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The Old Sony Megathread


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How exactly do you have to delay a game that comes out in a month? What's left to do?

Sony America's Taku Imasaki, producer on Gran Turismo 5, recently explained to a positively irate New York Times why the infamously tardy racer was recently bumped from its no, seriously, this time we mean it release date of November 2. "We're really close, but this was an executive decision that was made yesterday [Oct. 12]," Imasaki said. "Realistically, we thought we had a good date. We're not happy over here."

Imasaki later reiterated that Sony "is shooting for it to be out by the holidays," but added, "you won't see too much more delay." We'd ... we'd like to hear a more definitive response than that. Not that we'd, you know, believe it, but still.


Technicly the game should already be mastered and of to the presses with a releas in two weeks. I don´t know what "executive decision" means, but i asume it´s a date change becaus they belive they can make more money on another date with less competition... i don´t know... how close to chrismass do you releas something? If you want the holyday sales you should hve it in the shops at the beginning of december, and even that might be a bit late.

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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Uncharted 1 and 2 (though might actually be better off playing 2 first and then going back to 1 if you want more), Batman Arkham Asylum, Red Dead Redemption, Metal Gear Solid 4 (if you played the first 3) and I would say Modern Warfare 2, but considering the price it's going for at the moment and that Black Ops is out in just under a month, I'd probably wait until that comes out. Little Big Planet is great fun, but I enjoyed it more because of the co-op element.

Some lesser talked about ones that I enjoyed were Red Faction Guerilla, Tomb Raider Underworld, Star Wars Force Unleashed and one that's quite talked about that I'd definitely consider if you're even a little into the whole RPG scene is Dragon Age. Just a wonderful game, all around.

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Yes, heavy rain agreed.

If you like FPS and story lines, Id go with Resistance. They, unlike most FPS these days, have a story mode that goes longer than 6 hours, and youll find both it and its sequel for cheap.

And Demon souls if you want a game that is awesome and impossible.

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Valkirya Chronicals- Battle at Marberry Shore FUCKED ME UP.

Took me 3 times to beat it. First time I was careless. Second time just unlikely. And third time? Hard. I got through the first two camps without many problems (Alicia went down before I reached the first camp, and Largo went down taking out the Large Tank). Everything was fine and dandy until I went after their final base. I went around the back and was killed by the Ace hiding there. So I sent in my sniper for the headshot which killed him.

They also had 3 Elite Troopers there. Largo, Juno (my #2 Scout), and my sniper all got fucked up there (thankfully no deaths). I rushed Alicia back in to go straight for the flag (since I couldn't kill the tanks!)

Yet I still ended up with a C ranking.

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The latest rumor seems to be that sony forced them to ad a requirement for the latest firmware (so old, jailbreak enabled consoles cannot play it). In relation to the six weeks delay (IF the date is correct) it´s said that the disc pressing plants are just booked to the max before X-Mass. - But this might all just be a guessing game of the internet with no truth to it at all.

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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So instead of releasing one of their most anticipated games and then releasing a patch that prevents jailbreak PS3s from playing it soon...they delay it and get a shit ton of bad press. That makes sense.

Yes, becaus people that will not download the latest firmware to be able to use the jailbreak will certainly download the latest patches for games. <_<

Fun fact on the side, the game actualy only has been delayed once. At least it only had a official releasdate once.

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So, looking at getting four games AND a DLC when I get paid this month. Be picking up SmackDown Vs. RAW 2011 and Star Wars Force Unleashed 2 on Friday, but I want to know if anyone else has seen the reviews for two games that I've noticed and quite liked the look off.

The first is Enslaved. I've played the demo and think it'll be worth buying, anyone else have any opinions on it? Don't supposed anyone has already picked it up?

The second is a game called Vanquish that I've only just heard about, but man, it looks like fun. Kind of Gears of War on crack and for PS3.

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I really want to get Enslaved but as I've got a few games to run through first I'll wait until it's cheaper and buy it rather than buying it now and not playing it properly for months anyway.

There's a game being advertised out here about a guy with a particle gun thing and it does weird stuff to time. Anyone know what it is? Any good?

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