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The Old Sony Megathread


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I enjoy achievements, though I won't play a shitty game/one I don't enjoy for achievements. More often than not I will play a game because I enjoy it, and then go after trophies/achievements, which is why my completion percentage is a shoddy 42 percent. I agree with the fact that I wouldn't have played some games if they didn't have them, which has led me to play some fun games(Just Cause, Lips, things of that nature), and that some achievements are nice in terms of "beat this level in x amount of seconds or whatever."

An example is Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, which while fun for achievements, I have a sense to 100% complete the game on everything(bar the animus training sessions), even though there are no achievements for the things I'm trying to 100%. That said, I once tried only going for achievements in Rock Revolution, but that game was so awful I just returned it(thankfully a rental) and never touched it again, though I'm sure I could get a fair amount of achievements for it.

So in short, achievements are fun in certain ways, but I definitely don't play games only for achievements. Also, I know I say it all the time, but I hope to get a PS3 soon.

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Realy? I actualy know nothing about it exept the fact that trophie whores love to get it. Never even seen a Screenshot.

I realy like the idea of trophies wen they ad something to a good game, going for faster times, higher scores and colecting stuff... but wen i read comments were people put trophies above the game (i.e. Heavy Rain "i am only going to get this if tze trobbies r tze ezy") i kinda loose my faith in humanety again. (thats something comments on the internet, esp. youtube, tend to do very often)

Matz saying this... this joke is too easy :shifty:

I kid because I love :wub:

Yeah, I like them for the extension of the game. I never used to go on higher difficulties on games until trophies came along, thanks to them I've got hours more entertainment out of a desire to beat the game properly, rather than got to a place that's too hard and given up on the game for good. I like when trophies are all about value for money, re-playability and rewarding you for putting in some real effort (but not hunting fucking pigeons, that's not the right kind of effort).

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It's still Criterion though. :P

And I'm also playing through Terminator Salvation at the moment (aka, ''one of the easier platinums'') - yeah, I get the fact that only having story-based trophies make things quicker, but it's far from easy on the hardest difficulty, which you need to play on to plat it. The game is awful, too.

Terminator Salvation wasn't amazing, and it's definitely too short and perhaps a little easy. But the 3 hours it took for me to get 1000g were pretty enjoyable. One of the best cover systems in recent memory too.

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Got it. Matzat fail's at selling a game though. :shifty:

I decided to install the cars/tracks/loading/ect. to my hard drive when it asked me to, purely because it's the first game that's asked to. Now I've delayed myself from playing for 15-30 minutes. :( 8 Gigs of my hard-drive down.

EDIT: This game fails at installing itself. It's gotten to a third of the way there and is stuck at 13 minutes remaining.

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Meh, achievements or trophies or whatever. I only get them if they cross my path. They offer nothing whatsoever. If games used them as some kind of in-game currency to unlock stuff then fair enough - i.e. if they could be integrated like Uncharted's own achievement system or the Pro Evo way of offering in-game money for victories etc.

I remember there was an outcry that "METAL GEAR SOLID 4 WON'T OFFER TROPHIES!!!!" Oh noes! Surely not! To be honest I couldn't care less. I never want to get a platinum. :pervert:

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I have no words for that.

How about this one than.


Wen will EWB GranPrix take place?

I just won the first level 7 Cart race, it feels great because you actualy have to drive good since one mistake biger just sets you 10 Seconds behind everyone. 35k for one win, FTW.

I remember there was an outcry that "METAL GEAR SOLID 4 WON'T OFFER TROPHIES!!!!" Oh noes! Surely not! To be honest I couldn't care less. I never want to get a platinum. :pervert:

Kojima still teases people with that one. The last thing i heared was him talking about some ultimate editon with 3D, movesuport and trophies.

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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So far it's awesome, but it's bringing back the irritation of repetitively doing things (ie. the licenses)

Almost got the B license in Gold, besides two that I gotta go back and do.

EDIT: Make that one to go back and do. But FUCK B-5, such a POS to get gold on. I have a feeling B-6 is going to be the same way, so fuck you B-6 as well.

EDIT2: Fuck B-6 way worse. I felt like shooting myself from the repetition.

From completing the B License in Bronze, Silver & Gold, I received these cars. Spoiler'd incase its the same for everyone.

Mazda Demio Sport '93 (Misty Blue Metallic) (bronze)

Daihatsu OFC-1 Concept '07 (Super Red Metallic) (silver)

Tommy Kaira ZZ-S '00 (Silver Metallic) (gold)

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B5 and 6 are the corner breaking ones? They are a bitch. But you don´t need to go gold, all bronz is enough for now, return after you got the other stuff played out to a point were you actualy need the training.

This is why Canada won the gold medals in the olympic hockey. :shifty:

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I just bought Mafia II which, according to the cover, includes the 'Betrayal of Jimmy' DLC - but there's no redemption code anywhere in the manual, or in-game when I fire it up. Any ideas?

EDIT: A google search tells me there should be a voucher included. There clearly isn't. :(

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