 4 (so you have essentially 79 hours). I had 69,340. Yay.

I started again though with the tactic I started using 2/3 of the way through and I've done 24 hours already with 20,000 kills. A tad behind the 1000 per hour mark again, but I believe I'm comparatively ahead of my first attempt. IIRC I had 16/18,000 at the end of 24 hours.

Edited by TheModernWay
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I've seen some people say that if you do the story and get into Overtime then that helps. I dunno how that'd work in terms of losing kills by running off to do the story versus the extra hours you'd get.

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My tactic is to take a specific route in the Hummer and aim for only around 1500 kills per go and return to the Yucatan or whatever its called, then immediately leave it and get back in the Hummer. Each ride in the Hummer is around 2 hours. I've been checking as I've been going, I'm typically getting bang on 1000 kills for the first hour, and lose a little bit for the second hour of the ride.

Granted that it's actually 79 hours not 72, and I was around 2500 short last time, I should make it.

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I went for the car magazine that extends the life of the hummer and got about four thousand kills a time, but I still ended up short by a tiny amount.

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Yeah, I got the car magazine in tow too. I wasted around an hour getting it then getting to the Hummer. And Snowflake/Ted and Leon Bell didn't exactly help either. my first attempt I was refreshing the Hummer every 2500 and saving every 5000 kills. I'm now doing 1500 and save at 10,000 (if I can be bothered playing up to that much).

If the game wasn't a bastard and let you pick up the bike magazine before Case 4, I'd much prefer to hop on a chainsaw bike. It's better and actually fun.

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Finally bought a PSP. Then I realized I'm gonna need a bigger memory stick than 2GB. >_<

Depends what you use it for, I found it's okay if you only want one PSN downloaded game and your PSP game saves, but if you want more than one game (especially since you're a fellow FF fan) on at a time... yeah, you're kind of fucked without anything at at least 8GB.

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