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The Old Sony Megathread


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Can you buy the controller cord/charger on its own?

It´s a simpl USB to MiniUSB Cabel like you use it with you Digital Camera for example. Odds are you already got more than one in your house. If not you can buy them in a ton of different lengths for prices that wont kill you.

You can even charge your conrtoleer via your computers usb ports. (or use the controler for you computer via these usb conection... don´t know about bluethoth for PS3, but the xbox one even works for your pc on.. well it´s MS so it´s not to much of a surprise.)

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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The Mag Blog is asking the games users to vote on if they want the win/loose record to be afected by quitting a game. Right now 48% say it should not.

This shows how bad the state of Onlinegaming is, either 48% of the gamers have a terrible internet conection or 48% of the gamers are cheating assholes that are not looking for a fair game.

I love how some guy on the german ps3 board threated to sell his PS3 if this happens. "First Uncharted and now MAG!" He thundered, "nothing is left on, if they happens it´s by bye PS3!!!" :lol:

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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Well, than let´s switch to a topic we can all agree on, like PS+ being shit....

Here’s what will be available to Plus members from Aug 4th – Aug 31st

PSN: Zen Pinball

minis: Blast-Off

Alien Zombie Death

PSOne Classic: Medievil

Full Game Trial: Infamous

Mushroom Wars

Exclusive Discounts: Zen Pinball Earth Defense Table – 20%

Warhawk Triple Combo Pack – 50%

GT Club PS3/PSN – 50%

WipeOut HD Fury – 20%

DLC: MotorStorm Pacific Rift: Adrenaline Pack

Automatic download demo: Pixel Junk Shooter

Mafia 2

Dynamic themes: Exclusive PlayStation Plus Theme

Exclusive ‘Clock’ Theme

Premium avatars: Heavy Rain characters x 2

And here is what you can expect to see from the 1st Sept – 30th Sept

PSN: Sam and Max: Devil’s Playground (entire season)

minis: Vector Tower Defense


PSOne Classic: Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee

Full Game Trial: Warhawk (with exclusive 50% discount for Plus members on purchase)

Inferno Pool

Exclusive Discounts: LBP: Ico and Shadow of Colossus costume pack – 50%

Metal Gear Solid (PSOne) – 50%

Warhawk – 20%

Pixel Junk Shooter – 20%

DLC: Exclusive UFC Undisputed 2010 DLC

Dynamic themes: Exclusive PlayStation Move theme

Exclusive ‘Fish Tank’ theme

Premium avatars: Eye Pet Blue Goalie Avatar

Eye Pet DJ Avatar

...exept for September were it looks like it´s moveing in a better direction. Sam and Max, you won´t play much more than once and PS+ Exclusive UFC DLC? Might be something... 50% on a classic like MGS sounds nice aswell. August looks like shit.

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Man we either need to be allowed to pause downloads on the PS3 or download games off the computer. My internet will cut out about 5 times trying to download that much.

You should be able to continue with the download. It happens to me and the download just resumes after you restart the PS3. I've only done it with demos though, but I can't see why it should be any different for paid stuff.

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Blur is unquestionably better than Modnation. Only because the racing system in Modnation (I think) is flawed, and with a simple fix would be a hundred times better.

The problem comes when an opponent (AI or otherwise) uses an attack on you. You can shield it, but in doing so you'll use up all of your boost (you need a lot of boost to shield, by the way) so if the guy chooses to use another attack, you're powerless to defend it, which means you're taken down and will no doubt be in last place, even if you were first at the time. In Blur, you can pick up a shield to defend attacks, so it's a lot better.

I will say though, I'm bored of Blur offline already. There's certain targets you need to hit before you can take on a particular racer one-on-one, thus advancing through the game, but some of the targets are stupid. There's two I'm stuck on, and that's because it's down to the AI and not me. I need to shield 3 attacks. I've done one, but the AI just never seem to attack me, and when they do, I never seem to have a shield handy. I've tried putting the difficulty up from medium to hard, but when I do that, it's hard to get ahead of the AI cars with the shit one you're allocated, so they won't attack you in that position, meaning it's lose-lose.

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Modnation has a new patch which adds a Casual difficulty which actually makes it possible to win some of the races and makes some of the challenges easier. So now that it has that, with the ability to make your own stuff, Modnation has to be the winner.

I also finally picked up the new Ratchet and Clank...definitely worth it for only 45 bucks.

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In the end I bought Modnation Racers, partly cos it was only 5,000yen compared to Blur being 7,000 and partly cos our church is going away to the mountains for the weekend and we're taking a projector and my PS3 and another guy's Wii. There's gonna be kids there and I need more reasons for the PS3 to be plugged in most of the time rather than the Wii. I'm sick and tired of Mario Kart being put on ALL the time, especially with the wireless "steering wheels" and Modnation still keeps the cutesy element while adding a pretty cool character and kart modding element.

Started playing last night - the presentation style is great and I prefer the handling to Mario I think.

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