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The Old Sony Megathread


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It's fucking brilliant. The Standard Cars kinda look like shit but the Premium Cars are just to pretty to not drive.

And I'm getting music off my computer right now to get my custom soundtrack going. I'm pretty sure not using My Favourite Game would be a cardinal Gran Turismo sin.

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Definitely gonna need to remember them for the next time I put more songs on. For now I'm definitely saving up enough money to buy a 1954 BMW Coupe. You get to use it running the Beginner AMG Event but it was such a nice ride I think I need it full time.

Which would make my first 3 Premium Car purchases (awarded 2 other Premiums including the Go-Kart and bought a 1958 Subaru for a couple of trophies):

1997 Honda Civic (19,900 credits)

1971 Ford Mustang (51,000 credits)

1954 BMW Coupe (248,000 credits)

Man I love going back in time. :shifty:

Edited by Clawson
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Is there a GT5 demo of sorts? I've never been all that into the games before, but it'd be nice to see if it's as dull as I used to find it without splashing out full price on it. I could never get into the whole in-depth stuff, I was always a Ridge Racer guy, but well, that didn't end well >_>

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Got the Sly Collection for free today after trading in some games... including Dance Central on Kinect, which I got for free by buying two pairs of jeans at Old Navy last night. Very excited to play since I completely missed all three games in the PS2 days.

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Got the Sly Collection for free today after trading in some games... including Dance Central on Kinect, which I got for free by buying two pairs of jeans at Old Navy last night. Very excited to play since I completely missed all three games in the PS2 days.

They're actually better than I thought they were going to be and I thought they were going to be excellent.

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Yeah, I'm very excited for the Team ICO Collection as well, since I also missed those two games last time around. What the fuck was I using my PS2 for all those years?

And Sly is really fun, but I'm surprised at how challenging it can be. I miss the days of colorful, imaginative games that will also kick your ass.

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Yeah, I'm very excited for the Team ICO Collection as well, since I also missed those two games last time around. What the fuck was I using my PS2 for all those years?

And Sly is really fun, but I'm surprised at how challenging it can be. I miss the days of colorful, imaginative games that will also kick your ass.

Yeah, I never played the Team ICO games either. My PS2 was out during my teenager sports game phase so I didn't play a lot of the masterpieces that I'm glad I can catch up to now.

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I hope we get a HD upgrade for Parasite Eve 1&2 soon, though I suspect they'll be released on the PSN Store rather than get a disc based re-release.

I'd just like Parasite Eve 3... and not a damn PSP game. And more like Parasite Eve 1, rather than Resident Eve.

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