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The Old Sony Megathread


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I put a huge chunk of time into FarCry 3 today, finishing off the collectibles part of the trophy list in the process.

All that's left to do is to finish the solo and co-op campaign, then win $1500 whilst playing poker, and that'll be the platinum. I'm in no particular rush, but I'd like to play Hitman pretty soon.

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Wow, the FC3 co-op missions are difficult with just the two people. It's designed for up to 4, so would be piss easy with another person. Anyone want to join my brother and I sometime? We've done the first three maps, and are going to tackle the other three one day soon.

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We just set up my PS3 on my flatmates 3D TV. It´s not realy news that 3D is rather shitty, but i would have gussed that it adds a little more to games than it dos to movies. With GT5 it´s utter Pointless (game looks almost not different unless you are in cockpit mode (which is very stale), Shaddow of the Colossus might have it´s moments but stuff gets derailed (as in my horse looks like it´s floating), Batman Archam City kicks us out of the 3D as soon as we leave the menus...

Still got Pain, Whipeout, Stardust, crysis 2 and one or two PS2 HD Ports to check out. But right now the 40€ he spend on the pair of glasses seem like a wast.

Whats the best PS3 3D game you every played in 3D?

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