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The Old Sony Megathread


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Apparently the FF games are going on sale over here for £4 each (the PS1 ones that is) which is tempting but I still hold out hope of actually getting disc copies at some point and not paying through the nose to do so. :shifty:

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Yeah, saw that earlier. I am tempted to get FF6 again, i actually have the disc version of that but some day i´ll grab a cheap PSP and actualy play it on the go. At home i am not getting to any of my retro games... thats all for iPad. And since i don´t expect FF6 to pop up there without a DS 3D remake which i would not want of that game... yeah. Gimmy a used 30€ fleemarked PSP someday and i´ll be happy.

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Whoo. Looking through my old PS2 and PS1 games I'd kept a hold of recently and turns out I have Parasite Eve 1 & 2 (Japanese editions) and Forbidden Siren 1 & 2 (English editions) among other groovy games such as MGS1, FFVII, Ico, Shadow of the Colossus (both the limited cardboard boxes) and other various wonders of the era. Happy days.

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So, how did you guys kill the King of Chinatown in Hitman?

I'm new to the series, and as far as I could tell there were a few ways, but all resulted in me being spotted.

I've finished that now but I doubt I scored too well.

I got the poison fish and then poisoned his food

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For some reason I'd told myself that Uncharted for vita was 27 chapters long. Found out last night it's actually 34. Suits me!

I'm at the start of 25 now so there's still a fair bit to do. I won't bother even attempting the platinum, but I want more than the 8% of trophies I have now. I'm playing on hard so it should rise to about 20 by the time I finish the first playthrough.

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Unfortunately not :( Still amazing fun to play though, and I've just finished the Flight stages today on Spyro 1. Working my way through the Trilogy :D

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Still awesome. Might have to pick that up, or at the very least the first one. Sony really needs to get on re-releasing old platformers with trophies. I'd kill for stuff like Spyro, Crash, Pandemonium, Tombi, Croc, Gex, Klonoa, Tombi, Abe's Odyssey and others with trophies.

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For Uncharted Vita I picked up a number of trophies along the way and grabbed collectibles when I saw them but I never had any intention to go back through to pick them all up. I DID replay some chapters to take some more of the photos but I dunno why as I saw no point to playing through again and again in a fiddly way to hunt for bits of turquoise or something.

Vitrue's Last Reward is handing me a number of trophies on a plate as I complete different timelines. Basically that's the only way I collect trophies now - if they happen as a side effect of progressing the story.

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Revengeance looks great but the gameplay lost me. Especially countering, which seemed to require moving towards the target and pressing Square at a specific time. It was kind of a pain in the ass because you end up moving way too close to it. I dunno, it didn't really grab me. But then I'm not really into those sort of games, really. I finished DMC 3 back in the day and that's kept me satisfied on the genre for a long time to come.

Can't wait for Ni no Kuni. Just sucks it's PS3 exclusive. I'm getting kind of bored of playing my games away from the computer and my monitor doesn't have a HDMI input either.

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