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The Old Sony Megathread


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Drunkenly downloaded Dragon Quest 11 last Friday.  I didn't regret it, I've always loved the Dragon Warrior/Quest games to the point I play Dragon Warrior 2/3/4 on emulator once a year.

I felt bad since, before I got drunk and said "Fuck it", I heard good things about DQ11.  I last remembered playing DQ8 about a decade ago and felt bad about not following the series after that.

Turns out, Dragon Quest 8 was the last one released in America, so no quilt there!

The game is fantastic!  I've been loving just walking around and grinding, or avoiding it since you can see and avoid the enemies.  One of your team members, Sylvando, is such a gay stereotype, but he's also one of the best characters in the game.  

No regrets about this drunk download

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Finished Spider-Man to 100% platinum on Friday - little surprised that you don't need to do all the benchmarks and secret photos etc to get platinum but whatever.

Fantastic game. Act 3, in terms of the missions seemed to go quick, like I wasn't expecting to fight the last 2 main bosses in missions directly following each. And now I do sort of understand and agree with the suit choice thing at the end, mainly because I didn't like it graphically, but it makes sense story wise (personally I only played as the standard costume anyway).

The last 2 bosses played exactly like old school Metal Gear Solid 1/2 bosses which is always fantastic. A sequel would be most welcomed.

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Does the PS4 store have a wish list feature I'm just not seeing? It's kinda a pain in the butt to try and remember the list of games I want so I can pick one out on Payday.

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1 hour ago, Spooky Scary Apsham said:

Wishlists on the consoles themselves are pretty neat though, as you can just go look at them and you can see at a glance if anything that you have been eyeing up is on sale or has dropped in price.

Honestly, it blows my mind that PSN doesn't have the ability to add items to your wishlist on the PS4 store, view your list exclusively, and also send you notifications when games on your list drop price (either permanently or via sale). I know I've definitely been late to drop $10-$50 on a sale game and then just never picked it up afterwards. But if they notify me every couple of weeks about games I want being on sale, and I am only dropping half price or less for games, I'm more inclined to purchase more.

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6 hours ago, Meacon said:

Also pen and paper...

I lose paper all the time.

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Uh. I've never touched a Fallout game in my life, Sony.

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12 hours ago, =BK= said:


Uh. I've never touched a Fallout game in my life, Sony.

An unusual viral marketing tactic, there.

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Spider-Man is so damn good. Finished act 1 and act 2 today, spent about 8 hours on the game today. Probably too long and now my eyes are square, but it's such a fun game. I'm totally hooked on a level that no other recent game has been able to hook me.

I'm level 36 and I really wanna unlock the cartoon suit, so I'm close!

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It’s so good. I’ve played 2 long sessions since getting it and I’m half way through act 2 with all the collectibles/side stuff done up to where I am. Can’t stop playing.

Really need to get to the point where you can earn challenge tokens cos I need them for the next costumes I want.

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1 hour ago, Avenged said:

It’s so good. I’ve played 2 long sessions since getting it and I’m half way through act 2 with all the collectibles/side stuff done up to where I am. Can’t stop playing.

Really need to get to the point where you can earn challenge tokens cos I need them for the next costumes I want.

I think you should be near enough! Challenge tokens are unlocked in mid-act 2 as I had this same issue when playing yesterday!

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