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The Old Sony Megathread


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Just played the Enslaved demo. Didn't like it to start with but when you head outside the ship the scenery gets good. Also sets a nice story. Dunno if I'd buy it but it looks pretty attractive. Character movement is maybe too fluid in some ways though.

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Just played the Enslaved demo. Didn't like it to start with but when you head outside the ship the scenery gets good. Also sets a nice story. Dunno if I'd buy it but it looks pretty attractive. Character movement is maybe too fluid in some ways though.

Given that heavenly sword has some of the best dialogue in any game I ever played, Im going to buy it for sure. I really enjoyed the hell out of that game.

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In another atempt to prof that TGS is this years best gameing news event. Disgaea 4. Feb. 2011.


The president of Nippon Ichi took the stage of a TGS press conference to announce the game wearing a Prinny suit to show "how serious we are."

I love the Japanes.

The GT5 Weather + Daytime Trailer


GT5 Red Bull Racing Team Trailer (this is even more awsome, it makes me want to fly to japan to steal the game just so i can watch race replays)


Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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Adrian Newey?! Didn't realise he was involved.

Anyway GT5 had better be incredible and make me want to wet myself because GRID is still amazing and gives a sense of real speed, fear, balls-to-the-wall racing.

Also, a section section given over to NASCAR means a whole section to ignore. <_<

EDIT: Racing VW Camper Vans in the pouring rain?! Ok I'm sold!

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Just played the Enslaved demo. Didn't like it to start with but when you head outside the ship the scenery gets good. Also sets a nice story. Dunno if I'd buy it but it looks pretty attractive. Character movement is maybe too fluid in some ways though.

I just played it, thought it was pretty cool. I got a weird vibe of Force Unleashed combat meets Uncharted platforming. I don't know if I'd buy it at full price, but I'll be keeping my eye out to see if I can find it for £20ish. I enjoyed what I played, the story seemed interesting, the graphics were pretty and the trailer bit at the end makes me interested to play the rest of the game.

I wasn't that hot on the combat system, but hopefully it's better once you can get more abilities and hopefully it's more about jumping around than fighting all the time.

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So, I have a Playstation 3 Eye anyway and Move is out in Japan on 21st October so how much am I forking out?

3,580 yen for the controller. So £35 for two controllers which it looks like you need.

I'm not THAT fussed about Move but I've got a feeling Sony will get a hard on about it so there will be some big games for it in the future.

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I just wish all this motion control bullshit would just die in a fire and never return. The Wii is terrible and nobody will ever convince me otherwise because they're best games (Mario Galaxy 1 and 2) could be achieved without motion and would probably be less fiddly too. Move looks entirely pointless and Kinect looks to me like it'll be the biggest bust ever. The technology has to be 100% accurate for it to be anything less than shite and I'm sure it'll work fine and dandy with a gigantic TV in a massive playing space, but that's not the situation the majority of gamers play in. I just couldn't picture myself playing a game with no controller, I'm sorry no thanks.

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Move & Kinect = this year's Tony Hawk: Ride.

I'm quite certain that we sold more Move units today than we have sold of Ride since it came out. I reckon it'll take a year or so for some decent "proper" games to come out, but the tech is decent. I had a go with Move at work today, and I was a lot more comfortable with that than the Wii, it felt more like I was actually affecting the action, rather than with the Wii where I generally find if you shake the damn thing for long enough, eventually you'll get the right result.

What I will say is that Move has the added advantage of still having a controller in your hand, I think there's a possibility that Kinect's shagged based on that alone. Plus there's a lot of people who are asking about Kinect and their response is essentially "so it's the Wii, but without a remote, what's the point?"

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Well, Ive now bought, played and quite enjoyed the Move.

First, some basic thoughts. Number one, yes, it plays like a wii only better. Well no shit, 4 years to see what the competitions been doing and make it better. But it IS better. The ability to reach in and out of something rather than just vertically and horizontally has (no pun intended) added a whole new dimension to it.

This makes me believe that much like the playstation itself, it will start slow and build. Im cool with that.

Secondly I dont think Kinect will do well for one reason only. They are selling it to the wrong people. Every xbox fanboy I ever met has screamed "XBOX IS SERIOUS BUSINESS!" And in a way, thats true. Its made for hardcore gamers doing hardcore gmaing. So the idea of, after years of SELLING the system to hard core gamers only, to turn around and say "now it plays family games only," and knowing that without buttons it can NEVER be as fine tuned to play a hard core game? Its like the new coke thing all over again. No matter how good the product is, you became a victim of your own marketting. I dont know how the actual product will be, but I know how the target audience is.

The move will have the chance to interact with more hard core FPS games, in addtion to Heavy Rain, sly cooper collection, and some others. So you have the CHOICE of using which you perfer. This is something the kinect sadly cant do. However, I do think that the kinect DOES leave the option of adding more things like move type wands and wii motes to the picture. The camera is powerful, Microsoft could add more if they wanted.

Now the actual move play itself.

I had a cam already, so I bought 2 controllers and the game. Without a second controller, it was cheaper by 10 bucks than the package deal. Meaning that if you dont have the cam, GET THE PACKAGE. The cam is, by default, 10 bucks additional, and of course needed.

The game I got was sports champion. I thought it was, much like wii sports, going to have maybe one thing that I liked, then some other crap. But I played gladiators, archery, boche ball and I loved them all. I even worked up a sweat on gladiators and archery. I still have yet to play the others, but the racquet game demo on the store was fun to play.

You could really tell how perfect it felt in the hands, and after a while I felt with the archery game like Legolas, only not gay,

So do I like the move? I was sold on it before for myself, but I reccomend it now to the board.

Does it have all the software youd want out right now? No. But heres 2 reasons why I say get it now.

One, support it, and they will support you buying it. Theres a reason why PS2 games still get made. Sony knows if people buy their product, they dont walk away from it. If no one does, it dies in the wind.

And two, Id say get it now to get used to the controls, so that when you do get the FPS's and what not, you arent a total fool looking at the controller and not the screen. Practice makes perfect.

Thats about it. If you arent into Motion Control, then this isnt going to change your mind, but you shouldnt bother with it in the first place. If you want to try something that makes the Wii seem as outdated as it is? the move. I DID own a wii. I gave it to my girl for her 4 year old daughter to play paper mario and lego batman. So Im not just talking out my ass here about the systems.

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My little brother got the Wii close to its launch. Over the last year, out of the three gamers in the house, we played the Wii maybe once. The controls just were not as sensitive or responsive as they needed to be. If this new Move can get the controls right, I can see it being a lot better then Wii.

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I like the Wii, barring the gimmick of motion control. Bunch of good Mario games, Super Smash Brothers Brawl, Zelda, Mad World, RE: Umbrella Chronicles.. pretty much all I need for it.

But! This is the Sony thread! AROOOOOOOOOOOOO SONY IS BEAST. Disgaea 4! Fuckin' awesome. I hope it's as much fun as 3 was.

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I like the Wii, barring the gimmick of motion control. Bunch of good Mario games, Super Smash Brothers Brawl, Zelda, Mad World, RE: Umbrella Chronicles.. pretty much all I need for it.

But! This is the Sony thread! AROOOOOOOOOOOOO SONY IS BEAST. Disgaea 4! Fuckin' awesome. I hope it's as much fun as 3 was.

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