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The Old Sony Megathread


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I guess thats were "broadband internet conection required" comes in play.

The new Death Spank Game, wich issent an Episode even though it follows a clifhanger of the first game that was just released, has two DLCs that are only free if you buy the full epi.. game this week.

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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I played the castlevania Demo. It´s good. By no means as terrible as their old "3d" atempts... feels a lot like a less polished, and maybe a little less linear, God of War game. It´s fun, i´ed play on if it was the full game.

It also has patric steward and a glowing pony.

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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Jesus Christ, is Demon's Soul really meant to be that hard. I can't even make it past the first tower before I get slaughtered by the freaky blue-eyed knights. I know it's nice once in a while to make a game challenging but, seriously, this is just ridiculous.

Either that, or I just plain suck at it. One of the two...

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Jesus Christ, is Demon's Soul really meant to be that hard. I can't even make it past the first tower before I get slaughtered by the freaky blue-eyed knights. I know it's nice once in a while to make a game challenging but, seriously, this is just ridiculous.

Either that, or I just plain suck at it. One of the two...

It is meant to be rock hard. However, it is awesome when you get into it. Play it safe, get some souls to get some better weapons and level up, and when you finally come back to some of the earlier sections again, you'll realise what a piece of piss they are now. However, the harder enemies will still fuck you up.

I also found that buying some magic/starting with a person who has at least one spell (Fireball, or something like that, is good), really helps.

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Thanks Liam, I'll give it a whirl. Right now the only thing that's being beaten is my ego when I get brutally slaughtered on the first level. Plus, having to do the same section over and over again just to try and get to the place where my blood got splattered earlier is demoralising to say the least! I will give it one thing though, it certainly gets under your skin. It's beautifully presented and whilst the piss-ant in me would love an easy mode where you can, like, save and stuff, it's still very enjoyable.

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start as the royal. Youll get a decent spell and a ring that regens your mana. After that its all about patience.

the royal gets a buckler rapier combo, which you can use to counter attack a lot more than you could other sheild wep combos.

Just take your time, look around. Once you get up the first tower, unlock it, you have to run up, across, down to the second, unlock that, then in the main gate to the boss.

There is one guy down a long hall you can run past, grab his shit behind him, and then run back and KEEP RUNNING. you cant take him now. Ever. Dont try.

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And early axes to the Assasins Creed Multimplayer Beta for PS+ users.

If you consider that i bought this for Sam and Max (full price 18-32€)i am quiet happy with PS+. They stoped screwing up up as hard as in the first month. I, however, will only renew if they ad another game i don´t own that i know i won´t play forever.

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Um, no. He isn't, we are, and it wasn't. You literally could not be more wrong. This is the wrongest you have ever been, you have reached the end of wrong, you came, you saw, and you delivered even more incredible levels of being wrong. You entire life has led up to this moment where you are the wrongest you have ever been. Until you are so wrong.

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Your face is fucking boring.

You're in a mall with a million zombies, and you are armed with an incredible arsenal of makeshift weaponry, and you have three days to enjoy yourself in this playground. How the fuck can you think it was boring?

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Ugh, I just found it repetitive. I play it for like 10 minutes and think "this is fun" but then another 10 minutes pass and the disc tray is opening.

I found the tasks to be annoying and some things just seemed un-neccesarily complicated too.

I'm buying the second one because during the most fun I had on the first one, I was talking to a friend on voice-chat - and they were playing a different game, so my patience with the game should last longer if I'm playing it with somebody else.

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If you have trouble being patient with a game that lets you ride a motorcycle, with chainsaws strapped to the handlebars, through endless crowds of the undead then I honestly don't know what to tell you. I think your inner child is dead.

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