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The Old Sony Megathread


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This may be the first time I've ever heard someone call Uncharted 1 crap. I don't like it as much anymore due to the brilliance of Among Thieves, but I still loved it when it came out. Only game I've ever beaten twice I think (though 1 was because of Trophies).

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It might be the worst game that I've ever purchased... okay, besides the Matrix game. unless there's still something enjoyable to come. I feel like I'm playing the same level over and over and over, just with the browns and greens changing position. Maybe I'm playing "wrong," but it's just not doing it for me in the slightest. I like the story, but I can only play/wipe black people off the face of the planet about 20 minutes at a time.

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The story's awesome, although I'm getting a little tired of hearing Nolan North's voice after spending the last month on Assassin's Creed 1 & 2, and it'll be what gets me through the game, but I really hope Uncharted 2 is a drastic improvement, much like AC2 was.

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What's the actual problem you're having with it Zero? When I first played it I played for a chapter and decided I disliked the controls, but I came back to it much later and found they were a lot better than I'd originally anticipated and ended up glad I didn't sell it, it's definately a grower in many aspects, especially upon re-play to me.

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Don´t you know the rules Dragsy? Whoever throphie whores on his first Heavy Rainplaythrough looses a nipple! Somebody get me Scissors! (Seriusly, why do you even know that you missed trophies? Did you actualy risk reading the list beforehand? :crying:)

I'm not whoring, I haven't even looked at the list. All it was was that I knew from playing Selby's scene on the demo that you could get more conversation out of Lauren, and I wanted to show Ad that you can win the fight against Troy. So I went back to the chapter menu and redid it after he cocked it up, and the two trophies popped up. What's cool is that it asks if you want to save from there and redo the story from that point onwards, or just play and not save, thus meaning you can go back for any trophies you miss without it affecting your main playthrough.

Thats needo!

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What's the actual problem you're having with it Zero? When I first played it I played for a chapter and decided I disliked the controls, but I came back to it much later and found they were a lot better than I'd originally anticipated and ended up glad I didn't sell it, it's definately a grower in many aspects, especially upon re-play to me.

The controls messed with my head at first, especially on the climbing sections because I was stuck in an Assassin's Creed mindset, but I got used to that and my big problem now is how repetitive/frustrating the gunfights are.

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The gameplay in the first game was based on several waves of enemies attacking you in one spot, but it's changed up for the second, there are a lot more set piece type sequences in the sequel. And yeah, I think you're the only person I've ever known who hated Uncharted who wasn't also coincidentally a complete moron >_>

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I probably would've liked it a lot more in 2007, but games have just advanced so much in the last couple years, it already feels dated. I'd probably feel the same way if I picked up Dead Rising or Gears of War for the first time last week.

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Finished the game and dunno what version of the ending it is but...

Ethan survives and rescues his kid (despite taking the "poison" as one of the tasks. Jayden kills the Origami Killer and is hailed as a national hero and fights against his drug problem. Madison and Ethan are in love. They get a nice apartment together and Shaun is a happy kid. Seems lovely enough.

I think I got one of the happiest endings. :wub:

Finding out who the Origami Killer was puts a whole new spin on things and REALLY makes me want to go through things again and see how different events will interact and make everything different.

I can probably list 17 "WOAH" moments which I'll put in spoilers, probably in order of WOAH....Most games don't have this much Woah. In fact I can't think of any other that have stressed me out so much.

1. The challenge to Ethan to kill another man. You have the guy weaponless in front of you, he's begging you not to kill him and shows a picture of his two daughters. "I'm a father! I have children!"

Then you have a few seconds to decide.

"I'm a father too" BANG.

Yep, I killed him but felt terrible for doing it.

2. Taking a drink at the old man's house and him just saying "Didn't your parents tell you never accept gifts from strangers?" Waking up on the table as Madison, all tied up with the evil guy about to drill into your lady parts in a scene straight out of SAW. The subsequent crazy struggle knowing that too many mistakes and she's dead.

3. The car sat nav for challenge 1: "Drive five miles the wrong way down the motorway. You have five minutes." Brilliant scene.

4. The son going missing in the shopping centre at the start of the game. Strangely terrifying.

5. The final challenge - can you drink poison to save your son's life? I did.

6. The escape from the police with Madison and Ethan, first from the building as the cops close in and then through the subway. Real high sense of stress and panic.

7. Relatonship with Shaun. First the terrible downer in Ethan's apartment where Shaun hates him and then everything starts getting better at the park....Then Ethan blacks out before the panic of rushing around screaming out for his missing son.

8. Two similar situations - one as Ethan in the flaming wreckage of the car afterwards, full in the knowledge that you have set time to get out of there before it explodes. Very stressful. Second is with Shelby waking up in the car at the bottom of the lake and having to escape.

9. Shelby charging through the mansion shooting all the guys. Total change of pace and brilliant.

10. The escape from the police with Ethan across the motel rooftops and Madison phoning him to warn him. High octane stuff.

11. Jayden's experience with the religious nut and trying not to shoot the guy. You even get this moment where you can shoot when it looks like he's pulling out a gun on the detective guy....But I didn't.

12. Finding out who the killer was. It made no sense to start with but then I worked it through and everything did make sense.

13. Kids playing on the building site. I feared the worst. Put me on edge.

14. The two scenes one after another, at the nightclub. First Madison's experiences including going upstairs. Then following through with Jayden, the scuffle with the killer and then going through the evidence after and trying not to look at the parts that I knew belonged to Madison so not to incriminate her.

15. Will you cut off your own finger to save your son? I did.

16. The fight with Mad Jack after escaping the car being crushed at the scrap yard. I got the upper hand before but then Jayden blacked out at the worst possible moment.

17. Will you crawl over cut glass to save your son? I did. Then you get the chance to bottle out of the second part by going through the "Coward" door. I didn't.

To conclude, the game is BRILLIANT. Really, REALLLLLY brilliant and I want to play it again in different ways and open up all the possible differences. I can think offour different ways I want to play already - Ethan as more of a cowardly loser, Jayden more cutthroat and heartless, Madison as more of an ice queen, Shelby as less of a tough, hardboiled guy....And see how people dying along the way will change the outcome.

I played through 51 scenes and got four unplayable epilogues.

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Heh. The extras are cool. They show the castings of the cast. They all really look like their characters in game except Madison is a blonde model and not brunette. Well cool though. Shelby looks just like him. They did their own motion sensing must have taken ages....In fact 172 days. Wow.

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Heh. The extras are cool. They show the castings of the cast. They all really look like their characters in game except Madison is a blonde model and not brunette. Well cool though. Shelby looks just like him. They did their own motion sensing must have taken ages....In fact 172 days. Wow.

Is the original 2006 E3 casting demo in there aswell? I´ed love to see the real thing instead of just the rendert video.

This one.


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I've played the demo more and have grown to love it. But God damn, these spoilers are really killing me. I haven't opened any of them yet though. CSAMH, you should really market the game, because seeing someone who has it and talking about it is killing me. The worst thing is, is that I can't get it until March 11th, when my exams finsih, because I know I'll be too distracted otherwise. I hope there's a seperate thread made, for my sanity. :(

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