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The Old Sony Megathread


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It's because we dislike you.

You don´t dislike me, you dislike that i have standarts and opinions i can back up. If i´ed just forgot my standards and ignore the feel for qualety (and the lack of) i have, just be all yay about everything instead... you´ed be my best buddy in two month. You´re just looking for confirmation. <_<

I don't think you've ever successfully backed anything up.

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If you want to pirate and homebrewstuff then do it on a PC. It's what it's there for.

There's no way I'm going to potentially screw up my PS3 just so I can run Linux on it which I'll never use anyway. I don't mind buying actual games from actual stores and playing on my console as Sony desire.

Matzat is a crook.


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I saw some of the video the other day the people who did it just seem to be strokers of their own ego Linux fanboys. Well, most hackers and what not seem to be.

"We didn't do this to pirate games, we did it just to see if we can run Linux". To me, that just seems entirely pointless. Hell, doing it on nearly every device seems largely pointless. I just don't see the point of hacking something just so you can run Linux on something that you normally can't (like say the Nexus One), when usually the only reason you do load it up is to say "look at me, I have Linux running!", not to actually use it. Especially as a lot of the time it doesn't work quite right. Well done in wasting your own time.

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Oh I know, I just find Linux more awkward than it needs to be. It seems as if its only meant for students as opposed to general users. And one of my lecturers bought a PS3 just to run Linux on it. In class we would play a modded Quake, and he tried to get it to work with the PS3 but it wouldn't.

Edited by TheModernWay
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I went and read a news reports and the group said that they won't release the hack either way - who knows how truthful that is.

If i understood corectly thats a different story. Someone took the math they did and used it on breaching the gaming securety.

First homebrew is ready to be used of a USB stick. I´ll keep myself from trying it...

Oh I know, I just find Linux more awkward than it needs to be. It seems as if its only meant for students as opposed to general users. And one of my lecturers bought a PS3 just to run Linux on it. In class we would play a modded Quake, and he tried to get it to work with the PS3 but it wouldn't.

Well, there is more than just "Linux". It´s a term for many different OSes build on the same base. If you got absolutly everything right for what you want to do it´s pure magic, if you got nothing working out you might aswell replace your computer with a stone.

If you put everything in place nicely there is no problem with getting the work you do on windows or mac don on a linux system. If you loose anything at all it´s gaming, whats awkward is you not being used to the software.

You can even get a design buero running soly on OpenSource. -> (http://ospublish.constantvzw.org/)

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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It looks shit. That stainless steel fold out looks horrible. And good luck trying to update Android on it.

In other news. I'm currently a day and a half into my kill 72,000 zombies in 72 hours attempt on Dead Rising 2. I have around 32,500 kills. Dammit. I only need the zombie kill trophies and then the co-op trophy (which I'm saving until last) to go before I platinum this bitch.

Edited by TheModernWay
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I kinda like the PSP Phone. Everyone always complains about touch screen phones lacking buttons and what not for gaming on the go, I know i'm hesitant about it but i've started to come around on the subject with Dungeon Hunter for Android which works OK but I digress. You can get any number of emulators on Android Marketplace so the prospect of using them with a proper d pad/face button setup is nice. Though, at that point, if you're the kind of person that's gonna get an Android phone like that then you're also liable to be the kind of person that will have a hacked PSP or maybe a DS with a flash card so you can do emulation that way. Though, maybe you only want to take one device out with you.

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Now at 45,000 kills at 7am on the 3rd day, so I've basically done just over 2 full days. God it's long. Can anyone confirm this for me: the game does not end at 72 hours (at 3am), it's actually a little longer and ends at around 9am (when the military show up), correct? I'm certain it finishes in daylight.

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I kinda like the PSP Phone. Everyone always complains about touch screen phones lacking buttons and what not for gaming on the go, I know i'm hesitant about it but i've started to come around on the subject with Dungeon Hunter for Android which works OK but I digress. You can get any number of emulators on Android Marketplace so the prospect of using them with a proper d pad/face button setup is nice. Though, at that point, if you're the kind of person that's gonna get an Android phone like that then you're also liable to be the kind of person that will have a hacked PSP or maybe a DS with a flash card so you can do emulation that way. Though, maybe you only want to take one device out with you.

Yeah, that sums it up pretty well. It'd probably be my next phone purchase because I quite enjoying using an emu on my phone, I don't really fancy carrying around a DS/PSP or buying that as well as an expensive phone.

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