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The Old Sony Megathread


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I think thats actually my biggest problem with the Wii line up. With the exception of mad world, and no more heroes, theres not a lot of games on the system that are just not 80s names being rehashed. I mean, did you see e3 this year? kirby, mario, zelda, metroid and kid icarus.

As long as they keep going back to nostalgia to sell games, youll never get a game like demons souls, or infamous. And that makes it damn hard to find a new franchise when the old ones are popping up.

I want people to make good games that arent just making a game, and saying "and its mario!". Have it stand on its own legs. its hard to deny that the company puts out a few good games and 90% shovelware. Just dont feel like the consumer is getting the bang for his buck that way, and thats not fair to the consumer.

I realize this didnt have much to do with sony, really. Just more that I like the idea of a game being sold on its own merits rather than a brand name. Obviously theres clearly a few games out there for sony that are "big names". But I know that I can play those AND find unique titles too and both are going to be quality if you look for it. I picked up titles like sly cooper 1 and realized it was good when it first came out, and wanted more. Id like nintendo to try the same.

Ok well now teetering on fanboyism, so Ill shut it now.

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You act like they're being sold solely on the basis of name value, though, when that's simply not the case -- every Mario game in the past decade has been a solid, good, if not great game. Same goes for the Zelda games.

Also the new Kirby game looks awesome!

And I could just not get into Demon's Souls. Didn't really tickle my fancy at all.

BUT LET'S TALK ABOUT DISGAEA 4: I hope the main character is as awesome as Mao. Judging from the video in that Joystiq article, every time he opens his cape, bats fly out. That's kind of awesome.

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Yeah I got two, and it was pie after the first few minutes. I was knocking arrows into the bow before the last one hit the target. In competitions I was hitting targets and the computer didnt even get a shot off, I was stealing so many.

Hust played the gladiators one for 30 min again. Arms are tired but pumped, and I got a sweat going on. Just damned fun.

I will say this about the move in down points though.

1. You have to really watch where you place it. I have it under my tv and VERY slightly angled upwards, by about 5 degrees. Light made little to no difference though, unlike the ps2 eye. It tracks the motion balls well.

2. There are times where you have to recalibrate. Just hit start and do so rather then swearing. Recalibration takes MAYBE 5 seconds.

3. It WILL recalibrate after every different kind of game you choose. And since if you choose training to do, say archery, and after that you go to menu, if you want to go back to actually play? Recalibration. Its a short time, (5 seconds like I said) but annoying that it happens a lot. Still, I got used to it.

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The whole thing just strikes me as four years too late. People were tiring of motion controls, so Nintendo went back to basics, and as a result, pretty much dominated E3 this year while Sony and Microsoft talked about stuff that people cared about in 2006... and 3D gaming, which no one will ever care about. Not to mention, after four years of Guitar Hero and Rock Band, I have serious peripheral fatigue.

It's probably just me, but I see nothing on either Kinect or Move that makes me think "I need to go throw down $200 on all this right now!" Give me LittleBigPlanet 2, Fable 3 and Donkey Kong Country and I'll be happy this holiday season.

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I think its funny that the only thing that nintendo "dominated on" was the 3ds, and you think 3d is not worth focusing on. But I can understand the fatigue.

I preordered the LBP2 collectors. I heard UK doesnt get that. Damn. That sucks cuz its pretty friggan packed. Theres a lot of UK people here, so I feel they should annouce that soon. Plus, it IS something the Move works with too that youd like.

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I think its funny that the only thing that nintendo "dominated on" was the 3ds, and you think 3d is not worth focusing on.

3D isn't worth focusing on because it will never catch on in the home, at least not this generation. People just upgraded to HDTVs, they're not going to spend another $2000 on a new TV and several pairs of $75+ glasses. The 3DS is great because it doesn't require glasses and won't cost much.

And if you think the only thing Nintendo did well at E3 was the 3DS, you're insane. Sure, Donkey Kong, Zelda and Kirby are old franchises, but they're timeless, and it's Nintendo focusing on their core fanbase. Once again, Nintendo stayed a step ahead of the competition - they've done motion controls, they've been doing it since 06, and once Sony and MS caught up, they shifted focus back to straight-up gaming and fan favorites. I love the PS3 and the 360, but I really couldn't care less about their expensive motion controllers. They're not going to catch up to Nintendo this generation, that ship sailed in 2007, so I don't know why they're worrying about this gimmick when they could just dance with who brought 'em: big-budget games.

