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The Old Sony Megathread


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GT5 rumores said that the game might get released the week of Nov 22th to 26th. But the game was not included in Sonys November releases list that was send to retrailers. So officialy it´s most likely that we will not get the game before Decebmer.

Aperently it´s not only the jailbreak but also framerate problems with 1080p weather effects.

So, right now every scetchy gaming site is spamming dates from dec 1th to dec 16th so they can get concidert a insider surce if they guess right. :shifty:

The only official news on the game is this pice of car porn.


i am also getting myself a PS3 Cammera. Dident even know they had the headmovement fake 3d in there aswell. Thats going to be lots of fun.

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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It´s GT, the only non arcade racing game i play. i tried to stay away from the hype to not die. :shifty: Dident even pay prolough once. I doubt i even had my PS3 for two years?

I got a question about move since i can get it of thehut for just 45€ and with the PSeye still going for 15-20€ i might aswell just ad the move controler.

How much do you need the Navigation Controller? Don´t want to spend another 20-25€ on it if the dualshok 3 can do the tick for now.

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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We just asked Kazunori Yamauchi, the father of Gran Turismo, in an interview here at SEMA, the question on everyone's minds — when will GT5 finally be released? His response: "The discs are being stamped as we speak."

The picture above is Kazunori making a disc-stamping motion with his hands as he answered our query on the ever-shifting release date. We did talk about a number of different topics other than the release — and we'll have more coming shortly — but for the moment, we thought we'd at least bring you that response.


Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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Ban the Hamster in 2010!

Not enough time. Shove him on a Hamster wheel in 2010. They only last a couple of years, pretty sure he's nearing the end of his run, well past his shelf life :shifty:

Also, I'm going to say this now because it's bothered me for years:

Metal Gear Solid, beyond the first one, is overrated.

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Ignoring your foolishness, Tumble on the PSN is a great little game for Move. Shows what can be done for it. It's like a dexterity game - building towers from different blocks, laying mines to blow up towers, stacking differently shaped blocks etc. Very fun.

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555,000 Copies of GT5 for France, New Launch Party Date

Gran Turismo 5 November 6th, 2010 by Jordan

I don’t have any specific updates about the GT5 disc revealed yesterday, but that hasn’t stopped quite a few interesting tidbits from bubbling up around the world. First up, word from “distribution sources” indicate more than half a million copies of Gran Turismo 5 are headed to France. More specifically, there will be 450,000 standard copies, 100,000 Collector’s Editions, and 5,000 Signature Editions available in the country. (Amazon.fr is still taking SE reservations, so hop on that if you’re interested.)

Also, GT5’s big Madrid launch party has a new date of November 24th/25th. As you may recall, the launch party was first scheduled for October 26th/27th. Considering the party was to be held exactly one week before the game’s intended worldwide launch, a release during the week of November 29th – December 3rd is beginning to look extremely likely. This release window aligns perfectly with what I’ve been told before and Sony’s own retail outlet, SonyStyle, who lists a launch date “on or around” November 30th for the game. Regardless, it’s becoming clear we don’t have much longer to wait.

Thanks to all who sent these stories in!


Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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