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The Old Sony Megathread


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Horror film? Balls...I hate being scared, I don't mind a little tension but I tend to jump like a little girl during horror scenes.

By the way, has anybody noticed your Beatles: Rock Band Trophies don't show up on your playstation.com profile? Anybody know why this is?

Edited by Clawson
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I should be able to manage I think.

My only other problem is that I had when I can't figure out the murderer in a murder mystery so I usually jump online to find out who done it before I finish reading the book. So hopefully, I'll be resist temptation for once. There are only 3 more days to wait anyways.

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Yeah I must admit I'm quite pissed as well at those who have been playing Heavy Rain. Last night I kept looking for live streams of people playing it then shutting my laptop and telling myself I can't. This went on for a while. Then I went to see Shutter Island and it made the desire to play the game worse.

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I played the Demo again and found yet another thing i had not seen before. - This posting contains Demo Spoilers in case you have not played it.

Besides Lauries (the hookers) mirror there is a picture of her son wich you can pick up. I also never manged to touch her wen she starts crying.

Has anyone found fun extras in the Jaiden Sceen of the Demo? If you walk to the left in the beginning you can watch a news Team work, you can go for coffee and there are two ways of wich you can end it, either by telling Blake that you are don or him telling you that he is leaving... thats pritty much it issent it?

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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Don´t you know the rules Dragsy? Whoever throphie whores on his first Heavy Rainplaythrough looses a nipple! Somebody get me Scissors! (Seriusly, why do you even know that you missed trophies? Did you actualy risk reading the list beforehand? :crying:)

I'm not whoring, I haven't even looked at the list. All it was was that I knew from playing Selby's scene on the demo that you could get more conversation out of Lauren, and I wanted to show Ad that you can win the fight against Troy. So I went back to the chapter menu and redid it after he cocked it up, and the two trophies popped up. What's cool is that it asks if you want to save from there and redo the story from that point onwards, or just play and not save, thus meaning you can go back for any trophies you miss without it affecting your main playthrough.

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