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The Old Sony Megathread


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Thanks Liam, I'll give it a whirl. Right now the only thing that's being beaten is my ego when I get brutally slaughtered on the first level. Plus, having to do the same section over and over again just to try and get to the place where my blood got splattered earlier is demoralising to say the least! I will give it one thing though, it certainly gets under your skin. It's beautifully presented and whilst the piss-ant in me would love an easy mode where you can, like, save and stuff, it's still very enjoyable.

As was mentioned after me, a slowly, slowly approach is the way to go. If anything, doing the same section, as long as you then get out of the area and make use of your souls is a decent idea. 1-1 is the best place to start, and the way it works is that (IIRC) the boss is in the big castle ahead of you, but you can loop off around the back of the castle without having to get into the boss fight itself. This is a good way to do things, as you can do a circuit, touch the archstone to go back to the hub area, spend your souls, and then do it again if needs be.

Also, having a weapon with magical properties is handy, but I think I was lucky enough to pick one up. It's damage hasn't matched up statistically to some of the other weapons I found, but it still does more damage due to the magic.

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