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The Old Sony Megathread


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We're old :(

Benji you aren't even 1/4 of a century. I still don't feel old, and Ive got a decade on you.

There's nothing like having your age expressed as a fraction of a century to make you feel even older...

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Ugh...this is why I use my 360 more then my PS3..got Saints Row 3 today..put it in..

"A system update is required to play this game"

Ok..download and install the system update..

"There is an update for this game"

Grrr..download this update for the game..

"Please wait...installing game data onto HDD"

Fuck..just let me play the goddamn game already

My current rule of thumb is to use my PS3 for PS3 exclusives (obviously), and multi-platform games that exclusive PS3 content. Anything else gets popped in the 360.

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I assume you mean Arkham City?

In which case, go with that. From a single drunk phone call I got last night, my mate (who is a massive Ac fan) feels robbed because he spent $150 on Revelations and the Guide, and then conquered the story in two sittings.

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I'm not even a big Batman fan, but I adore both the games. I just love how the environments are so deep, you can get proper lost in them. Admittedly, I've yet to play the AC series past the first one, but still, there's just so much to do in Arkham City and the combat system's possibly the best there's ever been..

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He cleared the main Story in two sittings. I know in ACII and Brotherhood that wasn't possible, because you needed to do X amount of things before you could get the next mission. This time the sidemissions and collectibles just seem tacked on.

And Dragsy, ACI was horrible compared to II and Brotherhood.

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I though ACI one was alright but I don't think any franchise has ever improved between games so much. Not even the gap between GTA II and III is as impressive.

Completely agree. I haven't gotten into the campaign portion of Revelations yet because the multiplayer has improved dramatically!

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