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The Old Sony Megathread


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$170 Aussie I think. You would have to chase up the conversion yourself. Which I thought was a fucking rip for a USB stick no mod DIY mod. But apparently the USB stick needs it's own CPU built into the stick.

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I think it´s no real jailbreak. They just cloned the developers USB Dongel or something... if you are online sony will notice and it´s not unlikely that your system will get banned from PSN sooner than later. The stick itself is said to be updatebell.

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Yeah its a clone of a leaked developer dongel which makes a retail ps3 believe it is a debug machine and lets you play unsigned code. Now its out in the open it is only a matter of time before a much cheaper version is released. Sony cant do much about it to be honest.

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I have finally purchased Heavy Rain. :) But with the fact that my girlfriend wants to play with me AND the fact I have work over the weekend, I'm sitting here staring at the disk. :|

IN OTHER NEWS. Anyone pick up Mafia II? Any good? I've heard it lacks side missions.

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She's at Reading at the moment. :P I'm not THAT annoyed though, as I didn't really enjoy the demo all that much. I've heard great things about it, but I'm still not totally sold. I also hate starting games when I know I've got work over the next two days and won't be able to play them.

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She's at Reading at the moment. :P I'm not THAT annoyed though, as I didn't really enjoy the demo all that much. I've heard great things about it, but I'm still not totally sold. I also hate starting games when I know I've got work over the next two days and won't be able to play them.

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I've been playing Kane & Lynch 2 today. I'm not sure if I like the amateur camera style just yet. It's growing on me.

My nephew and I are doing the story in co-op mode. I've jumped into 'extreme' difficulty already, because I'm hard.

Well, that and they offer a gold trophy for finishing it on extreme. ¬_¬

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HMV has the Gold Edition of Resident Evil 5 Gold (move compatible) on presale for 9.99GBP


That is a fucking steal. Considering the amount of time I've put into Resident Evil 5 and yet how fun it still is I'd suggest it at full price anyway, but that's ridiculous.

Yes, i am guessing someone screwed up, let´s see if the orders get cancelt or if they actualy send it out.

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Kane & Lynch 2 is only £17/18 on both Xbox and PS3 on Play.com for some reason. Is it that poor (played demo, was meh) or is it a super-kind deal because of Bank Holiday?

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