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The Old Sony Megathread


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Well, cock, my regular has already sold out of their pre-orders, which means I need to rely on the demon spawn at GAME to actually stick to their word for once and keep my pre-order I placed last minute today, which they won't.

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Mine is NewDamage25, and yeah, I'm following you on Twitter/Facebook. <_<

Anyone else can add me on PSN too if you wish, just say who you are. I mainly seem to play MW2 though, even though I hate it. Or at least hate what it does to me.

If what it does to you is turn you into a screaming child filled with rage over the fact that people constantly lag up servers by saving up killstreaks and releasing them all at once... then I am right there with you. sad.gif

Something like that, yeah. I become a screaming, swearing, frothing at the mouth in pure rage mess. And yet I still play because there's nothing else to really play. :/

I feel your pain, down to the last moment of frothing. Until Red Dead comes out, all I really have to do in my free gaming time is MW2.

Well, I could finally beat FFXIII, but I hate the boss I'm stuck on. I can survive everything he throws at me, but suddnely he'll cast one simple spell on Lightning and BAM. Game over. Cunt. dry.gif

Wild guess, is it...

Cid or Barthandalus?

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Neither, actually. I beat Cid was relative ease and Barthandelus, much as I despised the cunt, I managed to topple. It's the fucking thing that protect the tower in Gran Pulse. I put about 20 minutes into lowering it's HP to almost dead, surviving most of his attacks, only for him to cast one fucking Aero on Lightning to end the game. I really, really can't stand the fact that if your Team Leader dies, it's game over.

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Go to Gamestation, they probably have a load of emos in there, if that's your thing.

I'll take whatever's on the table that's under 200 pounds.

Does this include the weight of the table?

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