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Obviously. But when Kinect winds up being gaming's biggest bomb since the Virtual Boy, they'll shift their focus back to what works for them. Move will probably wind up being a mild success, just like the EyeToy, but I can't see it drastically changing the way people play PS3.

Like I've been saying, it just seems four years too late. With the economy sucking, nostalgia games making a huge splash, DLC games being so successful, and people growing tired of buying all this extra shit to play, I feel like gaming is getting a lot simpler right now. If Move and Kinect would've launched with their respective systems, Nintendo may have never made their huge comeback, but now, I just can't see either making a big splash.

Again, maybe this is purely my own personal bias coming through. I own all three systems and don't really care about motion controls on any of them, even the Wii. I could be totally wrong and Kinect/Move could wind up being the biggest toys of the holidays, but I'm much more interested in traditional fare and cheap games like Plants vs. Zombies, Scott Pilgrim and Limbo. But remember, I'm the weirdo who thinks Halo and Call of Duty are dreadfully boring, so I might not have a clue what I'm talking about when it comes to the mainstream gamer.

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Well, you and I actually agree on a lot of things as far as games and choices go.

I think the only disagreement here is that I dont think that playstation is banking on the move. They would LIKE it to succeed, but it is in no way going to break them if it doesnt. Their line up of oncoming games is just too much to walk away from. So you are right, it wont change the way people are playing the ps3. But they are hoping to get people that ARENT playing one to buy into it. Hence bundle deals and what ever. Xbox is doing the same, but man.. they are just not doing it right. Marketting is horrid.

And yeah, you are right nostalgia is coming back. Sonys banking on that too, making old games HD format. Sly cooper, god of war, Ico and shadow of colossus. All in HD and for people that want the tech feel in a game they love.

I owned 2 of the three, having never liked much for halo, and being able to play the rest of xbox's line up on pc. So I know that Im right there with you on experiance with all three systems.

That being said, I compare the move to the wii and say theres no comparison. I own it, I like it, I know Ill love it with more software support.

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Is GT5 still going to use the PSEye camera for head movements to create the "false" 3D thing? They were showing that a while back and I much prefer that than "Oooooh 3D TV plezzzz". I went into a big electronics store while I was in Tokyo and played the new Motorstorm 3D and it just gave me a headache and sucked. <_<

It's a shame because Sony are heavily supporting the 3D stuff so will be doing as much as possible with the PS3 but I was more interested in the dual PSEye 3D.

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I think its funny that the only thing that nintendo "dominated on" was the 3ds, and you think 3d is not worth focusing on.

3D isn't worth focusing on because it will never catch on in the home, at least not this generation. People just upgraded to HDTVs, they're not going to spend another $2000 on a new TV and several pairs of $75+ glasses. The 3DS is great because it doesn't require glasses and won't cost much.

Yes, esp. with everybody "knowing" that there prittymuch will be 3D TVs without glasses in the Next cupple of years. Based on the Technologie that Nintendo will use on the 3DS there will be better and bigger systems... in 10 years tops you will likely only need a smal sensor on your head that knows what direction the TV needs to send the light in. So everyone is able to move around in the room freely and the TV is sending 20 times as many pictures per second as it is now (if you look down the past you know how fast technologie is developing you just know this is going to happen, IF people still care about 3D by than... because i think it´s still prity pointles and just a gimmik in most cases)

Here is a video about how the 3DS works.


So, i fully belive buying anything (besides the 3ds wich fits perfectly) right now that is "projecting" 3D is just financing a overpriced bridge technology.

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Another firmware update >_<. I wouldn't mind that much if it didn't feel like I was tempting fate with my PS3 not properly installing the firmware each time. I think I've had to switch off the power source in the back of the machine after trying to update the past four times so that it would complete the update.

The update includes:

* Blu-ray 3D disc playback

* Facebook integration

* Grief reporting

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