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The Old Sony Megathread


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The original Disgaea 1 and 2 are on PS2.

Disgaea DS = Disgaea 1, don´t know if they changed anything.

There also is a PSP game called "Prinny, Can i realy be the Hero?" Havent played that... there miht be a PSP version of the first Disgaea aswell!

The Story of each game concludes. Havent Finished three yet, but i would say 1 is the best... but it might just be in my head becaus i hadent played a tactic rpg in a long time before that and it´s humor just was something that hadent been don before. The other games are still very nice though.

Flonne is awsome!

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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I picked up Army of Two: The 40th Day for 12 quid from Tesco the other day.

I started it last night with my nephew and it's a lot of fun. The shooting is a whole lot better than in another games I've played recently, including K&L 2.

I liked the first one a lot, still need to pick up The 40th Day. Love blasting through the first one with someone else, so much fun.

EDIT: Ruki, Disgaea 3 is on PS3 and you don't need to have played the first two to "get it". It's a ridiculously fun game if you like strategy RPGs similar to Final Fantasy: Tactics or Ogre Battle.

Also, Valkyria Chronicles is fun as fuck. You should get Killzone 2 as well, online multi for it is super funzos.

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I picked up Army of Two: The 40th Day for 12 quid from Tesco the other day.

I started it last night with my nephew and it's a lot of fun. The shooting is a whole lot better than in another games I've played recently, including K&L 2.

The makers of the Bards Tale for ps2 were making what I guess is like a fantasy version of army of two. One tanks the other wipes them out kinda deal.

They will be making it with bethesda.

Hunted the Demons Forge I think its called.

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Was enjoying Dead Rising anyway but things picked up even more when the Broadsword made an appearance. LOVE slicing zombies in two right down the middle - or off to the side if you're not right in front of them, which makes it even better - as does slicing through two zombies at once. Oh yes. :wub:

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Reserved Gran Turismo 5 yesterday and picked up GTA IV on the cheap. Just not feeling it as much as I did with Saints Row 2, though I'm sure that'll change once I take a few days to get accustomed to the controls.

Must remind myself to set my alarm for 11 am on November 3rd :D

Edited by Magus978
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So yeah, Dead Rising 2 is fun. I didn't play the first because I don't have an Xbox and most of my friends didn't either. Some of the weapon combos are hilarious, like the rocket fireworks + lead pipe = gatling gun like rocket launcher and the gems + flash light = lightsaber. Brilliant.

Main problems with it though is the grind of killing lots of zombies (72,000!? In one playthrough?! At least let us use a total figure, even if the number is kept hidden), the grind of running all the way back to the safe house to save someone, loading screens and the typical "Hello, I'm an AI character, I'll just shoot the zombie who is stood directly behind you with a shotgun" or "you hit me too many times because I was standing too close to you, so I'm turning on you now".

But yeah, fun!

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