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The Old Sony Megathread


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Well, a lot of the fun is not knowing who the killer is, so if you can keep that from being spoiled until it drops in price, and you aren't dying to play it, wait.

I, for one, am happy to have spent £40 on it. I've just finished my first playthrough and will probably start a second in a few days.

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I, for one, liked Infamous. Once you powered your guy up, it was kinda fun just zipping along train lines and throwing photon grenade type things at baddies. And it was miles better than Prototype.

For just fooling around in the open world it´s fun. Kinda like the Spider-Man 2 game for ps2, juat without the star and less colores.

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Personally, I thought Infamous was one of the better exclusives on the PS3. It's a lot of fun, the upgradeable powers were nice, the story isn't necessarily the strongest, but I liked the style of it.

GTA on the other hand, I thought was a good story, but little else really. Saints Row 2 shits all over it in terms of playability and fun.

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Yes, they just stop working when they think it's February 32nd. wink.gif

Oh come on ONE TIME.

We knew you people wouldn't let that go. dry.gif

What do you mean you people? :angry:

Personally, I thought Infamous was one of the better exclusives on the PS3. It's a lot of fun, the upgradeable powers were nice, the story isn't necessarily the strongest, but I liked the style of it.

GTA on the other hand, I thought was a good story, but little else really. Saints Row 2 shits all over it in terms of playability and fun.

Saints Row 2 is wonderful! Pretty sure the 3rd is coming out this year.

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You're probably not going to miss out on much. The story boils down basically to an elaborate form of Kratos being very very cross. And the gameplay is awesome.

That said you should still play the first two as they have some of the most badass set piece battles in gaming.

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So, my fourth "fixing" of my trusty 60gig have lead to its' death. It will be sorely missed.

So I went and bought a new 250gig slim today. Decent price too. 34,000 which, if the exchange rate isn't inflated, is £170.

However Modern Warfare 2 is stuck in the old Blu-Ray drive and there's plenty on the hard drive I'd quite fancy. So I think I'll have to coax the old girl back to life for one last burst.

Thankfully I lost all my beloved saved games in the big disaster of 2009 but I will be short of saved games for Uncharted 2, Assassin's Creed 2, Heavy Rain, Pro Evo 10....and the need to download about 60 Singstar songs again. Grr.

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From what I gather from Hammy, if you want those Singstar songs, you're out of luck :(

I'd shit myself if I lost all my saves, I've managed to back up almost every one except those that are uncopyable onto a USB and would need a full system backup, the scariest of which is Heavy Rain, which I'm so close to 100%ing I can almost taste it (and if FFXIII hadn't come along would've joined my small Platinum club a week or two ago).

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Apparantly there's a phone number (according to the offical site helper guy) which you can ring and Sony reset something so you can download the songs again (sounds like for free) so whoop. If not then it's a total liberty.

It's not TOO much of a disaster. The biggest disaster is that I can't play two of my English Blu-Rays cos of region encoding. However I CAN now play the Quantum of Solace and Kingdom of Heaven Blu-Rays I bought in Japan without realising that they were region locked. So swings and roundabouts I guess.

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