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The Old Sony Megathread


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inFamous is another PS3 exclusive that should be fairly cheap by now.

Fixed that for you.

Oh, I see what you did there...

And it wasn't big, nor was it clever <_<

But true. inFamous fails pritty hard compared to other "chose your path" RPGs. A lot of "levels" look the same, there is only one character model that looks good, missions are very repetetive and the story is thin and ends on far less conclusion than just giving a cliffhanger to build a second game.

I say, rent it for a weekend unless you can get it for 10$.

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inFamous is another PS3 exclusive that should be fairly cheap by now.

Fixed that for you.

Oh, I see what you did there...

And it wasn't big, nor was it clever <_<

But true. inFamous fails pritty hard compared to other "chose your path" RPGs. A lot of "levels" look the same, there is only one character model that looks good, missions are very repetetive and the story is thin and ends on far less conclusion than just giving a cliffhanger to build a second game.

I say, rent it for a weekend unless you can get it for 10$.

I played inFamous at a friend's house, it was fun and I really enjoyed it, I just don't have the moeny to lay down on the game when there are others that I already have my eye on.

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I have never agreed with Maztat until this day.

inFamous was shit. Not as awful as Prototype, but it was pretty much GTA IV with a less restrictive gravity engine and power instead of guns. And GTA IV was already pretty shite. The stories and missions of inFamous had me snoring too. Maybe I'm just tired of sandbox games, but this one did nothing for me.

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I have never agreed with Maztat until this day.

inFamous was shit. Not as awful as Prototype, but it was pretty much GTA IV with a less restrictive gravity engine and power instead of guns. And GTA IV was already pretty shite. The stories and missions of inFamous had me snoring too. Maybe I'm just tired of sandbox games, but this one did nothing for me.

You know how you said you love me but if I enjoyed The Phantom Menace you wouldn't be able to speak to me again... You're dangerously close to that line mister :angry:

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I have never agreed with Maztat until this day.

inFamous was shit. Not as awful as Prototype, but it was pretty much GTA IV with a less restrictive gravity engine and power instead of guns. And GTA IV was already pretty shite. The stories and missions of inFamous had me snoring too. Maybe I'm just tired of sandbox games, but this one did nothing for me.

You know how you said you love me but if I enjoyed The Phantom Menace you wouldn't be able to speak to me again... You're dangerously close to that line mister :angry:


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I have never agreed with Maztat until this day.

inFamous was shit. Not as awful as Prototype, but it was pretty much GTA IV with a less restrictive gravity engine and power instead of guns. And GTA IV was already pretty shite. The stories and missions of inFamous had me snoring too. Maybe I'm just tired of sandbox games, but this one did nothing for me.

You know how you said you love me but if I enjoyed The Phantom Menace you wouldn't be able to speak to me again... You're dangerously close to that line mister :angry:


As if you would not call and ask every five Minutes if he was paying and driving. <_<

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I have never agreed with Maztat until this day.

inFamous was shit. Not as awful as Prototype, but it was pretty much GTA IV with a less restrictive gravity engine and power instead of guns. And GTA IV was already pretty shite. The stories and missions of inFamous had me snoring too. Maybe I'm just tired of sandbox games, but this one did nothing for me.

You know how you said you love me but if I enjoyed The Phantom Menace you wouldn't be able to speak to me again... You're dangerously close to that line mister :angry:


You veered away at the last second and saved yourself... congratulations, have this:


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I paid EUR 50 for the special edition and I feel it's worth every penny. It's short mind you, but every moment in intensely awesome so it makes up for it.

EDIT: Euro symbol shows up a question mark when typed here on the PS3, gay.

Edited by The Cool One
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