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The Old Sony Megathread


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So, probably picking up a PS3 in the next month or two, just wondering what accessories that would be consider necessary? Since I've got most of the PS3 Exclusives I want already in mind.

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Accessories? There are accessories for the PS3?

To be honest, there's not really any accessories out there that you really need. Maybe a headset (if you have one for a phone that works so don't bother getting a "PS3 Headset") if you want to talk to people/can withstand being called a "fag", or if the whole motion control thing floats your candle, that too. If you have a digital camera don't bother getting an Eyetoy (if you want to that is) as the camera may work.

That's about all I can think of regarding actual accessories that aren't just gimmicky, pointless shit.

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More like five and after that opening cinematic (which is gorgeous) you're thrown into some fun MGS gameplay. It's a fantastic game and it sounds like your friends didn't know what to expect from an MGS game, which has always been more about stealth. If you like the MGS games, you'll love MGS4, if not, you might not like it. If you haven't played the other games, I don't know... if you can appreciate an awesome story that takes precedence over gameplay some of the time, it might throw you off. Some of the cutscenes do end up being so long that you may actually need to pause to go for a piss.

If you're a fan of the series, you're in for a massive treat. The return to Shadow Moses literally took my breath away.

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I still have the original one on the first playstation and me and a friend clocked the second one together, but I tried playing the third one and found it a bit rubbish so I'm gonna give it a miss. But Uncharted, that looks cool in a tomb raider kinda way, right?

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If you disliked Snake Eater then you don't deserve anyone's help. >_>

...But eh, I'm a nice guy. Uncharted 1 and 2 do the Tomb Raider formula a thousand times better than any recent Tomb Raider games. (Even though I actually liked Underworld and Anniversary.) I'd definitely say they're worth trying out.

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Regarding MGS4, yeah, if you haven't played/didn't like the other MGS', you probably won't like it that much. I too wasn't overly keen on MGS3 (that said I did like it, just I absolutely ADORE MGS2), mainly due to the stop start nature of "Hide in bush. Press start. Change camo. Press Start. Run to other slightly different coloured bush. Press Start. Change camo...". But MGS4 negates that with the self-adjusting Octocamo.

The cutscenes can be long, but in the end you (sort of) get everything wrapped up nicely. Plus the end parts are wonderful. I'd probably say it's the least fun MGS though, but being the "least fun" when it comes to the MGS series isn't a bad accolade.

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MGS2 was a great game and had some really cool moments. Haven't played it in aaaages though.

MGS3 was one of the best games on PS3 for me. I loved the fact that 90% of the time you could, and should, avoid a firefight and stealth is always better than shooting. I also loved The End's boss fight....and The Fury was freaky as anything.

MGS4 was everything I'd hoped for and more. During the build up they'd only shown footage from the first setting so I expected that throughout the whole game....then it went into more jungle areas, the noir spy vibe, back to Shadow Moses which was just breathtaking, then onto the final levels....it was all beautiful. I also sat through all the cutscenes quite happily but if you have the attention span of a small child then I can see why it would get boring...I lapped it all up.

Everything linked to the previous games properly...Screaming Mantis is extremely cool with the comments back to MGS1 and her and Octopus are creepy as anything.

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